Part 6

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OMG! Can you get any cuter?? I'm in love with you guys! This is so cool. I really enjoy writing this for you! ♥ And for all the silent readers, I'm no different, I normally just read and keep my opinion to myself, but I really do appreciate every single one of you. That's all i wanted you to know♥ So, enjoy another part!


"You can eat me if you want..some of them at home would want me to disappear..well rather a lot...", I mumble more sad than feared.

Then she stops, leans in close to my face and licks it. She licks my face.I laugh, but stop even though it tickles as I notice that she licks every single bruise of mine.

"It just hurts a bit", I say as my hand finds its way into her soft,black-brownish hair. "You know where it hurts the most?" I ask her as I wrap my arms around her neck and bury my face in the fur.She smells quite good. Fresh, like adventures in flower flields and forests and just a tiny little bit like sweat.

"It hurts my heart...", I suddenly sob. I don't know why, but I have the feeling that this wolf isn't as bad as it seemed. She lets me cry..maybe the last time before she goes for the kill..I don't know.

I wipe my face with the sleeve of my shirt and get up. "I feel thristy. Do you think that I can drink the water over there?", I point to the river as she trots after me.

"I'm just going to try it...maybe you'll kill me either way. But please don't drown me. I never wanted to die that way", I chuckle, pet her head and dig my head into the cold water. I wipe my face with my hands as I come back up and begin to laugh. "I never thought I'd drink like that. It's not lady like you know"

"So what is this? Can you show me around? You probably can't, can you?Wolfs have a pack and you will have a mate, won't you? They wait for you to come back. If it's so, then you're free to go..I don't want to be a burden or hold you back..I do that way too often... and you don't have to pretend like you like me and not kill me..", I blubber and watch every step of her. But I never expected her to jump on me. She hovers over me and begins to lick behind my ear, making me giggle. Her tail wiggles and I assume that she's not going to kill me and that she's kind.

"Sto pit..Give me mercy, please. UNCLE!", I laugh and hold my tummy. She stops and stares into my eyes. They're really gorgeous. Almost human. Why?Because I tend to let myself think that I notice some emotions in them. I can be wrong though.

"Ok,let's make a deal, ok?"; I suggest as she lays beside me.

"Give me your paw if you're my friend now. You won't do that because you're not a dog that takes commands and you can't understand me-but.--" I stop as I see her lift her huge paw and sets it down on my hand.

I jump up "Oh, we're best buddies now, wolfie", I exclaim and crawl her ear.

"Bestie,show me around. I need to know where you live, before all this stops... I don't really know what it is to be honest..."

We get up and I follow her, never stopping to talk like a waterfall "You know, I found this book today. Wait I have to explain, I went to Mani's at midnight after we had an argument, she came back to apologize and got me to spend the night. The day after that...well today, her mom, she and I went to my favorite place the school library to look at the books which can be thrown away and stuff... I looked through the fairytales and suddenly found a cord. I pulled at it and it appeared to be a secret box with this book. Mani's mom said I could keep it. I am really glad that she gave it to me. I think that it is something special. I went home after that and started reading...and you know, I always attend to be a day dreamer,like today and I'm kind of stuck in this rather realistic day dream since I looked at that painting which looked like" I turn around and notice;"It looks exactly like this place..Isn't that funny?"

The wolf keeps on walking and waits every time I find something at which I have to take a closer look. At least I think that she's waiting for me. We walk over the soft grass, over a small hill down to a breathtaking field with nothing but thousands of colorful and different flowers. I clasp my hand in front of my mouth which is  hanging wide open in awe. My eyes can't register its full beauty.And the smell. Nothing like those little flower shops at the corner of my street. It's so much more fuller and seems like every flower smells different.

I look at the wolf who's looking right back at me before she lifts her head and motions towards her back. I mean she's the biggest wolf I've ever seen. No, I haven't seen a wolf before, but she's taller than every dog that I know. She seems muscular though but still so elegant.

I shrug, who can I harm. I get on her back and bury my fingers deep inside her coat. "Ok", I whisper and she starts to run. Faster than I've ever ran before. Faster than anything I know right through the field. I giggle, open my eyes and take a deep breath. The flowers brush our bodies as we sprint through them. It seems like a never ending ride through something I'll never forget.

The wolf slows down and before I can ask why, we break through the last flowers and step on a new grass field which seems brighter than the last one. She finally stops and lets me climb down. I don't climb. I let myself fall into the fluffy underground and giggle. It never stops to get better. I get back up and follow the wolf who started to walk away. In front of me is the most adorable cottage I've ever seen. Seems that everything I see here is more brighter, better, more beautiful than everything I've known and seen.

I walk along its stone fence and touch its bricks before I open the door, followed by the wolf and step inside. It's one big room with a kitchen to my right, a bed right at the end and a couch to my left. I look around and ask myself if I entered someones house without asking for their permission.

"Do you know if someone lives here?" I ask as I walk around and inspect the things in front of me.

"Do you belong here?" I look at the wolf waiting for an answer but she jumps onto the end of the bed and rests her head on her front paws. I yawn and notice that I'm getting tired.

"Won't harm anybody if I just take a nap,will it? But the wolf closed her eyes already and I join her on the bed. 

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