Part 71

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Hey guys! Happy new year ♥ Again and like always :) - Thank you so much for reading ♥ I just wanted to let you know that even though people tend to say since it's a new year, one has to change things about ones life. I just wanted to let you know that you don't have to change anything. love yourself and your life rather than feeling pressured ♥ if you do want to change something, that's perfectly fine as well, but please don't think that you have to because you're perfect in the way that you're now. You can make changes for yourself but only if it's your decision ♥ 

lots of love ♥

Part 71.

Weeks flew by and the girls settled down in a monotonous rhythm, living their lives, going to school, studying in the afternoon for upcoming exams. Even the witches sat down in front of a book. The girls planned all the presents for Christmas and are completely in fall/winter mood. Even though Miami isn't getting super cold, they snuggled up in their sweaters. They stopped teasing Lauren since her sweaters almost swallow her up, hanging all baggy on her body. Lauren is sitting on her desk, a calculator beside her. Steam is almost coming out of her ears as she day dreams while the other girls have long gone to sleep. Her long, black hair frames her side profile. Her hands carry the weight of her head which is rested upon them. She took care of the homework that she pushed away and thought about the future. She's deep in thought indeed and doesn't hear the door opening and closing. Dinah stayed at Normani's house. They ate dinner with Normani's mom and the girls are really glad that Mrs. Kordei has caught on what's been going on between the girls, but isn't pressuring them to tell her anything. They are dating somehow but don't want to make it exclusive just yet. Normani is still getting used to all the magic stuff, she doesn't need to worry about explaining her mom why she can't meet Dinah's parents. Dinah saw that Lauren's light's still on and decides to check up on her. After walking up the stairs, she gently knocks on the door before opening it. She spots Lauren in the corner of her room and looks concerned as she greets her friend.

"Hey Lauser, I saw that your light's still on and thought I'd say hi", she begins. Unsure of what to say before she knows in what mood Lauren is. The raven-haired girl turns her head around, but lets her chin rest on her hands. She smiles weakly at her friend and Dinah sees just how tired she is. Something must be bothering her to keep her awake.

"Come on girl, get ready for bed and I think you deserve some Dinah cuddles", she cheers her up and watches how her friend sighs before getting up. She drags her feet to her bed and flops down beside the blonde. "I'm ready", she grumbles. Dinah can't even protest since Lauren is already wearing sweats and she looks like she was either make-up less or she took it off earlier. Her arms wrap around her pale friend.

"What's keeping you up?"

Lauren snuggles closer. She enjoys being held for once. Camila used to do that a lot but she's not around and Lauren really misses that kind of support. "Just a lot on my mind."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

Lauren shakes her head. She's driven herself nuts about all the things that swirl around her head lately. So much has happened during the last weeks that she barely kept up with the news and the bills. It seems to be too much for her to handle. Normani asked Dinah if she knew something about Lauren during dinner. The two agreed that their friend changed into a more distanced version of herself lately which concerns both. They made up the plan of observing her behavior while Dinah's more important since she's staying with her.

She shakes head and pulls her blanket closer to her body. The lack of sleep makes her feel colder than she would normally be.

Dinah's fingers are tingling. She knows pushing Lauren to answers isn't the best idea if not one of the worst, but they all just want to understand to help her.

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