Part 10

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Well,they took my book. I don't know where I can find it, if I'll ever get it back..All I know is that I could cry my eyes out about how bad my day is already going...nothing is falling into its pieces. And I'm actually on my way back home. My clothes need to be washed, I need to change and I need to repair my bag..He broke the zipper as he lifted it. Maybe he did it on purpose, I don't know. I'm torn between sending Normani a text or not. She'll come over and want to check on me when I write that I'm not well. I need a big excuse for the teachers as well... I hate when I'm stuck in situations like this.My feet drag me home and without thinking and I really should know better; I open the door and stop smiling a smile that was never on my face.

Trigger ⚠️ warning!

"Where have you been?!", he roars and gets up from the couch, walking towards me. I can't escape or he'll come after me...I tried that a few times ago.

"School",I mumble and look down. I wait for the storm to start. He never lets me go that easily

He grabs my wrist and twists it hard. "And the last days? You think you are that smart missy?! Do you think that I don't know that you weren't here?"

I wince and kneel down as he pulls my wrist higher, twists it harder and makes me stumble to the ground. "Please..don't..", I swallow my tears.

I wait patiently for him to decide that he can let me go or that he just finally gets it all over with.

Suddenly,he pulls onto my hair, frees my wrist, but slaps me across the face for several times, until my lip bleeds, my cheek is swollen and tears roll down. He lets me go and I crawl towards the stairs, careful not to put weight onto my now bruised, right wrist.

"You little bitch!", I hear him hiss, think that he's finally going back to the living room before he grabs my hair again and slams my forehead against the door frame.

I scream, cry out, stumble, get up and crawl further, stumble again as I feel the hot blood running down my face and make into my room in the end before everything slips away and gets black.

My head pounds like crazy as I open my eyes a little after the incident.I remember my hurt wrist as I try to push myself up and a shooting pain goes through my arm.

"Fuck.."I eventually get up, walk into my bathroom to take care of the wounds. The blood has dried and I let warm water pour over the washcloth in my left hand before I clean my face. A deep stratch is left where I put a simple band aid over and look at my right hand. My wrist represents a handprint of his hand. The more pressure the darker are the bruises.

I search through my secret box and find a new pair of bandages that I try to wrap around my wrist, then my hand to stabilize it.

I swallow a aspirin for my headache and smile in a broken, sad way. "At least I have an excuse now why I skipped class today", I whisper to myself.

I take the washcloth, some soap and warm water and head back to where I fainted. There sure must be some blood in the carpet. I spot the place and begin to scrub. My left hand begins to redden as I do so and new tears of hopelessness flood down my face.

I check one last time to make sure no blood is left in my beloved carpet. Nothing's left. I sigh. The headache is still partying in my head and I feel exhausted. I throw the dirty water away before I lay down on my bed. My left hand reaches out for my nightstand to get a tissue to wipe my nose as I push against something. I turn my head,and gasp. My body immediately rises up and touch what lays there.

My book.

I wonder how it came into my room as I check if all the windows are closed and locked. They're. "At least I have you back now", I sigh, sit on my bed again and open the book which rests on my legs totally ignoring the headache and the need to sleep.

There you go Tell me what you think and share the story with friends if you like :-) I'm not having wifi until Wednesday, that's why I updated again. You'll get another chapter as soon as I'm connected again! xoxo Ina

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