Panic [39]

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God damn it... No way... No fucking way... Jack was staring at the paper in his hand with utter disbelief. And honestly, it was just enough to actually ruin his day. Why the fuck did this have to happen?

Jack was aware that his boyfriend was trying to talk to him, to ask him what was wrong. But he was just so overblown by many negative emotions at once, his mind was elsewhere. He was panicking, he was scared. And that really seemed to show when he found himself shaking, while trying to get the oxygen in and out of his lungs in the hope that he wouldn't pass out.

He closed his eyes tight, trying to resist the urge of just crying right there, as he clenched up his fists, creasing the paper as he did. Before he knew it, Mark's arm was across his shoulders and he was silently leading them back to the living room. Mark sat Jack down, then going to sit down next to him, staring at the Irishman's distraught expression in worry. Eventually, Mark spoke, his voice being much clearer in Jack's ears.

"What's wrong...? What does it say?" Mark muttered, frowning. But all Jack could do was stare at the floor as he reopened his eyes, his expression now faded to... Absolutely nothing. Silently, he passed the crumpled up letter to Mark, who hesitantly took it from his grasp and read over it himself, as Jack had done earlier. His eyes widened, as his brows furrowed.

"What the fuck?! They can't do that!" Mark cried, shocked. Jack shrugged.

"Well, apparently he can... It's not like you can do a lot to protest when you're gettin' kicked out." Jack exhaled, just trying to stay calm so he didn't break down like he pretty much had done, seconds prior.

He couldn't believe it. He had had such a wonderful day, seeing his parents and his dog. Getting to revisit his cabin. Telling his parents the truth about him and Mark... And then he got a letter, basically explaining he had to go by a certain date... It was such a kick to the face. One he didn't even know how he got, or if he even deserved it.

"That asshole... Wasn't it that guy in the hall, just like you said? He's the landlord, right?"

Jack nodded, confirming that was indeed a fact.

"Yeah... I just don't get why he'd do this... I mean, I only got a noise complaint once, and I know he's probably sort of always disliked me since, but..." Jack muttered. Again, they both went quiet. The air around them felt quite delicate, as if one of them talking too much would just send Jack into an absolute freak out. He wasn't normally an angry person, not at all. But this bullshit was really just trying to get at him. Mark looked up from the letter once again, going to speak.

"Maybe he's a homophobe." Mark commented. Jack looked over to him, a look of confusion on his face, right before realization hit him. He remembered that he saw Mark and Jack kiss out in the hall, and he gave them a really dirty look for it, which they didn't really seem to notice at the time. But it would have made sense.

"Maybe you're right..."

"Right. So, we can't just let him do this. You have to fight to stay here or... Or something!" Mark said, shaking the paper in his hand with annoyance. But all Jack could do was shake his head.

"I appreciate the concern, Mark, but... That just seems like a lot of drama that I really don't wanna get into... It would probably be easier to just move somewhere else..."

"Where to, exactly?"

"Well, how the fuck am I supposed to know, Mark? It's not like I've ever planned for this situation!" Jack snapped, then instantly regretting his reaction. "Sorry..."

Mark shook his head, a look of understanding on his face.

"It's okay. You're stressed, I get it."

Jack honestly didn't know what he was going to do, where he was going to go. Hell, he didn't even know how he was going to explain this to everyone watching his channel, without people asking why, or without people just starting an absolute flame war. Even with YouTube, he didn't know if he'd even be able to rent another place, and he actually felt quite content here.

"Listen..." Mark started. "If you don't have anywhere to go... Why don't you come live with me?" Mark suggested.

"What?" Jack gasped, rising his eyebrows.

"You know, you can come to America, stay with me. That's if, you don't feel like trying to fight for your right to stay here."

Move to America...? Leave Ireland? That was something that Jack hadn't ever considered of doing any time soon. He'd be leaving the place he grew up in, the place he loved. He'd be leaving... He'd be leaving Signe here in Ireland. Sure, she probably had other friends but...

"I can't, Mark..." Jack whispered, shaking his head. Mark frowned.

"Why not, Jack? I mean, come on. Where else are you going to go?" Mark pointed out, seeming to know he had absolutely no clue. Jack responded, with something he wish he hadn't.

"I can't leave Signe." Jack protested, seeming to strike a nerve with Mark, who slightly hitched his breathing, the moment he heard her name. Mark exhaled, looking down at the ground before glancing back to Jack.

"This isn't to do with Signe, Jack. We're talking about the possibility of you fucking becoming homeless because some dick doesn't want you to stay here. I'm just trying to stop that from happening to you." Mark argued bluntly, his voice stern and serious. "I mean, I know she's your friend, Jack. But what do you expect to do? Stay with her? Because if you want to, you might as well just fucking say so."

"Alright, Mark. You don't need to get like that." Jack sighed, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend getting all dramatic. "It's not just that, Mark. So, please tone the fuck down, okay? It's not just because I don't wanna leave Signe. I also hate the thought of leaving Ireland. Of having to say goodbye to the place I love... How would you like it if you had to leave America, to come live with me? Would it be easy?"

Mark sat, staring at Jack with a softer, saddened expression on his face.

"It would be hard... But if it meant I'd get to see you everyday... I would do it." He whispered. Jack breathed out, feeling quite touched by what he had said. He bit down on his lip, wondering what to say.

Taking Mark's hands into his, (something that tended to be a reoccurring thing), he thought things over in his head. But he'd need more time.

"Listen, Mark... I... I'll think about it, okay...? I just need some time..."

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