Fuck you [32]

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"It's so good to see you!" Jack beamed. "And thanks for the cake. You truly do love me." He joked, kissing Mark on the cheek as he took the container of cakes to the kitchen with Mark following after him.

"Yeah, no problem..." Mark said thoughtfully. "Who was that guy out in the hallway anyway?"

"Who? The guy who was starin' at us?" Jack wondered, opening the plastic container upon one of the kitchen surfaces as he spoke to Mark. He shook his head, rolling his blue orbs once more.

"That guy," He started. "Is the landlord of the whole apartment."

"Oh, I see. I never saw him last time I visited." Mark said. Jack ate a bit of the cake in his hand before answering the American.

"Yeah well, he's an asshole. I don't like him to be honest. To tell the truth I don't think he really likes me all that much either." Jack shrugged.

"How so?"

"Well, I remember gettin' my first ever noise complaint from him, when I wasn't even bein' loud, you know - like I am. And he just sorta acts weird about it since." Jack explained, finishing off the cake in his hand and throwing the wrapper in the bin.
"Oh, I see." Mark said.

"Yeah... So, what do ya wanna do today?" The Irishman asked. Mark simply shrugged.

"No idea. It's your call."

"Oh. Well... Hm..." Jack pouted. "Fuck, why have you gotta put me on the spot?" Jack joked.

"Come on, Jack. Use that Irish brain of yours."

"Oh, fuck off." Jack smirked. "Okay, here's the plan: we go around for a simple walk. After all, I didn't really get the chance to properly show you around on your first time here, considering the circumstances."


"And then after that, we can come back here, play some video games and... Maybe watch a movie?" Jack suggested. "And if you make another Netflix and Chill joke, I am going to kill you."

Mark giggled, covering his obvious shit eating grin with his fist.

"How did you know?" He chuckled, his eyes closing up as he continued to lose it over the words "Netflix and Chill" because let's face it, Mark was just one for dick jokes.

"It's you, Mark. I've seen enough of your videos and I've hung out with you for far too long that I know your sense of humor." Jack pointed out.

He was definitely right about that. By now, Jack probably knew Mark like the back of his hand. He even usually tended to have a habit of knowing Mark better than he even knew himself. And he wasn't surprised.

Jack had always been someone he knew he could act like himself around from the very beginning. That day he finally got to meet Jack for the very first time, god... He was everything Mark had hoped he would be.

"Well, okay fine. I'll give you that one." Mark chuckled in agreement. Jack smiled.

"Alright, well, gimmie a sec to grab something from upstairs and then we can go for a walk." Jack said, lightly brushing past Mark to go up the stairs and get his glasses from his room.

He picked them up from his desk, placing them on his face before practically skipping down the stairs as he was just so happy and excited to spend some time with Mark.

Putting on his shoes, Jack stood upright, happily linking his hand with Mark's. And with that, they walked out the front door together, Mark shutting it closed behind them.


"You know, I've never really realized just how pretty Ireland can be." Mark commented, as they were walking on a path past various trees and bushes.

"Yeah... I sometimes like to walk down here, to clear my thoughts. After all, I just fucking adore nature!" Jack chimed.

"I know. I think I would have got that from your 'I love nature' vlog." Mark smirked. Jack rose his eyebrows, a tiny grin on his face.

"Oh my god, you actually went back and watched that video? That feels like so fuckin' long ago now... I kinda miss that cabin, and livin' with my parents... I miss Gizmo." Jack pouted.

"Gizmo?" Mark repeated.

"She was my dog when I used to live in the middle of fucking nowhere." Jack explained.

"Ohhh, yeah! I remember seeing your dog in a few of your old vlogs. I would have liked to meet her, she seems adorable." Mark smiled.

"Yeah, she is. Truthfully I was thinkin' of going to visit my parents and Gizmo again at some point. After all, it's been so long since I last saw them... I mean, we're not really a huggy-huggy kinda family but... It's nice to see my ma and father now and again."

"Yeah, that's understandable. You should totally go see them. Especially if it's been awhile."

"Yeah..." Jack agreed, pausing for a moment as he pulled a look of wonder. "I was wonderin' if you wanted to come with me - when I one day go to visit them."

"R-Really?" Mark stuttered, surprised. "I'd love to, if I can, that is. Like, I don't wanna intrude. I don't even know if your parents would like me."

Thru both came to a stop, admiring the scenery for a moment. Jack turned to Mark, lightly bringing a hand up to his cheek. Mark flinched a little to his touch as he wasn't expecting it, but quickly relaxed as his eyes landed on Jack's.

"They'd love you, don't worry." Jack smiled, closing his eyes and leaning in a little, just so their noses were touching. Mark chuckled, closing his eyes, letting out a small sigh.

"If you say so... But... What are you going to tell them?"

"What do you mean?" Jack asked.

"Well, it's not like they're aware that you're dating a dude, right? Would they be okay with that?" Mark muttered.

Jack nodded a little.

"Of course they'd be fine with it. They're my parents. And besides, I was the favourite of the family." Jack boasted.

"Why? Because you're the short, tiny one?" Mark teased. Jack laughed, bumping his forehead with Mark's as a small exhale of air escaped his lips. Jack giggled.

"Fuck you man..."

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