Part 53

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HElllooooo again :) Here's another part for you guys! Listen to the good old song above :) I always liked that version. Love you♥


The girls were happy to see a smile on Lauren's face as she entered the kitchen. Normani winked towards Camila, giving her thumbs up that whatever she did, she took good care of her best friend.

"So, we are visiting good old Lucy?", she nudges Lauren who actually feels hungry for once and decides to eat a waffle after checking with Camila if she wanted to share.

"Yeah, I hope you are ok with that since you are all coming along."

Ally's smile drops for a second; "You are kidding, right? New Orleans is the place to be for magicians. It's full of history and cool vibes. We are STOKED to say the least."

Lauren lets out a whole-hearted laugh after hearing such an enthusiastic outburst of the sunshine.

"Normani, are you ok too?"

"Sure! A few days with my best friends. I can't remember the last time we went away, Lauser. It's going to be a lot of fun."

Dinah butts in; "Where are we going to stay?"

"Lucy has a private condo kind of, enough space and rooms for us."

"So, we are not staying in her college dorm this time?"

"No, since we are too many. But she's probably coming over with Keana or Sarah."

"Shoot, Lauser! Today's choir club!!", Normani panics.

"We know;" Camila answers.

"But, what do we present though?"

"We talked about it and we thought doing something as a group could be fun, right?"

All girls agree. "But like what song? We don't know that many of your songs..", Ally says concerned.

Lauren suddenly speaks up; "I wrote a song...We could do that one so that no one knows when something goes wrong.."

She thinks it's a bad idea the moment she closes her mouth and is taken back as the girls immediately agree. She smiles cheekily and gets her songbook. After copying, she hands each a copy, hoping they could read the notes.

"It's really good!" Camila is the first one to comment her work, the others agree and split up the verses. "Camila can play the guitar along with Ally and we should be ready. We can rehearse before the club starts;" Dinah says and settles it all.

Mrs. Springsteen is more than happy when she hears the girls' announcement of singing together. She's sure that something amazing must come out of it. The last period has arrived, Lauren felt nervous during their lunch break, but settled back down as Camila and Normani calmed her down. They sit next to her as the five are lined up in front of the class. Not that Lauren has to be afraid to be judges. All kids in all arts are alike and like each other since they get each others minds. But she can't shuffle the uneasiness away. Eventually being scared to sing in front of her new friends, her crush, or being unsure if they actually can perform when they haven't rehearsed the song at least once. She's not sure, but sitting in front of her class now and there's not backing out now. Pushing her anxiety aside, she notices that Camila has the same expression on her face and smiles at her. One nod and the music begins.

My heart is telling me that you are gonna change, but I know
My heart is lying right to my face, yeah

My heart is making up excuses for your ways, but I wish that
My heart knew when I should walk away.

It lets me down, it helps me as I get back up off the ground
While telling me that this is love but I found
It wasn't really on my side, now I think it's time

I tell my heart to just butt out, keep it's opinions to itself
I should just listen to my head, 'cause it's the one who knows what's best
It tells me not to love you,
But my heart says just forgive you
Oh but it's not thinking clearly
I wish that I could leave my heart out of this
Leave my heart out of this

I'm done feeling like a stranger to myself, so I know
I've got to put all of my feelings on a shelf, yeah

It lets me down, it helps me as I get back up off the ground
While telling me that this is love but I found
It wasn't really on my side, now I think it's time

I tell my heart to just butt out, keep it's opinions to itself
I should just listen to my head, 'cause it's the one who knows what's best
It tells me not to love you,
But my heart says just forgive you
Oh but it's not thinking clearly
I wish that I could leave my heart out of this
Leave my heart out of this

Sometimes I wish you'd just shut up
And let me think, I've had enough
I need to just make up my mind (make up my mind)

So that's why

(I should just listen to my head, 'cause it's the one who knows what's best)

It tells me (tells me) not to love you (love you) but my heart says just forgive you
Oh but it's not thinking clearly
I wish that I could leave my (leave my, leave my, leave my, leave my) heart out of this
Leave my heart out of this

Hey, le le le leave my heart
Le le le leave my heart, no, no

First, there's complete silence before the whole class including Mrs. Springsteen jump up on their feet, applauding like they've never done it for anyone else before.

"Such a harmony, girls! I'm beyond impressed!!"

"Well, it was time to impress", Dinah chuckles and clicks her nails.

"You could definitely be a group, I can see it in front of my eyes!"

"We should name ourselves!", Ally exclaims.

"Five girls with such a harmony, I'm blown away."

"Fifth Harmony, yo!", Camila slips out. "That's it!", Normani high fives her and her friends, before settling down again.

"Girls, I don't know the song though.."

"That's because Planet Green eyes wrote it herself;" Dinah busts her cover, smirking.

"Lauren! I want you to keep up with all the good work! I'll open up for the last ones to perform now."

Tell me what you think ♥

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