Amazing [49]

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It's funny how fast time can pass whenever you have something planned that is either exciting, or just plain nerve wracking. It felt like just yesterday that it was nearing the end of August, and already it was coming close to the end of September, marking another event that they'd be going to.

They had taken a flight from L.A, landing at the airport in Seattle. Already, Jack could feel the nerves of what was to come, causing his stomach to twist. And unfortunately, he couldn't exactly go to grab his boyfriend's hand for the support. Not in public, with so many eyes around.

Instead, Jack just kept his head down, following after Mark through the busy area, making it outside to a cab, where they could be driven to the hotel they were both staying at. It was a silent drive, no one saying a thing as it was probably obvious that they were both on edge, thinking about their panel with Bob and Wade tomorrow.

The cab eventually pulled up to the kerb, stopping outside the hotel. Jack and Mark split the cost half and half, making it so they could both pay for it. Then, they both climbed out of the car with their bags on their backs and began to walk up to the building, entering through the hotel lobby.

They reached the desk, seeing a guy working behind it. He seemed to be tapping away at a computer, before his eyes went to Jack and Mark. He rose his eyebrows, as if he was waiting for them to say something.

Mark ended up taking a piece of paper out of his backpack, with all the booking details and the room they were staying at on it. After handing it over, and watching the man continue to tap at the computer's keyboard, their key was eventually given to them.

When they turned to leave, to head to their room, Jack felt like he could still feel that guy's eyes on him as they walked away. And sure enough when he looked over his shoulder, he saw the person glancing back, almost giving them a weird look. Was it the fact that they were two guys staying together in one room? Probably.

Eventually, they reached their room, Mark being the one to unlock the door and go in first. Jack took a cautious glance down the hall, both ways to make sure no one was watching them. After all, you never knew who could be watching. And having people know you're a couple, you never know what might happen. (Cough, asshole landlord, cough)

"It feels so good to just relax!" Mark cheered, slumping back onto the bed. Jack giggled, putting his bag away and taking off his jacket, placing it on a hanger. He then glanced back over to Mark, pouting and placing his hands on his hips.

"You're takin' up all the space, ya doof." Jack said. Mark grinned, not moving an inch.

"So? What you going to do about it?" Mark challenged, looking over to Jack with an eyebrow raised. Jack smirked.

"FOR GLORY GREATEST!" Jack exclaimed, racing at Mark and tackling him on the bed. Mark let out a cry of surprise, bursting into laughter as they fought for their space on the bed.

Finding Jack's weak spot, Mark began tickling him again, making him squirm and giggle in defeat as he was just so damn ticklish.

"Mark! Okay, I get it!" Jack laughed, trying to swat his hands away. Mark chuckled, pulling Jack in for a hug as they both led down together, staring at the ceiling.

"I am so not prepared for tomorrow..." Jack admitted, after calming down. The redhead frowned.

"...We don't have to tell everyone if you're not ready."

"No, I want to. I don't want to hide the truth anymore." Jack said, gazing over at Mark. Mark moved his head to the side, staring back.

"Well... No matter what happens, just know that I love you, okay?" Mark whispered. Jack nodded, giving Mark a small kiss on the lips.

"I love ya too, Mark..."


The next day... The next. Fucking. Day. To say Jack and Mark were scared was just an understatement, because they were shitting themselves. Standing off stage and just feeling the anticipation of what was going to happen, it made them shake with huge amounts of adrenaline just thinking about it.

Both Bob and Wade were aware on what they were going to do, as the couple briefed them both on the situation. They happily obliged, and their plan was to somehow bring up the subject of their own relationships. Wade was probably going to mention that he proposed to Molly last event, which would be a great way for Mark and Jack to dive in, finally telling people what had been happening for almost seven months now.

When they went on the stage together, just like any other time, the crowd roared with excitement, so overjoyed to be able to see the group of four friends in front of them. All these fans were so oblivious as to what was going to be dropped on them, and they really hoped they were going to take it well.

Anyway, the panel started off with them just sort of greeting the crowd, making funny jokes and just breaking the ice. Of course, these panels were never planned at all, so they literally just talked about anything which did seem to keep the fans entertained. But eventually, it did have to come down to the big thing.

"Oh yeah," Bob started, turning to Wade. "You know, I know this is pretty irrelevant to what we were just talking about, but it was at the last event where you proposed to Molly."

"That's right." Wade grinned, nodding his head as the fans cheered.

"You guys made me so teary eyed then." Jack beamed.

"Yeah..." Wade smiled.

"But what about you guys?" Bob questioned, looking over to Jack and Mark who looked at each other nervously. "How are you guys doing since..." He trailed off.

"Should I start, or...?" Jack nervously laughed, glancing at Mark who just shrugged.

"I'm good, actually." Mark said. "We're good."

"Yeah..." Jack agreed. "And a lot of you are probably confused as to what's been going on. As you may know, I live with Mark now."

A loud cheer from the crowd. Even a few people shouted "Septiplier Away!" which made the Irishman and the American chuckle.

"Septiplier Away indeed, because..." Mark trailed off. He looked over to Jack, slipping an arm across his shoulder. "...because... We ARE a thing now."

They didn't have to wait long for a crowd response, because at that moment the room full of people was just filled with noise of nothing but people cheering, hooting and clapping. There were even people who were crying tears of joy, happy that their OTP had now become canon.

"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" Someone in the sea of people started to chant, causing several others to join in on the bandwagon until almost everyone in the crowd had to be saying it. Even Wade and Bob joined in, continuing to fuel the fans.

With a grin on his face, Mark pulled Jack right into his arms, placing the most passionate kiss upon the Irishman's lips. The fans went wild, as Jack burst into tears of joy, kissing his boyfriend back in return.

He was so grateful to have such amazing fans, such amazing friends and such an amazing boyfriend...

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