Jack? [69]

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"It's Mark."

That was the one thing that needed to be said, sending Jack over to the airport in a terrified mess, just wondering what could possibly be wrong. It couldn't have been as bad as he thought.

Explaining to his parents that he had to go, but he was leaving all his stuff there, took minimal time. They must have understood just how much of a rush he was in, as all they gave him was a quick hug goodbye, wishing him a safe trip there and back.

They were probably hopeful that he was sorting things out with Mark. However, that wasn't what he was going for. He didn't need the drama, or even the tears over their failed relationship. He was just scared that something horrible had happened, he still cared after all.

All he could do for the entire flight from Ireland to America was nervously stare out the window and bite his nails. Still, since that call he got no other messages from Ryan. He hoped everything was okay...

But would Ryan have called if it wasn't a big deal? Ryan wasn't even friends with Mark anymore, but just like him he probably still cared. Thinking things like this only sent Jack further into his anxious state.

After what felt like forever, the plane finally landed. Getting out of his seat and leaving the plane, he was almost ready to start a sprint off through the airport to catch a taxi, but to his surprise, he saw Matt waiting for him, without Ryan or anyone else.

"Matt!" Jack called, jogging over to him. "I got a call from Ryan! What the fuck is goin' on?!"

"Listen, I'll explain on the way in the car. Just follow me." Matt said, motioning for Jack to follow him, which he did all the way to the car. They both climbed in, Matt being the driver while Jack sat next to him in the passengers seat. Matt exhaled as he began to pull away from the kerb.

"Jack... I don't want you to freak out, but... The reason why Ryan called you, is because... Mark is in the hospital." Matt explained, frowning. Jack's eyes slowly widened, his mind taking awhile to process what Matt had just said.

"What? Why?!" Jack cried.

"Well, we don't know what's wrong with him. They haven't told us yet. But after that video he posted directed at you, everyone was just so concerned. So Danny and Brian decided to go check on him, see if he was okay. Next thing we knew, they were calling us up, saying they had called an ambulance to take Mark to the hospital, because luckily for him, he left the door unlocked and they found him inside, passed out."

"Shit, man..." Jack whispered, wringing his hands together.

"And we didn't know whether or not to call you after... What happened. Cause we were pissed at Mark too, but it's not like we don't still care about the idiot." Matt said, keeping his eyes focused on the road. Jack nodded in agreement, leaning his head on the window, as he stared at the cars that passed by.

"Yeah... I still care about him too..."


Reaching the hospital, they both climbed out the car, Jack going into a run the moment he slammed the car door closed. Just what the hell happened to Mark? Was he going to be okay? Jack needed to know!

With Matt behind him, he raced to the reception desk, already out of breath as he wasn't really one for extreme sprinting. The person at the desk seemed slightly startled when he had just practically pounced right up in front of her, but luckily for Jack Matt already knew the room in which Mark was staying in and told her that they were there to see Mark Fischbach.

They wondered down a hall, only to find Ryan, Brian, Danny and Arin waiting outside a room. They all turned in their direction, anxious expressions upon all their faces. They were all definitely scared, judging by how they stood and how they stared.

"Hey guys..." Jack muttered, walking up to them all.

"Hey... Sorry about shitting you up with a call like that." Ryan apologised. Jack smiled a little, shaking his head.

"It's fine..." He paused. "So uh... Does anyone know what's wrong with Mark yet?" Jack wondered.

"Not yet. We're still waiting for someone to tell us some news." Arin admitted.

"It might not even be that bad anyway. He could have collapsed from... Stress, lack of sleep. Or maybe he hasn't been eating properly, who knows?"

Jack slowly nodded, taking it all in. He really hoped that Mark was fine and healthy. It didn't matter what happened, Jack would still be broken into bits if anything had happened to Mark. Despite everything, he was still a good guy, and his fans needed him.

If anything had ever happened to him, havoc would just lash out among everyone for sure. Because Mark means the world to all of his amazing fans. And even if he and Jack were still apart, that stupid red head still meant everything to the Irishman.

He still loved him, that was just fact. It was why he just wouldn't stop crying, being apart from him. However, because of what Mark had done, he felt like he couldn't stay. He broke up with Mark because he was mad with him, not because he ever stopped loving him.

Finally, after waiting for what felt like the rest of time, a doctor actually emerged from the room that they were waiting outside of, there to tell them news. The look on his face, it made Jack want to scream.

What was it? Was it good news, was it bad news? What was wrong with Mark?! They needed to know!

"So... Is he okay?" Danny was the first to ask, everyone else being too afraid to do so.

"You're lucky you found him when you did." The doctor admitted seriously. "Any sooner and... We probably would have lost him."

"So, he's okay? What was the problem?!" Arin cried.

"He collapsed from a heart attack. The cause seeming to be because of alcohol. But we have made sure everything is okay and he should be fine soon enough. There is nothing wrong with his actual heart, but it could have killed him." He explained.

Drinking? Mark knew he wasn't supposed to drink! This hadn't been the first time he had suffered from a heart problem, due to consuming alcohol... So, if he knew, why would he still go and drink anyway...?

"Are we allowed to see him?" Jack asked. The doctor nodded, not saying another word as he opened the door for them to go in. Jack glanced at the others, being the first to walk towards the open door, and what he saw, broke his heart.

Lying on a hospital bed and a hospital gown, Mark was hooked up to a heart monitor, with some other weird medical equipment. Seeing Mark bedridden like that, it absolutely ruined Jack.

The group entered the room, staring at the red headed half-korean lying in bed with his eyes closed. The Irishman bit down on his bottom lip as he clasped his hands together, feeling the tears beginning to already form in the corners of his eyes.

"He looks pretty peaceful, doesn't he?" Ryan said.

Saying nothing, Jack slowly made his way across the room, pulling up a chair to sit next to Mark's bed. He just sat, staring at him in sadness, watching his chest slowly rise and fall as he breathed in and out.

Jack so badly wanted to grab onto one of Mark's hands for dear life, but he was so afraid that a single touch could cause harm to him. Like he was a fragile piece of china that would be broken so easily by a simple uncalculated brush of the fingertips.

However, just as Jack was getting emotional, looking over his unconscious ex-boyfriend, Mark actually began to stir. The others also noticed this, looking at each other excitedly as they were indeed aware that he seemed to be waking up.

"...Mark...?" Jack's voice whispered, hesitant and shaky.

It took a couple of moments before Mark began to fully open his eyes, seeming to start to completely awake, once again becoming aware of the world around him. His hazel brown eyes widened a little, seeing Danny, Brian, Arin, Matt and Ryan in his room. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he could just make out a figure with... Green hair...

He turned his head slowly, his orbs becoming fixated on Jack. A small gasp left his mouth and his eyes widened to the fullest extent that he could manage. Were they really all there? Was Jack really there...?

"J-Jack...?" Mark stammered. Jack managed a teary smile, happy that he was awake.

"...Hey, Mark..."

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