Part 40

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Helloi Guys!!!!!! I'm beyond thankful for all the comments/feedback again. Seems like I'm just going to repeat this sentence over and over again, but it never gets old :)

ALMOST 40 THOUSAND READS HOLY SHIT! Read this again and let it sink in. That's what you are capable of and I'm blessed to be able to write for such amazing human beings! Your comments make me smile, your messages inspire me ☻ There's not one message that could possibly sound stupid to me. Text me for whatever reason you want. You can always add me on social media, ask what's to come, for me to explain some things when you didn't understand sth in the story. If you just want to talk, I'm there in my inbox waiting for ya ♥

Plus, thanks for letting me know as if it seemed like the last chapter seemed familiar to (some of) you. To take it away, I'm an academic writer. Copying means being expelled from my University. This is no academic writing at all, but I want you to know that I think as seriously about this if not more as I care about university stuff. I will not copy and paste anything in a thousand years and put my name under it. That's not me. But, as all of you guys, I'm breathing in fanfics like it's the air I need to live. So, it could possibly be that I get inspired, which should be a good thing. The words that will be published in this book are mine though. Like 100% mine. I'm not offended and this is hopefully not coming off as rude, that's not my intention. Thank you for letting me know and giving me the chance to state my point of view before rumors started to spread around. You can always give me feedback ♥

I love you guys and am happy to be part of this with you ♥ ENJOY the next part♥


Lauren had to swallow the lump in her throat and attend school. She never believed she could actually enjoy school since she has the girls behind her. All get along well and find interests in several subjects. The headmaster took care of the case with the police and there's no risk around corners at the moment. His little friends are too coward and shy without the leader of the group to start something against Lauren. All girls have eyes like hawks though and walk around the corridors, always ready to jump in.

Camila is right now standing in front of the art teacher to discuss art with her. Giving Normani the chance to encounter a proper conversation with her friend. She likes the fact that all the new girls are around Lauren but that exactly means, there's nearly a chance to have some alone time just with her best friend.

"So, Lauser, you gay?", she asks and smirks as she sees the reaction of her friend, who's pencil just accidently slipped over the whole paper. Lauren's eyes are almost falling out of her head, a blush creeping up in her cheeks.

She opens her mouth to say something, before she's interrupted; "Don't even say that you don't know what I'm talking about, Laur", she smiles.

"Well, I guess I'm bi if that makes sense", she admits shyly.

"Whatever floats your boat, Laur", Normani squeezes her hand. "I just don't want you to deny anything or be surprised whenever little innocent Camila over there asks to go one step further."

"I guess you're right. I don't even know what we are.."

" should talk about it with her. She'll not push you away, but offer some clearance you know."

Lauren glances over to the petite brunette who's still in an intense conversation about god only knows what. She rests her chin on her hand and turns around to Mani.

"But what's going on with you and Dinah", she winks.

"This is not going where it's supposed to go", she chuckles nervously.

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