Part 92

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Hello, hello!!! I am so sorry for not updating but so much has been going on lately that I wasn't in the right state of mind to do so. But here's a new chapter that I promised I'd upload. I hope you're doing well and keeping yourselves safe ♥

Part 92

It's been a few weeks and Lauren is currently stressed out while still having some strong headaches from time to time. She's studying for her last exams and everyone keeps telling her that she'll do well but her own expectations and feelings urge her to keep on studying. She's been back now for a while. At first, she came back alone and got pampered around by Normani and her mom who was informed about some accident that had happened. She just got a lighter cast that she can take off for showers for example and it makes it a lot easier for her to move around. Her ribs still bother her especially when she's laughing but it's all getting better. Mostly everything. Her mood has been a rollercoaster the last few days since Camila came back a couple of days ago and she suddenly became aware of the tension in her body. Dinah keeps teasing her that she needs to get laid which is exactly the problem since she's no good with only one hand and Camila tiptoes around her like she's a forbidden fruit or something and Lauren's fed up with it. The teasing, the tension, the avoidance. That's why she made up a plan. A very good plan for today. And she can start with it now that she finished her last essay and sent it to her teacher. She leans back to check the time. Just enough time to have a quick nap. Just a quick nap and then she's really starting to act out her plan.

Dinah and Normani are sitting downstairs and study in between kisses and cuddles. The two are enjoying the quiet time that they've got for once. They are happy that their relationship started off slowly as they see what problems Camila and Lauren have to face. They are especially cuddly today since they will have the house to themselves in a few hours. The grins aren't leaving their faces as Lauren slowly walks down the stairs and looks at them bewildered. "You ok, Lauser?"

They so obviously see that she's been sleeping and only hope that she's really ready for what she's planned. Normani knows that it was just two days ago that she had to take Lauren home from school because she felt dizzy again.

Lauren nods, careful not to shake her head too quickly. "You sure you got everything that I need?"

"Ally swore that the information is correct."

Lauren sighs, "I feel like a fool for doing it"

"I think it's hot", Dinah admits.

Eyes full of doubt lock with Normani's. The black-haired girl owes her friend an answer as well. "I think it's just what you've got to do, you know? And if you don't feel comfortable you can still jump to the other options to explain why you're there."

Lauren knows that her friends are right and goes back upstairs to finish packing before she is driven to the airport nearby. She hugs her friends' goodbye as Dinah whispers something in her ear; "I put something in your bag just in case you need some ... some inspiration" to which Lauren cannot ask nor comment since her flight is being called out. She decides not to listen to music to avoid another headache and becomes curious as the flight takes off. It's not a long one thankfully. Her hands reach out blindly for the book and she almost drops it as she reads what it's about. Dinah put an erotic book into her bag. Lesbian erotica to be precise and Lauren has no desire to read it next to strangers in a full plane while she must admit that she's interested.

She dozes off again only to be woken up by people who start to gather up their things before she lands. Glad that she didn't take any heavy luggage due to her arm, she high fives herself since she doesn't have much time either. Her pulse quickens as she thinks about her plan and takes the next subway up north. She sends a quick but promising text to Camila: Meet me in our apartment in an hour.

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