Answering Questions [67]

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"Why is Jack's background different?"

"Isn't he back in his cabin?"

"Where's Mark?"

"They haven't been in a video together for a while. I hope they're okay."

Comments like these really made Jack rub his temples with his fingers, as he was just feeling so stressed. Going back to Ireland, he wanted to be away from Mark to move on. But everyone was making it so hard, asking him questions all the time.

Maybe he should just address it, tell everyone what happened, like what he had done when he and Signe had broken up. However, this was different. It felt harder, much harder...

At least when he and Signe ended things, they could break up on good terms. Their relationship may have ended in the same kind of way (Mark kissing Jack when he and Signe were together), but it didn't happen because it was like some act of cruelty, unlike this time, it so definitely was.

Jack was certain that Mark had just kissed her to be horrible and petty. To just make him feel bad just because he hung out with people Mark no longer liked and because he chose to hang out with his ex-girlfriend over him.

Fuck it. He couldn't take this anymore. He couldn't take all the questions. The mention of Mark's name, every time just making him want to cry. He couldn't keep it in anymore. He needed to make a video telling people about things.

Starting up a recording, he checked to make sure everything was working. When everything seemed fine, he decided to go straight into the video, skipping the hand clap. Because this video was serious, and he wanted to make sure people knew that.

"Hey guys..." He started, an obvious glum expression on his face as he didn't want to hide how he was feeling. He wasn't just going to go and bottle it all up, that wasn't healthy.

"So, I wanted to make a serious video, sorta addressing continuous questions that keep being asked. You could probably already tell that this was a serious video, as I didn't do the usual high five... But yeah..."

"Some of you out there may be wondering what comments I'm talking about and what's goin' on but, you'll know soon enough."

"Many of you have been askin' me why my background is different again. As you can see, it's just wood behind me because I am actually stayin' at my cabin for awhile with my parents. And... Since you guys noticed that, you began to... Ask where Mark is..." He stopped for a moment, hesitating as he was just trying not to start crying right there and then.

"We... The truth is we..." He stopped again, already becoming teary eyed as his voice cracked. He sighed. "We aren't friends anymore..." He finally admitted, placing his hands over his eyes as the water began to stream from his tear ducts.

"And you guys may be wonderin' why and... I ain't gonna go into detail because... Well, I'm just not." Jack continued, after trying to regain his composure.

After all, they may have broken up, and they may have no longer been friends, but he wasn't going to go and drag Mark's name through the dirt, no matter how upset he was. He wasn't that kind of guy.

"And... I don't want people to start turnin' on each other, you know? Please, guys just... I know a lot of you who are part of this fanbase, you're also part of Mark's too. And that's fine! You're still allowed to like his content, I'm not sayin' you should dislike him for our own personal problems. So please, please continue just being nice to each other because without a community that cares about each other, well, then there's no point anymore."

"But know that I will be okay... Maybe not now, but eventually. And I know you guys may think I should take a break to get over things but... Doing YouTube and makin' videos for you guys, it's what keeps me going and keeps me occupied. It makes me happy to make creative things for you guys, which is why I'm so excited to be doing this whole Anti Halloween thing again, it's so much fun and I'm really looking forward to the 31st! I hope you guys are too!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands together as he began to get all giddy, almost as if he hadn't began crying just a couple of seconds prior.

"But yeah... I just wanted to tell you guys the truth about the... Well, relationship between me and Mark... And I'm sorry to those of you who saw us as your favourite duo, but... These things happen sometimes. People can't always stay friends after... After break ups... But I'm happy you're all aware... Anyway, I wanna end this video on a high note, so... Thank you guys so much for watching this video! If you liked it, PUNCH that like button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And, high fives all 'round! Wpshh! Wpshh! Thank you guys and I will see all you dudes, IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!"


Exhausted. That was pretty much the word that summed up how Mark was currently feeling. Exhausted, hopeless and alone. The lack of sleep definitely didn't help, so he was basically running on nothing.

He'd been spending his time trying to edit videos for his channel. And he WAS getting by, just slowly, so he still couldn't keep up with his damn upload schedule which was an utter stressful nightmare.

How much longer could he keep this up? He did not know. It was literally getting to the point where even YouTube couldn't make him happy. Making videos had suddenly become stale and he just wasn't having fun with it anymore. But he wanted to.

Still, he heard nothing from the green haired Irishman who he had once called his loving boyfriend and best friend. It was pretty evident that Jack was completely done with him.

Frowning, Mark went over to Jack's channel to see that instead of a gaming video, Jack had actually uploaded another vlog, titled "Answering people's questions".

Curious, Mark clicked on it, seeing Jack looking quite sad. He even skipped doing the high five at the start, which obviously meant the video was serious. It was about him, or rather, it was why they weren't in videos together anymore.

Staring at the screen, Mark felt like he was just going to burst into tears. It didn't help seeing Jack start to cry right there and then, after claiming that they weren't friends anymore. Mark was even surprised when Jack said that it was okay to still like him. He felt like Jack had been too nice, like he could have been harsher. He believed he deserved it.

Seeing as Jack wouldn't answer a Skype call or even a text, the only way he was going to be able to communicate with Jack was to make a video. And at this point, he didn't care that everyone was going to see it. He didn't know what Jack was going to do or say.

But even though he felt like he wasn't going to see him again, he just wanted Jack to know how sorry he was...

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