Fair [21]

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Jack hadn't been to a fair in god knows how long. At least, he probably hadn't been to a place with all types of rides since he went to Disneyland for his birthday like two years ago.

When they had got there, he stared around in amazement. The rides looked outstanding. He was seriously looking forward to getting to ride one of the rollercoasters!

But before they did that, they all walked together, passing by a shooting range. A game where you had to try and shoot all the targets and you'd win a prize. Mark grinned at Jack as he rose his eyebrows and gave him a slight nudge.

"Hey, Jack? Wanna have a go?" Mark wondered.

"Sure, why the fuck not?" Jack shrugged, taking his wallet out and stepping forward, paying the man behind the counter for his turn, before firmly taking the air rifle into his hands. He eyed it in wonder. He'd never actually held a gun before, even if it weren't really a real one.

Narrowing his eyes, he aimed for the targets and fired his first shot, missing completely as he had not expected the rifle to be as powerful as it was.

"Ha! You missed ya little Irish bastard!" Felix jokingly mocked. Jack furrowed his brows, concentrating back on the targets. He had a few shots left before the end of his turn.

Reloading the rifle, he fired again, this time hitting one of the targets and he heard Mark cheer him on. Grinning, he continued to fire and reload until the end of his turn. He hit all the targets and smiled in delight as he was handed a plush toy of the very famous game character, Mario. He chuckled, thanking the man for the prize. He walked back to the others, almost shoving the plushie in Mark's face.

"It's a me, Mario!" Jack giggled.

"Hey, get it out of my face!" Mark laughed, slightly pushing it away.

"You can have it. I won it for you." Jack said, holding it out to him. Mark rose his eyebrows, blushing a little. Smiling, he happily took the plush toy with a nod.

"Awh, thanks, Jack..."

"You guys are so sweet..." Marzia sighed, admiring the two as she stood holding hands with Felix. Mark and Jack both cracked up, linking arms with each other as the group startled to walk again.

"What do you guys wanna go on next?" Marzia questioned.

"Oh my god!" Felix exclaimed, pointing at a nearby ride. "Teacups! Fucking, teacups! Who wants to go on them?"

"I can't tell if you're serious." Mark answered.

"Bitch, I'm serious! I'm a child at heart! Come on the ride with me, guys!" Felix smirked.

With a shrug, all three of them agreed, joining him on the ride, Mark and Jack sharing a teacup, while Felix and Marzia sat in another.

The ride soon started up, the teacups moving around and spinning. Despite the ride not being so thrilling, Jack still cheered, rising his arms in the air as he did.

Mark watched the gleeful smile on Jack's face and it honestly made him beam. It had been such a long time since he had properly seen Jack this happy. To see him laughing and screeching like a child, it brightened his day.

Eventually, the ride ended and they all got off together, once again continuing on their walk through the fair to go on more rides.

"I could hear you utterly screaming your head off!" Felix cried.

"Hey, you were screamin' more than me." Jack pointed out with a smirk.

"Bitch, please. Like I said, I'm a child at heart."

"Guys! I totally know what we should go on next!" Mark gasped, excited. "Look at that!"

Following his gaze, he was staring at none other than a huge ass Ferriswheel. It was freakin' huge, and the way it utterly towered over everything made you feel slightly tense and intimidated.

"Sure, why not?" Felix shrugged, as they all walked towards it. Marzia obliged, while Jack said nothing, just continuing to silently follow along as he quietly gulped to himself.

He wasn't sure if this was known knowledge to Mark. But he had an unimaginable fear of heights. Just like how Mark had a fear of drowning. Being too high in the air, while just being able to look over everything, it turned his body to jello and he fucking loathed that feeling. It was just bad enough in VR.

Getting closer, they all got on the ride, sharing the same passenger car as the couples sat opposite each other. As the ride started, Felix, Mark and Marzia stared intently out their windows while Jack sat, still, not moving his eyes to look at the outside in the hope of not throwing up.

However, his nerves were still getting to him and his stomach started to churn as he could feel them getting higher and higher. He frowned, twiddling his thumbs as he stared down at his knees.

"Jack? Are you okay?" Mark murmured, looking over to him. With a dry mouth, Jack swallowed and nodded, managing a fake smile towards his boyfriend as he tried to hide his anxiety.

"Fine." He lied, before slightly catching the sight of how high up they were through the window on Mark's side. Jack shuddered, moving his eyes back down to his feet as he fought to keep his breakfast down and just not start crying right there and then. God, he fucking HATED heights.

"Jack...? Jack, what's wrong? Are you...? Are you crying?"

"No! I'm fine!" Jack whimpered, now catching the attention of Felix and Marzia who shared a worried glance.

"Jack?" Mark repeated, his eyes slowly getting wider as a moment of realization hit him. "Shit... You're scared of heights." He remembered, bringing his hand to his mouth. It wasn't long before a look of guilt crossed his face and he put his arms around Jack, pulling him into a hug.

"Oh, Jack... Babe, why didn't you say something? God, I'm so stupid."

"B-Because... I didn't want to ruin the fun for you... You seemed really excited so I... Wanted to go with you..." Jack whispered.

"Silly... You should have said something, I would have understood." Mark replied, giving Jack a kiss on the top of his green hair. "Look, don't worry. We're starting to come back down now. Just don't look out the window, close your eyes and just listen to my heartbeat, alright?"

Jack nodded, doing as he was told as he closed his eyes, feeling Mark gently brush his hair with his hand. He sighed, feeling himself starting to calm down as he focused on Mark's steady heartbeat.

After what felt like an eternity, the ride finally stopped and they could get off. Mark led Jack off, holding his hand. Marzia and Felix walked alongside them, still frowning.

"Are you okay now, Jack?" Marzia asked, earning a nod from the Irishman.

"Yeah... Yeah, I'm okay..."

"Please, next time, say something." Mark said. "I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, Jack. Ever."

Jack smiled. He loved just how caring Mark wanted to be for him. It was honestly really sweet and adorable.

"Okay, Mark... I will." Jack promised.

"Well, to try and perk things back up, how about we try and go on the rollercoasters?" Felix said. Jack grinned, his mood instantly rising as Felix said that. He nodded, without a second if hesitation.

"Fuck yeah!"

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