Part 74

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Hey guys! Here's another part for you :) Thank you for reading ♥ 

Camila is coming back for sure and really soon. I just wanted to focus on some friendship stuff between the other girls for once, but she's basically on her way back ;) stay tuned :)

Part 74

The girls were shocked after hearing what Normani had to say during lunch hour and were anxious to see if Lauren arrives any time soon. They wouldn't come to school anymore but Lauren is Lauren and she hates to miss classes even though she doesn't like the facility school, she does like to study, and she normally cares about her grades.

"I'm going to kill those motherfuck-", Dinah says outraged.

"Language!", Ally bumps in.

"I'm going to peep the fuck out of them."

Ally chuckles, "No."

"But honestly though, what are we going to do now?"

"We need to get her to open up now. We were just too afraid to ask or push her, but we need to do something in case it's bothering her too much", Ally says.

"Well, duh, it's bothering her since she's clearly not able to focus anymore and is falling behind." Dinah states. "Even Camila asked me if something's wrong."

"How come?", Normani asks. She couldn't claim to be informed about how Lauren's and Camila's relationship had been like in the past few weeks, but she thought that they connected regularly.

Ally takes a deep breath, "Because they haven't connected in days and Camila is afraid that Lauren is either struggling with something or mad. But she can't even think of a reason why she should be mad", she states.

"My ship can't go down", Dinah whines and steals another fry from Normani's plate who doesn't seem to care.

"I'm going to stay up tonight if she went to work and I don't know maybe try to talk to her."

"Don't wait in the living room with the lights off and scare her please", Ally clarifies. She doesn't want her to scream when someone is suddenly turning on the light.

"You know I wouldn't do that since her step dad probably did that too many times. I don't want to trigger her. I'll just wait in her room with the lights on or something if I don't fall asleep."

"I can wait until she comes back and disappear before she enters the room to make sure you stay awake", Dinah suggests.

"And then?", asks Ally. She's afraid that it's not going to be very easy to squeeze out any information if Lauren wanted to keep some things hidden.

"I don't think I'd be talkative after working and stuff..", Dinah sighs.

"I'll prepare chicken nuggets and hot chocolate. That should make her feel safe. And I'll be waiting with Leo on her bed to relax the situation."

"I thought it'd get easier after everything you know", Normani confesses as her lip wobbles and Dinah embraces her right away. They all are hurt to see their friend struggling, pushing them away. They don't understand why Lauren isn't trusting them and hiding things from them. But at the same time, they do because she's used to keep things to herself and swallow her worries and feelings down.

Lauren just woke up, confused why her room was flooded with light and she panicked for a few seconds after checking the time and realizing that she slept in. She calmed down when she spotted the little post it from the girls saying they wanted her to sleep in and were saying that she's sick. She feels guilty because the girls are caring so much about her and her well-being and all she does is being away, not spending any time with them. She uses breaks to do get some of her homework done or take naps somewhere in the library, hiding away.

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