Part 15

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Here you go! I hope you're not too upset about the leaked pictures. It's obviously Lauren's privacy and it could be just a kiss. Sure, all the Camren shippers are kind of sad, but we created a lovely love story if nothing has ever happened. It's just important that we show her our support and our opinions and prophecies on what could have happened isn't what matters. She's a human being with feelings. 

I hope, you're still interested in reading this story, because it basically never has been real. It's just in my head, my fanfiction. Let me know, I'd keep on writing just because I adore the friendship between Lauren and Camila and always enjoyed the situations where you were able to think something more was going on so that I had something to feed my creativity. 

I love you ♥


"Hey L", Normani says as she approaches her best friend who's sitting under a tree far away from all the others. Far away from the cafeteria where everyone is now eating and not even noticing that she's missing. But Mani did. She first checked the library, where her mom shook her head and sent her away again.

"Hey",she weakly smiles and looks back down onto her fingers.

"What are you thinking about?"

Lauren sighs; "A lot of things.."

"Lauren,please don't shut me out more than you already know that mom and I just want the best for you and it hurts me to see you like this and even more that I know that you don't tell me anything anymore.."

Normani sees Lauren flinch by her words and takes her hands in hers in a fast move; "I'm sorry if I pushed you."

"Their words are bullets and every day a part of me dies.."

"I know, but I promise to try harder, L", Mani pleads.

"I don't want you to anymore. You have to promise me that you wont stand up for me anymore..", Lauren says as she keeps looking down.

"But why..I don't understand", Normani admits confused and tries to make Lauren look into her eyes. "Don't give up, L", she adds.

"You can't understand.."

"Why are you pushing me away?", Normani, now furiously says and gives Lauren a little push that makes her fall to the side onto her still sore wrist.

While Lauren rubs her wrist, Mani's eyes are wide open in shock and stare onto the part of skin that is now revealed from her shirt that is lifted. Darks bruises, old and new scars, freshly made cuts are just showing a little of all the damage that has been done.

"La...Lau...Lauren",Normani stutters and covers her mouth while tears stream down her face as Lauren realizes, covers herself up and runs away. She literally pushed her best friend away right now.

Mani's still sitting under the tree as she gets a text from her mom saying that Lauren is in the library and whatever had happened should be taken care of.

Her mom doesn't need to tell her where she is at, and the sniffs of Lauren give her hiding spot away as Normani pulls her into a tight embrace.

She cries even harder into her best friends shoulder and calms down as the next period already started, but neither of the girls cares.

"Can I do something for you that could make you feel better?", Mani asks softly after a while.

She feels how Lauren nods while her mouth stays shut.

"Tell me, L",she convinces her.

"I need a dress.."

"A dress? For what?" Normani isn't giving her attitude or stomething else and Lauren knows that she can tell her at least a story she thought of giving her to explain.

"Um,someone um..asked me to go out and I wanted to look good..", she starts. "I just want to look and feel good, you know"

Normani doesn't need to know more for that certain moment. She's happy that Lauren opens up and thinks about pushing the boundries a bit.

"So, I'll gladly sew you a dress..under one condition though", she says softly.

Lauren looks up and has a frightened look on her face. Normani sees it as she tugs a strain of her behind Lauren's ear. "I need you to help and assist and you have to try the dress on, without covering you up,ok?"

"I'll try"

"Then lets get to our last class before we can head to my house and start creating a dress, shall we?"

"Hey girls",Mrs Kordei greets them and is happy about the change in Lauren's appearance. She glances onto her watch and smiles. "You know, it doesn't make sense to head to your class now..Just wait for me and we'll head home,ok?"

Normani goes to her mom and gives her a tight hug "Thanks mom"

"I just want my two favorite girls to be smiling"

Mani plops down onto her bed next to Lauren who's staring up at the ceiling. "I have the perfect idea for a dress!", Mani beams and starts sketching..

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