Part 57

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Hey lovelies! 

This is the last part of the drama stuff and then I promise it's getting better! :) Thank you for almost 65k reads♥ I have another story which is read by a handful of people but I still update and I'd do the same for you, but it makes me so happy to see that so many of you enjoy this story ♥ THANK YOU! And thank you for all the comments! I'll keep it up with the questions so that I can read your beautiful opinions :) I LOVE YOU ♥


Lauren slides off the bed, grabs her hoodie and walks out of the room, leaving Camila alone. She has never felt so heartbroken. So let down. But both have been there and said the things they said. Camila counts her wounds as Lauren closes the front door behind her. She reaches out for her bike and starts to ride down the street, blinded by her tears.

Camila sits on Lauren's bed, sobbing. Waking up the girls.

When no one was there for her, Camila was there for Lauren and now she's gone.

And both have so many questions for each other.

The girls run into Lauren's room and see the sight that they've never seen before. Well, Ally and Dinah have seen their friend like this once. When she came back into their world. Heartbroken. Empty. Alone.

She's literally alone.

Now, Lauren is gone and she's here.

Normani starts to realize what has happened and listens for Lauren. There's nothing besides Camila's sobs.

"You stay here, I have to find Lauren," she yells and thinks of the worst things that could happen.

She walks out of the room before she turns around and shakes Camila; "Why don't you care?"

"I care!", she defends herself.

"Then go and find her."

"I have questions;" she whispers.

"Well, fuck your questions, we all have some and can't get it into our heads that something must have happened here. Lauren is on a run. If you're not coming- I'm going out now!"

Lauren sits down on the edge. Rain is falling down on her and her hoodie is drenched already. She shivers but the anger and frustration keeps her warm. Her hands trace the familiar shapes. She's never been here after what happened.

"Do you miss me?", she whispers and yells; "Do you miss me?!"

Her face rests against the metal; "Because I miss you so fucking much and it's all my fault. Now you're gone and I'm here. I should be you and not be here anymore."

Silence. "Everyone is playing me like a fool. Why?! Do I deserve it so much. I fucking love her. She's the best thing that has happened to me and her voice has been the most familiar sound to me. Soothing, calming, comforting."

"Do you blame me for a fool? Do you even care? You're not here anymore.."

Normani grabs the keys of Laurens Mustang and gets in. The girls all follow her after Camila calmed down some more and came to her senses. It freaks them out that Normani seems to know the exact way of where to find Lauren. She must have been there before and it must mean something to her since it's still storming outside and she seemed beyond terrified before. And now she went out and ran away.

"Mani?", Dinah gently asks searching for answers. To think that they are sitting on a plane in a few hours is something that seems to be years from now. They all forgot about it.

"It's her story to tell", is the only thing they get and accept it. They'll know soon enough. They understand the depths of their friendship and realize that this story is indeed more complicated than it has been.

They pass areas that are so unfamiliar to them as the mess they are in right now.

The rain collides onto the roof and is the only sound they hear before they stop on a bridge and are about to ask Normani why she has stopped when they see her.

Lauren sits on the edge of the bridge, her head resting on the metal bar that is left before there's a huge whole in the barrier and she could easily fall down into the wild river. Her shoulders rise and fall rapidly. None of the girls talk as Camila suddenly gets out into the rain. The other three observe what the light gives away. All of them are tired and on the edge of their nerves.

"How can I fix this?", Camila asks loudly enough. Lauren looks up and Camila realizes that she thought she has seen Lauren at her worst, but this tops it by far.

"I have questions for you..", Camila mumbles. She sits down next to Lauren and holds onto her hoodie afraid that she could fall down any minute.

"What happened?", she whispers the question that led both to part just hours ago.

"I picked her up. My parents were going out and I promised to pick her up. I had just gotten my license and I picked her up from friends like I said I would. A thunderstorm started just as we drove through the woods. It got so bad that a tree was about to crash down and I avoided it by sliding past, but lost control of the car. We are the reason for the missing barrier. It's like they want to remind me of it. They never repaired it. We crashed into the river but only I made it out."

"And your parents blame you for it", Camila puts the pieces together, saying it more to herself.

"I don't blame you, Lauren. It's not your fault. You couldn't have reacted differently."

"I could have stopped and let the tree crash down onto me," she says icy.

Camila gets more afraid by the passing second that she pulls Lauren towards her. She feels Normani's arms behind her who helps her to get away from the edge.

"I gave you all of me," both say at the same time.

"Is it my fault?", Lauren asks. Camila only shakes her head. "No, it's mine."

"How do we fix this?"

Camila sighs, "If you day at a time.. can we talk about it?"

"I care", Lauren whispers.

"I know. I care too."

Counting wounds. I have questions haunting me. 


Did you expect such a turn? Were you thinking the right thing about what happened to Lauren/her sister?

Do you think their relationship is toxic?

Have you checked out the new Fifth Harmony album? What do you think? ♥ What's your favorite song so far?  I'm still in love with Angel since it's catchy but I'm just streaming :)

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