Loneliess [6]

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Jack frowned, staring at his phone as he was waiting in line with Signe to go to the Cinema to watch a movie. He hadn't been to the cinema in a good considerable amount of time. At least, not since he watched Suicide Squad. So he and Signe thought it would have been nice to go again.

But as the line shuffled forward, his mind was elsewhere. He hadn't heard from Mark in a good few days. He hadn't been posting on YouTube, Twitter or even Instagram. Not even Ryan or Matt were active and that really freaked him out. Something bad must have happened. And it really worried him, because those three hadn't been this inactive for quite awhile.

He was hoping that maybe he was just over thinking things and perhaps they were just on a break or something. He'd be sure to find Mark on Skype later that evening.

Seeing that the line was getting shorter and shorter, Jack and Signe shuffled along getting nearer to the front. When they got to the desk, they brought 3D glasses - as the movie they were watching was in 3D. Then they moved along, giving in their tickets and being allowed to go to the viewing room. Jack just hoped he was going to be able to keep his mind away from Mark for a moment and enjoy the movie...


Despite Matt and Ryan's best attempts at trying to cheer Mark up, it wasn't having much of an effect. They were playing the electric shock game, a game that was usually enjoyable. And true, he laughed a little. But that still couldn't get rid of the cold emptiness he felt...

"You guys, I think I'm just going to go to my room..." Mark muttered, getting up. "I just wanna be alone."

"Oh, are you sure...?" Ryan questioned. Mark nodded, looking pretty set on the idea.

"Yeah, sorry..."

Turning to leave, Mark put one foot in front of the other to walk upstairs to his room. When he reached it, he gently closed the bedroom door after him before slumping backwards onto the bed so he stared up at the ceiling above him.

Why did Amy have to leave him...? He thought they were going to be okay...

He no longer felt happy. He didn't know what to feel. All he felt was the feeling of complete loneliness swirl around in the pit of his stomach. He hugged his knees close, silent tears slipping down his face before landing on the white bedsheets and staining them with a small dot of grey.

Mark wished Matt and Ryan could cheer him up. Props to them, for attempting. However, Mark felt like Ryan and Matt wasn't really the friends he wanted right now. He wanted... He wanted...


He wished Jack could be here right now, trying to reassure him and tell him everything was going to be okay. Jack had always been good at making him smile and laugh, even in the darkest of times. He was always there, and he always listened. He was such a good best friend...

Truth is though, before Mark had even got a girlfriend, the first time he ever met Jack, for a guy he thought he was actually pretty adorable. And not in that kind of "friend" way. Sure, Jack has always been adorable but...

Then, it felt like it was kind of different for him. Like he actually had a crush on the Irishman. He wondered, if Jack could have possibly felt the same, would they have actually ended up together?

Wait, what was he thinking? Was he seriously lying there, debating whether or not he would date his best friend? It was only because he was upset, right? Of course, he just lost Amy.

But it was true that Jack could always make him feel better whenever he was around. He always brightened Mark's day. Hell, not just his day, but his life. Mark was so ecstatic that day he first met Jack in person. He was everything Mark thought and imagined him to be.


He wondered what he was doing right now. He wanted to be there, to hang out with him. To maybe cheer up somewhat and just be able to forget about what happened. He wasn't expecting to move on in like, a few days after the break up, but he knew maybe it would help him to a much better place.

He needed to see Jack.

And not on Skype or over the phone. He wanted to be with Jack in person. To be able to cry in his arms and just let it all out.

Mark had no idea what he was going to do or say to explain himself when he got there. But it's not like he could anything stupid, right?

Fuck it, I'm going to Ireland. He thought to himself, picking himself up off of his bed, ready to already start packing things. He hoped Jack would actually want to see him.

Later, Mark went down the stairs to find Matt and Ryan eating in the kitchen.

"Hey, you guys... You'll be okay here if I spend maybe one or two days in Ireland, right?"

"Wait, you're going to Ireland?" Matt questioned.

"To see Jack, I assume?" Ryan looked from Matt to Mark, a look of concern upon his face. He put his bowl on the side, before approaching Mark and putting an arm across his shoulder. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" He murmured, leading the two of them into the next room, out of earshot.

"What is it, Ryan?"

"Mark, you're not going over there to do something dumb, are you?"

"Wha-- What do you mean? I'm just going to see a friend--"

"Oh, really? Mark, remind me. Who exactly did you have a crush on the first time you met them?"

"Wait, I told you about that?" Mark asked. Ryan slowly nodded, causing Mark to sigh. "...Jack."

"Exactly. And now you've broken up with Amy... You're not going to go over there to make a move, are you?"

"What?! What would give you that idea?! He's just my... Friend, Ryan... I've always... Always thought of him that... way..." He trailed off, his eyes widening. "Oh shit..."

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