Jealousy [28]

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Mark may not have been able to drink, but it was still one of the best birthdays he had had in awhile. The fact that it was spent with Jack and a lot of his closest friends while they had decided to play beer pong with empty cups, he couldn't have asked for anything else.

Jack and Mark decided to go on the same team, with Matthias and Danny being on the other, whilst everyone else was either spectating and cheering them on, or just doing their own thing.

Jack stood, narrowing his eyes as he held the ball in his hand, trying to aim for one of their empty cups on the other side of the table.

"Come on, Jack! You got this!" Felix cheered.

"No fuckin' pressure bro!" Jack shouted, before taking the shot. The ball flew across the table in the air, just landing on the rim of the cup before bouncing off onto the floor.

"Agh! Fuck it!" Jack cursed, slapping the table with annoyance. Danny and Matthias high fived, taunting the opposing team.

"Just you wait, we'll destroy you." Mark grinned, seeming confident.

"Oh, we'll see about that." Matthias challenged, picking up the ball.

Jack and Mark watched with interest as Matthias stood with a deep look of determination across his face, holding the ball within his hand and aiming for the cup.

Everyone watched with anticipation, right up until he threw the ball. Again, it landed on the rim, bouncing so it hit the other side of the inside of the cup before firmly landing at the bottom of the cup.

The friends rooting for Matthias and Danny cheered their hearts out, while Mark, Jack and all the others groaned, seeing they had clearly lost. Matthias and Danny high fived each other, knowing they had won.

"Cocky assholes." Jack said jokingly, causing everyone to chuckle a little.


For the rest of the night, the group of friends just pretty much partied the night away, Arin, Danny and even Jack probably being the most enthusiastic in this case.

Matthias and Amanda ended up being the earliest to leave, seeing as they had to go home with Luna. So, wishing Mark a happy birthday and each sharing a hug with him, the two left on their journey back home.

Jack turned to Mark, telling him he was going to go get another drink. Mark nodded, understanding and was left by his green haired boyfriend to go get a drink from the bar.

It was probably minutes where he was still waiting to be served, as there were several other people already at the bar. Again, he felt someone slide up to him, making him flinch. Only this time, it wasn't Brian.

"Hey." Matt said.

"God dammit, what is it with everyone sneakin' on me?" Jack cried.


Jack sighed.

"What's up? You want another drink?"

"No, not really." Matt said, shaking his head. He paused as Jack turned his head away, focusing his attention elsewhere for a moment. Turning around and leaning on the bar, Matt slightly leaned over towards Jack to mutter something to him.

"Jack... I don't want to alarm you but... You might wanna go back to Mark."

"Huh?" Jack glanced at him, confused before a "are you serious" sort of look fell on his face. "What has he done? I literally turned my back on you guys for a few minutes."

"No, it's not that it's just... Mark may have seemed to... I don't know, invite someone?"


"No, Jack, you don't understand. I'm saying that... Well, Amy just got here."

Jack froze up for a minute, the moment he heard her name. Then, a second later, he tried to shake the feeling of what he could only assume was jealousy off. It was ridiculous.

What was she doing here though? She wouldn't have known they'd be there. Mark invited her? When? At the ice-rink? What the fuck...

Narrowing his eyes in annoyance, he let out a sigh as he went to order his drink. It may have seemed like he was being fucking stupid, getting in a huff because Mark's ex-girlfriend crashed the party.

In fact, it wasn't that he was even bothered by Amy. At least, not totally. Maybe there was a small hint of jealousy there, with her just magically reappearing into their lives, seeming to act like nothing ever happened.

But what bothered him the most is that Mark seemed to leave out that specific detail that he had invited her. He hadn't told Jack shit apart from that they were "okay" now.

Well, whatever. It was Mark's birthday and the last thing he wanted to do was make things awkward in front of everyone. Ordering and buying his drink, finally, Jack headed back over to the group with Matt, clearly seeing Mark and Amy on a team as they played beer pong against Suzy and Arin.

Mark aimed for their cup, throwing the ball and this time managing to get it in. Everyone cheered, including Mark and Amy who seemed to high five each other.

Fuck it. At this point Jack wasn't even ashamed to admit he was jealous. Usually he wasn't always the jealous one, that seemed more like a Mark trait - no offense.

But just seeing them act all close and friendly again after how miserable Mark had felt after the heartbreak she had put upon him... It was weird. It made him feel weird, uncomfortable - just, jealous. They looked like an actual couple again and it was really starting to bother him.

He and Mark had only been together for at least three months, Mark and Amy lasting much longer than that. If Mark wanted, he could can him anytime he wanted to. After all, Amy was pretty. She was beautiful, probably much smarter than he was.

No, for fuck sake. It was probably the alcohol thinking for him at this point and maybe he had enough to drink. It was then he saw Mark walking towards him, finishing his game of beer pong. Jack pouted, looking grumpy.

"You don't look very happy." Mark joked, seeing the look on his face. Jack shrugged.

"I think I've had too much to drink..." Jack moaned, stepping forward and placing himself into Mark's arms, resting his head on his chest with his eyes closed.


"Yes, Jack?"

"...You know how much I love you, right?" Jack murmured.

"I know... I love you too, Jack..."

"And I don't just say that. I mean it, truly and dearly. I love you, Mark..." Jack continued, looking up into his brown hazel eyes, placing his hands on Mark's cheeks, either side of his face.

"God, I love you so much..." Jack whispered, gently placing his lips to Mark's.

Mark brought his arms tighter around Jack's torso, pulling him closer. Jack slowly moved his hands from his cheeks, up to his red dyed hair, running his fingers through it at a low pace.

Everything and everyone around them just sort of seemed to disappear as their lips slowly moved together as one, in a loving, passionate kiss. All the idiotic worries that Jack had moments ago were firmly pushed away, feeling like this kiss from Mark really said how he felt about Jack.

So what if Amy was here. She may have been Mark's ex, but he hung out with Signe and enjoyed her company all the same. It wasn't fair, getting pissy about Mark inviting her. It was his birthday after all. And if it made Mark happy, them being civil with each other, then he was fine with that.

Pulling away, the two men smiled at each other, nothing but admiration in both their eyes. They gently bumped foreheads, Jack resting his arms over Mark's shoulders as Mark gently held into his waist.

"So, what were you so grumpy about?" Mark asked with a smile. Jack shook his head, grinning.

"Nothin'... Absolutely nothin' at all..."

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