Part 8

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Buzz..Buzz and then I hear my wake up ringtone of my mobile phone next to me. I groan and open my eyes to see nothing but darkness around me. A chuckle escapes. I'm in my hiding place of my closet and must have slept through the last hours. So it really was a dream though. Just apart of me..a tiny part believed for a short period of time that it could have been real. But nothing that bright and beautiful can be true. Either way, I start to love this book. It's almost magical.

The light of my screen gets my attention and I jump up as I realize it's Monday morning and I nearly overslept. I have to skip breakfast and the shower to be able to make it on time. I crawl under my dresses into the closet, rip the clothes of my body and change into my black skinny pants, my ACDC shirt and my leather jacket. Fuck, I forgot to do all my homework over the weekend...shuck... I never forget. EVER!

It's too late to get to school by bike..Huh, since I'm such a huge bike rider, I chuckle over my thought, grab the keys from my nightstand and start to drive to school with the car I got on my 16th birthday from my mom. One of the last happy moments we had.

"Where have you been?!", a furious Normani comes walking to me as I get out of my car and turn around to lock it.

"I'm here now, isn't that what you want?", I ask dumbfounded

"No,dummy..where have you been the past day!? You ignored my texts and didn't open your balcony door as I was there, throwing stones at your window..", she huffs

"I was reading..", I admit honestly. "You should stop throwing stones at my window..I swear if you're going to break it someday you'll pay for it"

"My pleasure! Now, come on and hurry I don't want to be late for maths..." She grabs me by my jacket and drags me into the school,then the classroom.

"Mani...",I mumble shyly


"Can I copy the homework?", I ask as her eyes widen

"You never forget to do that! Damn, that book must be good then.." She throws her stuff over and I start to cover the results just right in time before the teacher comes in and starts lecturing the ones that forgot them with detention.. Always thinking that Normani had no clue how good that book is...

I doze off with my thoughts and think about how beautiful the black wolf looked like and that I have my favorite period of the day ahead of me. Art. I love to paint even though I'm not really good at it,but that doesn't matter to me. And there're only nice and kind people in art class..not those jerks like in this room who think that it doesn't bother me when they throw paper balls at my head.

I can feel how Normani starts to become angry. She turns around and glares at the back row; "Can't you stop and leave her alone?!",she whisper yells at their smirking faces. My hand finds her arm and I try to clam her down..It won't change anything, it'll only get worse afterwards..

"Ms.Kordei, is there a problem you'd like to report?", the teacher asks her dismissingly

Everyone shuts up and look at her. Now she's the one that gets stared down by the back row. "Yes, actually there is something. These people",she points at them "keep on throwing paper balls at Ms. Jauregui's head and I won't tolerate it any longer"

"Is that so Ms. Jauregui?", the teacher suddenly asks me. I look down and play with my fingers..

"If it's the truth Ms. Kordei then Ms. Jauregui should report it herself next time. She has a mouth herself", the teacher snaps, angry that she disturbed the class and huffing as the bell rings and I immediately jump up, grabbing my already packed bag and storm out of the room towards the girls restroom.

I start to pick the paper balls out of my hair as I feel two extra hands helping me from behind. Normani.

"Why didn't you say something?"

"Because it'd only make it worse and that teacher dislikes me and doesn't believe that her favorite students would do that..."

"I think we got everything out of your hair...Are you ok, L?"

I nod. I had it worse than today. "Thanks for sticking by me"

"Always. Oh, stop, I guess there's something left" She steps closer and fumbles around and with my hair until she chuckles and shows me what she's found.

"Why do you have a rose stuck in your hair?" she shakes her head

I take the rose and look at it. Its color is as bright as I've imagined it. Wait! I've been reading the whole time. I never even for once left the house.. and that rose is real. Normani can prove it. I shiver and feel cold all out of a sudden.

"Laur,you alright?", she asks and looks at me concerned

"Yeah,I just forgot that it was there" The bell once again saves me from having to deal with more than I want.

"Ok,guys!", my favorite teacher chimes and claps her hands. "This next task is rather random because we have some time left over of this year to do whatever we want to do, which I think is pretty good.I never liked the things I had to do in school, but the things I could choose to do", she giggles as she remembers. "You can choose if you want to paint or build whatever you like, or if I should give you a task. Think about it, try something new!"

Excitement runs through my body as I think about what I could do and look over to Mani who seems stuck.

"Any idea what you could do yet?", I ask her sweetly

"Nope...Idon't want to paint anything though..building isn't for me aswell..think I'm heading for the task..", she pouts

"What about you design your own clothes? That's art as well", I wink.Mani always dreamt of designing her own fashion line when we were little. She tried to once when she was about ten and has been creating her own shirts for a while now. They're quite cool!

"Laur,you're a genius!", she says and hugs me before she gets up and comes back with a sketchbook and some pencils.

"Here,I thought you'd like to sketch as well" She knows me too well and I gladly accept the second pair of what she brought along.

As I draw lines onto the paper, I almost forget about the book, the mysterious book which is waiting for me at home. I wonder what it'll be like when I open it again. Will it feel real again?

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