Hopeless [65]

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Back in Ireland... Jack thought it was going to be weird, coming back here. And in some ways, it was. It had been a few months at least since he had last been here. And he was actually going to get to see his parents again after a difficult time.

Arriving back at his parents house, seeing the cabin come into sight too, it made him smile like a goofy little idiot all over again. After all, this place had some really amazing memories. And no matter how many times he came here, the first thing he always remembered was "This is where I started." "This is where it all began."

Going up to the door of his parents' house, he knocked on the door, happily waiting for them to answer. It was only a short amount of time that Jack had to wait before his mother appeared through the opening crack in the door. She gasped and smiled.

"Sean?! Oh my god, hello!" She exclaimed, stepping forward and giving him a hug. He grinned, hugging her in return.

"Hey, mum..." Jack replied, snuggling his chin into his mother's shoulder.

"It's good to see you! Though, you look a little tired but apart from that, you look great! How's Mark?"

"Uh..." Jack paused. "....Is dad home?" He asked, avoiding the question. She rose a brow, but then answered, simply dismissing what she had just asked.

"He's in the living room. You can come in, go see your father." She said, stepping aside to let him in.

Managing a small smile, Jack walked past her, making his way to the living room. And just as his mother had said, his dad was sitting on the couch, watching TV. Jack cleared his throat, catching his attention and catching him off guard.

"Sean! What are you doing here? It's so good to see you!"

"It's good to see you too, dad." Jack answered, smiling as his dad got up to give him a hug. His mother then entered the room, pulling a look of confusion as she placed her hands on her hips.

"What's the luggage for, anyway?" She questioned. Jack let out a small nervous laugh, turning towards her.

"I, uh... Was wondering if I could stay with you guys for awhile..."

"Oh? Well, of course you can, Sean. I ain't gonna decline an offer like that. But... Why? Did you get kicked out or something?"


"Why didn't you want to stay with your boyfriend, Mark?" His dad questioned. Jack went silent, forcing a strained smile.

"Because..." He trailed off, and his smile fading. "We broke up."

Their faces instantly went from looking extremely happy to a look of dismay. They opened their mouths to speak, but nothing came out from either of them. It was like watching some kind of weird mime trick. Jack sighed.

"I'm gonna go unpack in the cabin..." Jack muttered, sadly walking out the room to go to his old cabin with a huge cloud hanging over his head.

An hour later, the Jack led on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He loathed how he was feeling. He knew he'd be sad, but... He had never felt this awful in his life. And he still had a YouTube channel to attend to. He had to be happy, cheerful and amusing without it looking so forced.

Could he even do that? He didn't want to make his fans worry. He didn't want to disappoint people and make them hate him because he couldn't get out good enough content. The thought of that scared him to death.

What if people asked questions? What if they noticed his background was different and they put two and two together. They were going to find out the truth, and his fans weren't stupid. But he was just worried how they'd react and what they'd do. The last thing he wanted was to have his and Mark's fans argue.

True, they weren't together anymore. Jack didn't even know if he saw Mark as a friend anymore but... He had enough of arguing. He just wanted to live a quiet life, doing what he loved, making YouTube videos. That's all he could ask for.

Drifting around in his thoughts, Jack heard a knock on his cabin door. He would have got up to let them in, but he really didn't have the energy to move a muscle.

"Come in..." Jack sighed lazily. After hearing his voice, his mother's head peeped around the door and she came in, holding a plate with a piece of cake in her hand.

"Hello, Sean... Brought you something to eat to heighten your spirits." She spoke, handing him the plate.

"Thanks..." The green haired man glumly answered, taking the plate into his grasp. She stood, staring at him, a look of worry on her face.


"Nothing... It's just... Why did you two break up?"


"You seemed to really get along with each other..."

"Yeah, you said that about Signe, and look how that turned out!" Jack snapped, then instantly regretting his reaction as his body sagged into the mattress beneath him. "...Sorry..."

"It's fine, Sean... So, what happened?"

"...He kissed someone else... A girl. His ex to be exact..." Jack muttered. His mother gasped, looking horrified.

"No... Really? He seemed like such a lovely young lad, so in love with you..."

"Yeah, I thought that too..." Jack whispered, bringing a hand up to his face to cover his eyes as his voice shook. "But then he just had to go and fuck me over... He betrayed me... And now I'm hopeless, because I'm still... I'm still in love with him... But I can't stay with someone like that..." Jack finished, tears beginning to slip down his cheeks. His mother rushed to his side, putting an arm around him to bring him close into a motherly hug as she tried to reassure him.

"Sean... Listen, I know it'll be hard... But you'll be okay, so I promise. You will move on from him eventually, you'll find someone better. And then you'll finally have closure..."

Really? Jack hoped she was right, because he would do anything to feel something other than what he was feeling now. He couldn't believe how attached he had gotten to Mark in the time they had been together, after all, Jack wasn't even sure about everything at the very beginning.

When Mark had made the decision to kiss Jack, he didn't know how to react, or what to even think. True, he had always had affections towards Mark without really knowing it, but...

It just sucked that he was the one who had to go and get his heart broken in the end.

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