Part 5

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Hey to you first of all ♥ OMG! I am speechless about your support! Every single comment and vote made me smile so bright when I got the notification! Thank you sooooooooooo much ♥♥ I'd have never thought that anyone would be interested in my story and as fast as you guys were *-* I didn't know when I'd update again, but since you all are so sweet, I'm updating for you ♥♥ I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!

And it could or could not be true that the book will be the connection between Lolo and camz ;) 


"You really don't want to stay over?", Mani asks me again on the way home.

I shake my head too thrilled about finding out what story is inside of my new book "No, thanks"

"Listen,if it's because of what I said Friday, I'm really sorry..I know your mom is ..barely around"

"Accepted.You don't have to feel sorry. I'm perfectly fine on my own", I lie her straight in her face.

"Thanks for the ride and stuff!" I yell, close the door and wave them goodbye as I stand in front of my house. I wonder when the last time was when Normani stayed at mine. It was before everything changed and went ..not so well after that. She never asked why. I suppose her mom told her some stuff and she's not allowed to ask. Perhaps she doesn't want to stay over. God knows what. But it's good the way it is. I can escape and hide at hers. I don't really want her here tobe honest. I don't know what would happen and I don't want to find out.

I climb up the balcony and open the window to my room. My first thing is to remove all that thick make-up I put on. The bruises are fading while the worst ones turn into a purple and green shade. I change into my sweater and some wide shirt before I race down the stairs to get some ice for my face, run back up and open my closet.

You may wonder what I'm doing, I'm hiding. I haven't been home much and that means nothing good. Maybe I can hide until Monday morning and disappear so that it'll be forgotten that I wasn't here. I have my own secret hiding place in my closet. It's not the first time I use it. I crawl under three particular dresses and plop myself into the pillows I brought here. You can't easily notice me. My clothes are black, the pillows and the blanket here are black. I really am hiding. I even have some cookies in store, a reading lamp and my spare glasses. Yes, everytime I'm hiding here, I'm reading. You'll see that I have my ways with books. It's like I drown in their stories.

I open the big book and am thrilled which fairytale it has that no one has read before. I hold my breath as I glance at the first picture.I've never seen such beautiful painted pictures. After reading the first page with its caption 'Looking for a princess' it's exactly what my mind has created. It seems as if there is a pretty and young princess who looks out for her prince??. Yes, it starts like every other fairytale before, BUT it seems like this one is different. Trust me,I know them. I chuckle to myself. Someday they'll find me in this hiding place because I'm talking to myself.

I look deeper and into more detail of this beautiful painting and begin to wonder what it would be like to smell the air of those trees,those colorful hear the rushing water of that river and the chirping birds that fly around. To observe the animals that seem to gather at that place on the bottom left corner...but most important,what it would be to stand in fornt of this imense castle. I would never have the courage to step into it. It shines with its own beauty. It looks like it's a beautiful summer day, not a cloud is to be seen.

I giggle as I think that I just heard one of those birds chirp. I look around and feel the air brushing through my hair. I suddenly feel the soft grass under my feet and start to spin myself around, laughing,giggling until I fall onto my legs and lean back into the grass.

WAIT!I feel the grass. I can smell more than I'd have expected and I even hear more. I'm not day dreaming... I'm in this picture all of a sudden. Okay, you may expect that I'm on drugs. I'm wondering as well. Did Mani drug my morning tea?

I can feel the hard and rough wood of the first tree I reach. I pick a rose and stick it into my hair after breathing in its scent. I don't want to know why I'm here. I don't care if I'm halluzinating or something. This is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. Even is it's just a day dream that feels quite real...

I giggle and lay down in the grass again. I've never seen such dark green grass like this before. And it's softer than the one I'm used to, I notice as I roll around.

I am stopped and look what I bumped. I scream and pace back. There is a fricking black wolf standing in front of me! Oh god, breathe in and out. Keep calm.

"Hello there", I hear myself speak. Am I crazy?! I can't talk to that wolf. I should be running!

"Hey,I'm Lauren", I giggle. I mark myself as insane by this time, but as long as this is a day dream...

"You know, it's beautiful here. I've never seen something like this. I imagined it would be like this.. no, similar..not so, so colorful and ..and bright." I look at the black wolf and notice that she, I suppose it's a female by its elegance, hasn't made a move to kill me.There're no fleshed teeth or laid back ears. She's sitting in front of me, two steps away and is listening at full attention.

"You have pretty eyes", I say and look right into them. "They're so dark brown, almost black when it wasn't for the glimpse of gold in it"

It seems as if she blinked. I suck some air in a sharp way as I notice her moving in my direction.

"You can eat me if you want..some of them at home would want me to disappear..well rather a lot...", I mumble more sad than feared. 

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