Random encounter [44]

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Telling people the truth about the fact that Jack and Signe were no longer together. It was definitely going to be something that'd break some people's hearts, but he had no choice to be honest with his fans. (Well, at least as honest as he could be). He didn't exactly have plans on revealing his relationship with Mark any time soon, seeing as they both felt they still wanted some time to keep it private. But they were going to let people know, eventually.

The Irishman frowned, sitting at his computer, staring at Tumblr for what felt like forever. He wanted to make a post, to address the situation. But he didn't really know how to phrase it. Even though, this hadn't been the first time that he had posted about when he had broken up with someone, but that doesn't mean it made it any easier to bring it up for everyone to hear, even if they split apart on good terms.

Sighing, Jack just decided to type into the keyboard what he could. Basically explaining that Signe wasn't staying with him, and the very reason of that being is because: they broke up.

"I noticed a lot of you were confused since my last vlog, wondering whether or not Signe was also staying with me. And to clear everything up, she is not. To be completely and deadly honest with all of you, we aren't actually together anymore, but we are still the greatest of friends. Everything is okay, I'm okay and there was no bitterness on either side, I can promise you. :)"

Jack leaned back into his computer desk, deciding to post what he had written. It was simple and pretty much summed up the point. It wasn't long before he got responses, some being sad and some even being happy - which he wasn't really surprised at. He already knew that there were those types of people in the community who didn't want him to have a girlfriend, and wanted him to be single.

Well, what a shame that he wasn't single.

Backing away from the desk, Jack got out of his seat, going to leave a room to get a snack from the kitchen. Mark wasn't currently home, as he was just hanging out with Matt and Ryan and Jack wasn't too keen on tagging along. He was more happy to record some more videos, and get that Tumblr post out of the way.

Though, thinking about it, Jack did need to go to a store as they were running low on decent snacks to eat. So, he headed out the kitchen, slipped on his shoes and readjusted his glasses before heading out the front door. He closed it firmly shut, then turning and walking down the pathway to go to the shop.

He ended up going to the closest store he knew to Mark's house. He bought a couple of items, mostly consisting of cookies and ice cream before also buying a few more important items too.

Wondering around the shop, Jack was just minding his own business, before stopping in his tracks as he spotted a familiar person walking up the same aisle as him, eyeing one of the shelves. It was actually Amy - somehow he had managed to run into her again.

Not that it really bothered him. Because unlike Mark, Jack had actually come accustomed to the fact that this girl was Mark's ex-girlfriend. And he had hung out with her and Mark when they were going out, and she was honestly a nice person. It's not that he disliked her at all.

"Amy?" Jack spoke, deciding to create a conversation as they were in talking distance. Amy looked surprised, almost as if Jack had spoken some made up language that she didn't understand, or like he had three heads.

"H-Hi." She stuttered, managing to get a word out. "It's... Nice to see you, Jack. It's been awhile."

"Yeah, I saw you at Mark's birthday." Jack beamed.

"Oh, yeah." Amy said. She frowned, looking around the store, not really knowing what to say.

"By the way," Jack started. "I hope you don't think I dislike you or anythin'... 'Cause I'm pretty sure you know..."

"About you and Mark?" She questioned in a low voice. "Yeah, I know. I saw you two kiss at the party." She paused, pulling a face. "I knew the Septiplier ship was a thing, but I didn't know you guys actually had feelings for each other."

"Yeah, well..." Jack shrugged, scratching the back of his neck as he trailed off. Amy smiled a little.

"Well, I'm glad that you made him happier... Because I felt awful when I broke up with him... He's a great guy, and I know he didn't deserve it... But, I just didn't enjoy all the abuse, you know?"

"From the fans?" Jack wondered.

"Yeah." She answered. "And... I wanted to apologize for it but... I felt too awkward about it. So I'm glad I ran into you guys on his birthday. I wanted him to know how terrible I felt."

"Well, I'm sure he knows. And I do hope we can still be friends."

Amy rose her eyebrows.

"Really? You want to still be friends with ME? Mark's ex?"

"Hey, labels don't mean anything. You guys were still friends even before you were going out, just like me and Signe were. And I get along with Signe just fine."

All Jack really wanted was to be civil. Life was too short to go and argue with people about pointless bullshit, he wasn't really feeling up to that. So, to avoid all that unnecessary, unwanted drama, Jack just wanted to be a better person about it all.

Amy stood, thinking for a moment, before giving him a small nod.

"Well... It was nice running into you I guess... I was honestly worried you were going to hate me." She admitted.

"Nah, Mark is okay so... You know, not much point on dwelling on the past." Jack grinned. "But anyway, I better pay for all my stuff and go. Was nice seein' you."

"Yeah, you too." Amy agreed, as Jack waved and passed by, to go to the counter. Paying for all his items, he then left on the walk back home.

Considering things felt so weird the first time he saw her, that could have gone so much worse. He was happy he had chosen to be civil with her. It actually made him feel more grown up in a way, even if he was still just an immature Irishman. It made him happy to be kind hearted.

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