Challenge [47]

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"Jack, it's so good to see you!" Matthias exclaimed, the moment he saw Mark and Jack arrive through the front door to the building they were currently in, which was actually the building for Team Edge, or just High Five Universe, whatever you wanted to call it. Jack grinned, happily giving the man a hug when he got close.

"It's good to be here too, rather than just bein' a freakin' hologram." Jack joked as they both pulled away. Matthias nodded in agreement.

"Yeah well, we're gonna do more challenges! Maybe we can actually do another Finish My Sentence challenge if you two feel up to it." He suggested, leading them through to the warehouse area where J-Fred and Bryan were currently hanging around cleaning up items from a previous challenge they did.

"Hey guys, Mark and Jack are here! Say hi!" Matthias called, with the two leading behind him. The two waved, replying with a "hi", Bryan seeming to be way more enthusiastic than J-Fred. But that was just J-Fred for you, he was only messing around, being straight faced.

"I'm assuming everyone else is in their offices working..." Matthias muttered thoughtfully, before a mischievous grin spread across his face. He turned to Jack and Mark.

"I got an idea, follow me." Matthias said, motioning for the red head and green head to follow him, which they did.

"What are we doing?" Jack wondered, right before Matt hushed him. He grinned, grabbing two of their nerf guns, handing each one to Jack and Mark before taking one himself. He leaned in close to them, lowering his voice.

"Mike is currently working in his office... So we're gonna nerf the heck outta him." Matt smirked, waving the gun in his hand. Jack giggled, while Mark chuckled, a devilish grin on his face. He nodded in agreement, loading his gun.

"Alright, let's do it."

The trio all sneakily made their way to Mike's office, seeing the door wide open and the sounds of someone tapping away at a keyboard. Each of the men hid around the wall, Matt and Mark standing on one side of the door frame, while Jack stood on the other side.

Both Matt and Jack peered in, clearly seeing Mike in his chair, his back turned to them. They all glanced at each other, giving each other a nod just as Matthias brought one of his hands up in front of his face, silently counting down from three with his fingers. It was almost like they were in some cop movie and they were part of the SWAT team, getting ready to bust someone's ass. It was surprisingly quite thrilling.

At that moment, Matt burst into the room, followed by Mark and Jack. Hearing them enter, Mike turned around in his chair, confused as they all stood, pointing nerf guns at him, blocking his way out. He laughed.

"Really, you guys? I'm trying to work." Mike laughed, clearly amused. Matt narrowed his eyes, gazing at the others, once again giving them the nod.

It was then that they all opened fire, firing nerf bullets at Mike sitting in the chair. He yelped in shock, trying to cover his eyes and any other important regions from getting struck with a bullet. Eventually, all three of them used up all their ammo, practically using their friend Mike as a target practice.

"That was intense." Mike finally got out with small nervous laughter.

"Sorry Mike! We couldn't resist!" Matt laughed, motioning to Mark and Jack to leave. "You can go back to your work now. We'll pick up all the bullets later."

"That was fun!" Jack squealed, clearly happy they got to do that.

"I'm glad you thought so." Matt laughed, taking each nerf gun and placing back where they originally belonged.

"Anyway, now that you got the chance to meet Mike, how about we go back to the warehouse and set up for that first video of... Finish My Sentence, I guess!"

"Yeah!" Mark agreed.

"Though, I gotta warn you, Mark. This guy--" Matt started, pointing over his shoulder towards Jack as they were reentering the warehouse. "--he made things go downhill really quickly." He finished, chuckling.

"Why warn Mark? He's gotta me more fuckin' immature than I am." Jack grinned, staring over at Mark.

"Well... We'll see about that." Matt said with a smile.

After that, even with the help of J-Fred and Bryan, they decided to set up their space, having the camera point at the Team Edge space, so they had some chairs to sit on and the eyecatching background behind them.

Jack was overly thrilled that he was going to get to record another video with Matthias. The first time, it was honestly really fun, even being a "hologram". But now this was a million times better, actually being able to know all these people in person now, and not only that, but Mark was here to do this challenge with them.

"Alright, you guys ready?" Matthias wondered, looking at the others. They nodded, enthused as they got Bryan to start the recording in front of them.

"Hey guys, how's it going? My name is Matthias and welcome to the Finish My Sentence challenge, this time with not just Jack, but Mark as well!"

"Hey guys!" Jack waved, cheerfully.

"Hey!" Mark beamed, his grin wide.

"Okay, so if you guys don't remember what the Finish My Sentence challenge is, it's a game where each of us say one word to complete a fully formed sentence. Last time with Jack we were doing well to be extremely innuendous so... I can't imagine what it will be like with Mark added to it..."

"Yeah, because dick jokes!" Mark exclaimed proudly, smirking as he crossed his arms. Both Matt and Jack glanced at him, Jack starting to giggle as Matthias just remained straight faced, before looking back at the camera. (He was resisting the urge to start laughing though. And the challenge hadn't even started yet!)

"Alright, Jack. You can start. It will go from you, to Mark, to me. And then just repeat that same cycle for each sentence."

"Okay!" Jack answered, thinking of a word. "Uh... Small..."

Mark started giggling already.


Matt rolled his eyes, grinning.

"I knew you were gonna say that!" He sighed. "Uh... can't..."







All three of them burst into laughter, as Matthias said the final word. It probably took about a full minute for all of them to calm down before they stopped laughing.

"Oh boy..." Matt chuckled. "This is going to be one heck of a ride..."

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