Don't know [10]

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Mark really didn't know why he did what he did. Why did he kiss Jack?

Not to mention why did Jack willingly kiss him back?

It's not like Mark had planned it on the way over there, when he was getting ready for his flight at the airport. He agreed with Ryan - don't do anything stupid. Yet, look what he went and did.

When he got to Ireland and took a taxi from the airport to go to his house, his mood just... Dropped. Sure, he wasn't in a good place from the moment Amy shattered his heart into a million pieces right in front of him. But the moment he got outside Jack's door, he just felt so emotionally drained to the point of where he burst into tears, right into Jack's arms. The kiss... Well, he didn't really know where it came from.

He was just staring into Jack's blue eyes, remembering all those feelings that he had had for Jack the first time they had met. And the real world with all it's cruelty just seemed to fade away for a moment, until that knock at the door and reality came crashing right back on the both of them.

Did Jack enjoy it? Is that why he kissed back?

No, probably not... He had Signe, and it was obvious he cared about her. He wouldn't be interested in Mark in a million years. He didn't want him to be interested when he had Signe. He didn't even want to be with Jack right now with how he was feeling. He was just being idiotic.

It was the next morning and Mark yawned, feeling himself starting to wake up on the living room couch. Sitting up, he felt an extremely nice smell hit his nostrils, which must have been coming from the kitchen. Mark pulled the blanket off himself, before going to investigate the source of the smell.

Standing in the doorway, Mark crossed his arms and leaned on the frame, as he saw Jack and Signe talking in the kitchen, as it seemed they were trying to help each other cook. Smiling a small smile, Mark's gaze fell to the floor, as he was lost in his thoughts.

The sound of someone clearing their throat a few feet in front of him snapped his attention back to Jack and Signe. Looking up, Mark saw the Irishman in front of him, holding out a plate to him which had the usual cooked breakfast on it - eggs, bacon, sausage with beans and even some toast. Mark rose his eyebrows, as Jack stood with a look of impatience on his face.

"Uh, is this for me?"

"What do you think?" Jack huffed. "You think I'm just showing it to you?"

"O-Oh, right... Thanks..." Mark murmured, taking the plate into his hands, before Signe also came over to hand him a knife and fork.

The three went to the dining room to eat, Signe and Jack happily conversing as Mark sat awkwardly and silently, not joining in on the conversation, until Signe decided to involve him.

"So, how long are you going to be staying, Mark?"

"Uh..." Mark looked over to Jack, who seemed to be eating his food and he wasn't paying attention to them. His heart sank. "I'm actually going home today..." Mark croaked.

"Oh? I would have liked for us to get to spend more time together." Signe pouted. Mark shrugged.

"Shame." Jack commented, still not even turning his head towards him. It kind of made his blood boil in a way, just how cold Jack was being towards him. But at the same time, maybe he should have expected it.

Finishing his breakfast, Mark helped Jack put the plates away in silence, as Signe went to watch some TV in the living room. Mark frowned, wanting to say something.

"Can you pass me that fork?" Jack said, holding his hand out for Mark to pass him the last bit of cutlery for him to clean. Mark narrowed his eyes, placing it into his hand so he could run it under the tap to clean it. Mark exhaled.

"Alright, Jack, I've had enough. Can you just talk to me?"

"About what?"

"About... I don't know! Just stop giving me the cold shoulder!"

"You have some nerve sayin' that."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Mark cried, an obvious hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Mark, do you really expect me to be okay after you kissed me the other day?"

"But you kissed me back!"

"Yes, I know. We already fuckin' went through this." Jack snapped.

Silence fell upon the both of them, as Jack went to put away the last plate. Mark sighed, clenching his fists as he felt himself starting to tear up again.
"I'm gonna go to the airport..." Mark whispered, his voice cracking as he turned to leave. Jack frowned, opened his mouth to say something but decided to close it, saying nothing.

Mark said a quick goodbye to Signe, before going out the front door and calling a taxi to come pick him up. He sat in the car all the way to the airport, imagining just how much better that could have gone. And it only plunged his aching heart even further into the abyss. All because of his stupid stupid mistake.

He called Ryan, asking if he could pick him up from the airport when he got back to America. Ryan asked what had happened, but right now he wasn't really in the mood to explain any details. He was more in that place where he just felt like he could shut himself in for days and not talk to anyone. That's just how his life was going right now with everything suddenly going wrong around him. Just peachy.

Ryan turned up in their car, allowing Mark to climb in and be driven back to the house, the sound of the radio being the only thing to fill the empty space in which no one was talking. Seeing as Mark wasn't saying anything, Ryan must've understood something was up, but didn't want to ask any questions as evident by how he was on the phone and with the look on his face, things obviously had not gone well.

Getting home, Mark went straight to bed without a single word. He led, face first on top of his bed pretty much contemplating life at this point. He shouldn't have done it so soon. Maybe then he wouldn't have felt so trashed by the two most important people to him in the world.

Mark honestly really needed to get back to his YouTube channel too, or at least put up an update video. His channel was probably dying currently, as he had pretty much been inactive for about a week. Fans were probably going crazy, wondering where he was.

So, tomorrow he would just have to put up a video explaining a few things...

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