Part 82

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Hey you! 

I am truly sorry for not keeping my promise to update sooner, I'm currently doing an internship and have to prepare so much. But besides that, this story is ranked as number 4 in fairytales!!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?! And that's because of all of you who keep up with my updating schedule and continue to read this story! THANK YOU FOR THAT ♥ And now, please enjoy your stay :D

Part 82

The power couple walks down the hallways in silence, enjoying each other's company after the rush they had to endure at home. After some intimate time and a movie, they quickly realized that they needed to shower and get ready which again led to some kisses until they were finally able to arrive in Camila's world.

"You sure it was ok to leave Normani behind?", Camila asks. Her face shows a vulnerability that she's able to show but rarely and Lauren knows she has to act like a strong princess when they'll walk into the room full of people.

"Yes. Normani told me she wanted to stay and is more than happy to come another time."

Camila shrugs, "I asked Dinah. I don't want her to be alone at the dinner when she could have had Normani by her side."

Lauren stops her worried girlfriend. "Camz, Normani was getting cold feet, babe", she finally reveals the truth. "She told me that meeting this world and overall meeting Dinah's family all at once would freak her out too much."

Camila nods understandingly. "Please let her know that whenever she's ready, I'll make it happen, ok?"

Lauren nods back at her. The royal family is the only one who's allowed to invite people into their world ever since Camila was hurt so bad and the black witches used it to their advantages. Camila has grown a liking for Laurens best friend though and doesn't want her to feel left out. But she understands now and is beyond happy to have Lauren by her side, seeing her standing there so comfortably. It really makes her proud that they've managed to get so far. She wasn't sure sometimes if it wouldn't make more sense to have a break. Sure, there's so much more to talk about but earlier that day when Lauren gave her the little cookie bag, she realized that Lauren has missed her just as much and both dealt with separate problems ate the same time which can only be tough.

Lauren waits for her favorite pair of eyes to lock with hers to then slowly lean in. She feels as if there's not much time and appropriateness for kisses during dinner. They quickly break apart as the door opens abruptly.

"There are my girls!", Sinu greets them knowingly. "Don't eat too much of each other, leave room for some dinner", she winks and makes both girls blush deeply.

"Mom!", Camila scolds her mom before hugging her tightly. Lauren got all shy but warms up again after getting a long hug as well.

"You should say hello to your dad, Karla and Lauren you should surprise Sofia before she flips when she knows her sister's back."

Both bow to the queen's order and Camila's faced with a smirking Lauren.

"What?", she asks as they both walk into the private part of the castle to fulfill their duties. "Karla, huh?"

"Would you stop it, please", Camila playfully slaps her arm.

"I'm never getting over that name", Lauren laughs before she swiftly presses Camila into the next doorframe, pecking her neck softly. "It's hot", she smirks and walks away. Camila needs a moment to collect herself. She never knows in what mood Lauren is. Sometimes she gets all shy like earlier when her mom made a sexual comment and then she does it herself with mischief in her green eyes.

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