Part 36

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I will just put a trigger warning in here to be sure :)

 Otherwise, thank you for all your sweet comments and for your dm's! I love talking to you and I really appreciate every kind of feedback :) I might write this story, but I'm still as normal as you guys.. *cough, what's normal anymore?!* Anyways, enjoy this chapter which is kind of cute, fluff is coming up I guess in the next chapter at the latest :) My semester starts again ...I could vomit.. I try to apply for getting into the arts major as well as in the english one in which I am already, since I miss the creative output and work and English is just so theoretical. But I stop my rambling, since you're mostly interested in the story anyway. :D ENJOY!


Since Normani stayed over for the night, Duffy got the instruction to hide, but she couldn't just not provide no breakfast when she was supposed to and let it just appear.

Girl after girl enters the kitchen and hungrily digs into the breakfast plates that magically waited for them. The witches mentally thanked Duffy for everything while Normani was just happy about food in general and Lauren didn't even glance at the food. She nervously nibbled on her fingernails, while she glanced down onto her lap.

"So, how do we get to school today?", Ally breaks the silence.

"Lauren has a car and if she's not taking her skateboard or whatever, she's normally picking me up anyway", Normani explains and fills up her plate once more.

"Right Lauren?", she adds and gets no reaction, which motivates Camila to shuffle closer to her so that she's able to caress her knee.

"I'm there for you. We all are", she whispers and gets a slight nod.

Everything in Lauren screams at her not to go to school, but she promised. And deep down, she knows, that she has to go eventually. Camila set all this up so she could feel safe, so going to school is the least she can do, she thinks. The girls chatter away the drive that seems oh, so long to Lauren and finally arrive at school. While Ally and Dinah are super excited and run around Normani as if they were really related, Camila gets a strange feeling all of a sudden. She can't place her thoughts into a place and shrugs.

One deep breath later, Lauren, followed by her army of girls, enters the hallway. No one seems to care and the moment Lauren wants to relax, his voice echoes through the hallway. He's coming closer and she can't do anything to avoid him. Camila feels her uneasiness and tries to give her a sign by linking her arm into hers.

One more corner and Lauren knows, he'll be there, waiting for her. She's prepared though.

At least she thought so.

"Hello Jauregui.."

Her blood turns to ice. Normani's eyes widen.

"I said hello, you bitch, is that how you show respect?"

"Leave her alone, Mahone", Mani tries to get him off.

Well, without success. "Leave her like everyone else? How does it feel, hmm, Lauren? Killing your sister so that your mom can't stand being near you and even your step-dad can't act normal and started to punish you. You think you don't deserve what he did to you?! You are worthless and if he really stops, I'll gladly -"

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Mahone?!", Normani screams. "I told you to leave her alone!"

While her friends start to argue with him, Lauren slips away, disappears and runs away.

"You think, your little girls squad can stop me?", he mocks them.

"Or is she a dyke now as well, HA!"

Camila's mind is racing. She can't think about whether she should just attack him and blow their cover in an instant, if she should run after Lauren, yes, of course she'll run after her.

Dinah starts to grin and Camila's state is beyond confused, before she shows her friend that she's recording everything with Laurens phone that she just suddenly "found".

We'll report him immediately, go after Lauren

Camila mouths a 'thank you' and tries to make contact with Lauren, but, well, she basically had some other problems as 'connecting' with Camila at the moment. She locked herself up in one of the janitor closets. Good, that Camila isn't dumb and with or without a little help of her magic fingers, she finally finds the one room. Completely out of breath, she clutches onto the door and tries to not sound too weird.

"Lolo, it's me, please open the door", she tries to whisper.

Giving to the circumstances of getting no response, she looks around to see, if anyone is around her before she just opens the door herself and knows in an instant, why Lauren wasn't able to respond.

The poor girl is crumbled up in a corner, shaking, hugging her knees and having trouble to breathe. She's having one of her famous panic attacks.

Camila rushes to her side and gently takes her into her arms. She's cold, Camila thinks.

Too cold, she's struggling too long.. There's not much time, before Lauren will pass out, if she's not able to calm her down.

"Lolo, I'm here with you. No one of us left. Nothing is true what that dickhead said, ok? You have to believe me. Listen to my voice, babe. It's me, Camila, and I promised to always be there for you."

Lauren clutches her eyes shut. Squeezing new tears out. Camila doesn't really know how to get to her. Sofi has had one or two panic attacks, but as she now realizes, those where nothing close to what Lauren is going through.

"Laur, if you feel my heartbeat, please focus on that, breathe in and out, slowly.", she whispers concerned.

"Cant...breathe", Lauren croaks out.

"Shit", Camila curses. She decides to crawl between Laurens legs, so that she can straighten her torso. Eventually that will help, she thinks. She doesn't seem to see a difference, before an idea pops up in her head. She takes Laurens hand and places it above her left boob, to let her feel her own heartbeat. One hand holds onto Laurens to make sure it stays on her heartbeat, while her other hand starts to play with Laurens hair. She leans closer and leaves small pecks around her ear, her cheek while she mumbles some random things into Laurens ear.

"In and out, copy my heartbeat, I'm here. You're not alone and his words shouldn't get to you. You're worth so, so much. I can't even start what I want to show you and that I want to show you a different side of what you think is normal. I want to make memories with you and make you laugh. You're so unbelievably beautiful. Your green eyes, Lolo, I drown in them. You are the most caring person I've ever met. You make me smile when you're around and it hurts to see you like this, because you believe what he says and it's not true, Lo. It's not true, ok?"

Camila started to get lost in her explanation without realizing that Lauren opened her eyes again, calmed down a little more and just looks at her.

"Do you mean what you said?", Lauren croaks again and gets Camila's full attention.

"Every word, Lo"

Lauren looks down; "You think I'm beautiful?"

"Every piece of you. You make me go crazy, Lauren. Your eyes, your wild hair, your laugh, your character, don't even get me started on your curves, Merlin.. do you know that all the others think so too? They all say that you're so beautiful. But most importantly, you're beautiful to me."

Camila pulls her into a tight embrace, without stopping to play with her hair, while she tries to make Lauren relax even more as she hiccups from breathing so uneven.

"It'll get better, Lolo, I promise."


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