Part 33

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Hey guys! A pre weekend update since I want to enjoy the sun as long as it lasts and you probably like to enjoy a new chapter, right? I hope you like it! Welcome to the new readers as always♥ It seriously makes me smile when I see how many people are reading and commenting ♥ THHHHAAAAANKKKKK YOOOOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!



"Hey, Camila?", Lauren asks her. The witch has been sitting in front of the tv the whole day to check out the cool platform that Lauren calls Netflix. She calls it 'witchflix', cause she doesn't get how it works when it's not magic.

"What's up?", she doesn't look at Lauren, who's laying on the couch with a book on her lap. She slightly feels better thanks to the girl sitting in front of the TV.

"You know, it's Tuesday tomorrow and how you're supposed to go with me and.."

"Yep, I have everything covered, Laur, don't worry, "Camila rushes out to be able to pay attention to what's happening in front of her. "HEY!", she exclaims as Lauren turned the TV off. "HOW?! WHY?!"

"Ever since I turned it on, I feel like you're just halfway listening. And the thing I turned it off with, is called a remote control."

"Ahhh, a romote control," she nodds understanding.

"So, what plan has my little witch flying around in her head?"

"That's what I wanted to do! Thanks, Laur! My nose was itchy the whole day, reminding me, I had something to do, but I couldn't remember."

"You're weird sometimes."

"Thanks, I guess? A good weird?"

"Of course, Camz."

"So, I was telling my friends about this whole scenario and they know that I don't like school-"

"That makes us two girl. That makes us two", Lauren interrupts.

"Anyway, my friends came up with the idea of coming over as well, living here with us until whenever, since they always wanted to go to school here and with them, it's less awkward for everyone and you're really protected. I know that you care about Normani, your friend and I can see that the feeling is mutual, but I NEED to KNOW that you're safe, when I'm not around, ok?"

Lauren bites her lip, thinking about Camila's suggestion. "Stop it", Camila orders and explains as she sees Laurens confused look. "It makes me wanna kiss you and this is serious, so stop biting your lip, Laur"

"Laur, that's a new one for you." "How did you talk to your friends, I mean when? You were here all the time."

"Lauren, thoughts, duh", she lets out, not caring, that Lauren didn't know about their ability before. "We can exchange thoughts."

"How does that work?"

"We have to think of one another and then there's the open pipe to send messages."

"How do you get two people to think of you at the same time?"

"Different ways. Some people send a little something to the person, so that they know it comes from that someone. And swoop, the way is open. I do it that way. I always send a piece of chocolate to the person. Sometimes with a message, saying 'Urgent' or whatever."

Lauren is listening in awe. "That's so fucking cool!"

"So, who are your friends?"

"There's Ally, she always sends a little sun over because she's our sunshine and Dinah. She always sends some music over that just stops if you answer her. She never takes no for an answer."

"Interesting. How are they like? I mean, they must be pretty nice, if you're friends with them."

"Long story. We know each other for like..forever. I met Ally in potion class and she needed to help me, cause I suck at potions", she chuckles. "Dinah and I met when we rode our pets around. I mean, I was riding my flying unicorn, when she crashed into me with her clumsy dragon, " she scolds.

"This is the coolest thing ever! I'd have loved to grow up in your world. It's all I've ever dreamed of." Lauren can't really get ahold of the thought, that basically everything from Harry Potter fits perfectly into the description of Camila's kingdom.

"So, when are they coming?", Lauren asks after a while.

"They're already here", Camila states dryly. "Come in!" Seconds later, two girls crush through the door and lift Camila up into a tight hug.

One girl lets go of her sooner and kneels down next to Lauren. "Hey pretty girl! How are you feeling?", she asks in a warm voice, smiling brightly. This must be Ally.

"Better. Camila really is taking care of me."

"Oh, dummy, she doesn't know who you're", the other girl scolds and adds; "I'm Dinah Jane, Camila's famous friend and sunshine here, is Ally."

"Pleasure to meet you guys!"

"Oh, trust me, we are delighted to be here! We always wanted to come and ever since Camila started talking about you, boy, did we want to meet you", Ally rumbles.

"She couldn't stop talking about you. But I mean your eyes are really the greenest thing I've ever seen. Good catch, Mila", Dinah adds, leaving both love birds in a bright red shade.

"I hope she just told you good things about me", Lauren questions after she got her voice back.

"Of course! You know, she came over that one day and-"

"Ally!", Camila stops her before she can deepen her conversation with Lauren.

"Mila, we brought us a little helper, since you told us that no one works for us here", Dinah begins before she opens the flying suitcase, next to her. Out jumps a little Elf.

Laurens eyes almost bursts out of her head; "Holy shit!"

The Elf doesn't care about Laurens outburst, she walks over to Camila and grabs her hands; "Ms. Camila, thank you for taking me with you! Duffy, will be good, promise."

"Sure, Duffy's always good."

"Except for that one time when Duffy came into your room to discover you with that weird guy kissing and ran to your parents", Dinah says.

Ally adds; "Or when Duffy woke us up even though we told her not to do that because we were drinking the night before.."

The elf defends herself; "But Duffy cooks and cleans!"

"I'm sure, Duffy is doing just fine", Lauren joins in.

"Rude, Duffy," the elf exclaims and walks over to Lauren. "Me, Duffy, you?", she asks and hands her a bouquet of flowers, like out of nowhere.

"I'm Lauren and it's a pleasure to have you here, Duffy."

"Oh, you're the muggle girl", it jumps up and down. "Ms. Camila is in love with you!"

"Duffy!", Camila shouts, embarrassed.

"Well, at least that elf is brave enough to say it out loud", Dinah snorts and sits down next to Lauren.

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