Part 34

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Thank you so much for all your sweet comments! ♥♥ since they're building up their relationship with each other, some bumpy chapters are coming up, but there are still some fluffy moments coming up as well. We just have to get through the first part until it gets more interesting for their relationships :-) But, I promise that the fluff is coming!

For your explanation, this is not any copy of the books of Narnia or Harry Potter. Nevertheless, I took some inspiration from reading those books. But when I write similar stuff, then it's mostly because I came up with it without thinking that I took it out of some existent story. You guys remind me that it's "similar" or "like" something :D Just that you know, I don't particularly try to copy anything or make it alike. This story is still its own story. :)

Here's another chapter, which eventually leads to some first rough moment. I hope you enjoy and I will try to work on more stuff next week after I've written my last exam and have a few days off. love you!



"This is the weirdest shit ever", Lauren suddenly says and gets the attention of all the girls, plus Duffy the elf.

Duffy tries to catch up with the language Lauren used; "Weirdest shit ever, Duffy don't understand. Muggle speak different."

"This is basically Harry Potter 2.0", she sighs.

Camila can't stop her curiosity from asking; "What's Harry Potter?"

The three witches are waiting for an answer. "Well, basically the coolest thing ever. Harry Potter is a magician and he and his friends live in a castle, which is their school. They attend all those different classes, potion call, practice for Quidditch..stuff like that. There're books and movies about it."

"We do have potion classes. But I don't know about that other thing," Ally tries to find similarities herself.

Dinah, who was thinking as well adds;  "We have practice how to fly on brooms or pets though."

"Yeah, and you really need it," Camila accidently snaps.

"It was an accident by Merlin's beard!"

"You clearly don't have your dragon in control though."

"You probably had some sparkly stuff in your eyes from that sparkling unicorn of yours", she shoots back.

"Ally, do you have a crazy pet as well?", Lauren asks the helpless Ally, who can't decide whether to interfere the argument of her friends or not.

Her head turns around to give Lauren her attention; "No, I don't. I have my broom."

"I wish I would have at least one of those things to get a try to fly", the raven-haired mumbles.

"I will take you someday", Camila suddenly says. Lauren's surprised. She didn't think that Camila was hearing what she said.

"You're more than welcome to ride on my broom as well", Ally suggests.

"It looks like it glows, when she's flying,, because it has little moons, stars and suns in its tail", Dinah describes.

"I think it'll be pretty hard to decide which flying instrument/pet is the best."

"My unicorn of course!", Camila responds offended. "Because it's mine", she winks.

"Anyways, where are our rooms? We need to get settled and I'm hungry!" Dinah sighs.

Lauren and Camila exchange some eye contact. Lauren didn't even know they were expecting company, she doesn't know where they could stay best.

"I'm staying with Lauren...uhm.. cause she still needs help", Camila explains but blushes anyway.

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