Part 14

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Here you go my lovely's ♥ Love you! You can listen to the song, if you want. The video/link is above I guess :-)


"Mom?I'm home again", Normani shouts as she throws her bag into her usual corner and heads towards the kitchen. All that waiting made her hungry.

Mrs.Kordei comes and hugs her daughter as she sees her sad eyes. "Did you get to see her?"

She sighs "For five minutes.."


Normani sobs and cries into her mothers shirt; "She looked horrible, mom.She had a bandage around her right wrist, new bruises on her face and a band-aid on her forehead. I bet there's a deep scar under it...She refused to see a doctor..."

"I'm so sorry honey..", her mom sighs and strokes down her hair and back "She's strong..", she adds

Normani pushes herself away and looks at her mom with wide eyes while she wipes her nose; "She's strong? Mom she's breaking down..The bruises, the scars...We all know that he's abusing her, but no one speaks up... Do you know that she stopped talking to me?"

Mrs.Kordei frowns as she listens to her daughter as they sit down next to each other in the living room.

"She stopped talking to me like months ago..All the bullies..I can't defend her's getting worse, mom and I'm really scared that she'll do something..."

Mrs.Kordei squeezes the hand of her daughter and hesitates; "What do you mean..what would she do?"

"'t you see it?"

Mrs.Kordei shakes her head...Normani sighs and drops her head down.

"She's already self harming and isn't eating regularly. Don't you see it? Don't you notice the deep bags under her eyes?", Mani cries out frustrated

"She's my best friend, mom! I don't want to lose her...."

Silence lays between them, both thinking hard about what has been said and what they could do..

"We should call her mom..", Mrs. Kordei whispers.

"You have her number?!", Normani screams suddenly mad at her mother for hiding it.

She nods: "I'm staying in contact with her about random things. She never asked about Lauren after all ... it's like she doesn't even think that she has one daughter left....But I promised Lauren not to call her.."

Normani scolds at her own mom, disappointed that she hasn't made a move before.

"Maybe we should wait what the weekend brings before I contact her.."

Normani shakes her head, walks out the room and mumbles; "Well, maybe it's too late then"

Both girls drift off thinking about different things, in seperate houses,but having the same song stuck into their heads:

This one's for the lonely, the one's that seek and find
Only to be let down time after time
This one's for the torn down, the experts at the fall
Come on friends get up now you're not alone at all

Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh,oh oh oh, oh oh oh

And this part was for her
And this part was for her
This part was for her
Does she remember?

It comes and goes in waves

This one's for the faithless, the ones that are surprised
They're only where they are now regardless of their fight
This one's for believing if only for it's sake
Come on friends get up now love is to be made

Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh,oh oh oh, oh oh oh

And this part was for her
And this part was for her
This part was for her
Does she remember?

It comes and goes in waves, I
Am only led to wonder why
It comes in goes in waves, I
Am only led to wonder why
Why I, why I try

This is for the ones who stand
For the ones who try again
For the ones who need a hand
For the ones who think they can

It comes and goes in waves, I
Am only led to wonder why
It comes and goes in waves, I
Am only led to wonder why
Why I, why, why I fly

Oh,oh oh oh, oh oh oh

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