Part 12

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OMG guys, you're the best! Your comments make my day! Let's start that Lauren calls her daddy ....for me Lauren's the daddy though, but in "real life" hehe... tell me what you think and enjoy I love you!


"We're here", she  says, but I obviously see that we're. I giggle as she gets off and then picks me up and carries me down off her horse.

"Thanks",I blush and pet her horse as a 'thank you' with my left hand and study its figure once more

"Come on, you'll catch a cold", I hear Camila "say and follow her into the cabin. It's a small one with just one room with a bed, an oven and a fireplace.

"My dad had it built when he wanted that I could stop whenever I feel tired or the weather changes like now", she explains as she throws another stick of wood into the fireplace to keep it going.

"Nice",is all I say before I sit down onto the bed and shiver as I feel how cold I really am. I miss the warmth of her body already and watch every step of her. Camila opens one box and hands me a shirt and a new pair of baggy pants.

"Change into these. I wont look and am right there trying to cook a soup, I promise"

Nice try, I think. But as I lift up my shirt and she keeps looking away, I notice that she actually has some manners and respect as I fully change into my new clothes that smell like her.

"You can look again", I whisper. She turns around and smiles at me. She then picks up my clothes and hangs them over the fireplace to dry as she promised.

Camila stops cooking and hands me a glass of warm tea and a bowl with soup."Thank you. You didn't have to do all of this"

"But I wanted", she interrupts, gets up again and gets herself a bowl of soup before she sits next to me and we eat in silence. The soup is delicious. It tastes spicy, but sweet at the same time.

"Is this chinese or something?"

She gives me another smile "Right" I smile, surprised that I got it right.

"Let me take a look at your hand and your forehead, ok?"

I tense as I see her serious look as her hand comes closer. "Relax,Lauren. I just want to check on you. You can tell me later who did it.."

Relieved,I sigh and let Camila check. "Your wrist is pretty bruised, but not broken...Your forehead could use some stitches, but I know a trick we could try..sometimes it works like a wonder"

She gets up again, opens the door and disappears into the rain and the dark. I don't know what to do and lay down.

I wince as I feel something cold against my forehead. "Shh, Lauren,it's me", I hear her soft voice say which seems to be a natural sound already. I must have fallen asleep and feel her gentle fingers on my scratch. "Ok, that should go", she whispers and walks away.I hear her shuffling around the fireplace and open my eyes. The room is dark, but the fire lights it into a warm light. Just enough to see that Camila is about to lay down in front of it on the hard floor.

"No",I croak and clear my voice. "Join me. You don't need to sleep on the floor. It's your cabin"

"And your privacy, hun" I just pat the empty side, wait for her to get under the covers and she does. Camila waits for me to move and I rest my head on her shoulder as she wraps one arm around me.

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