Part 90

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Part 90

The next day, Lucy is the first one to check up on Lauren and almost screams as she spots a black wolf in her bed beside her. Unsure of what to do, she feels safe enough to approach the scene as she notices that both animal and her best friend are still sleeping. Lucy finds herself standing in front of the bed, staring at them helplessly as she hears noises coming out of the bathroom. Not soon later, the Queen enters the room, carrying a bowl of steaming water in her hand. She doesn't seem surprised to see Lucy standing there and greets her casually; "Morning, Lucy. How did you sleep?"

Lucy is too taken back to answer her question which normally counts as being rude, but the Queen remembers that she's not from their world. "Who-Who is that?"

The Queen knows at whom she is pointing at and smiles sadly. "That's Camila, dear."

"How and why?"

"She's feeling very weak at the moment it seems. Her magic powers are playing with her. It's like a coping mechanism to protect oneself. The wolf was always her most natural form in which she first transformed into."

"But she's still her like, she's not hurting Lauren, right?"

"She wouldn't if she could. Don't worry. We need to worry however how we toughen them up again."

They see how Lauren is slowly waking up as she lets out small whimpers until her eyes open, meeting the others'.

"Laur, hey", Lucy says softly and walks closer to her. "Hey", she whispers raspy.

"How are you feeling?"

"It's pounding everywhere", she says while closing her eyes again. The two women sigh after hearing that and Lucy can see how the Queen is thinking about something.

"Lucy, why don't you take care of Lauren while I think of something", the Queen basically demands and leaves. Lucy spots the bowl with water and sees a washcloth swimming in it. She takes it and gently pats Lauren's face and the revealed skin to freshen her up.

"Can we somehow brush my teeth?", Lauren asks after a while. Lucy rushes into the bathroom to get a toothbrush and softly brushes Lauren's teeth always making sure not to move her head too much.

" either need to sit up to spit it out now or swallow", she tries to joke.

"Shpit", she mumbles and closes her mouth quickly before she starts to drool. Lucy helps her sit up a bit more, so she can spit in an empty bowl.

"I hate this", she complains but keeps sitting like that since she feels dizzy again.

"Can't they drug you up or better heal you?"

Lauren wants to shake her head but waits until she can speak again, "It's somehow forbidden I guess. Health and money are off the limit."

"And you find it totally normal to wake up next to a wolf nowadays?", Lucy giggles and sees how Lauren's hand is reaching out blindly until she collides with fur. Lucy sees how she tries to make sense of it as her head slowly turned far enough to see what she's touching now. "She's so soft"

"Well, I was terrified when I came in and think touching her like that invades her privacy"

"I like it", Lauren hums but understands why Lucy doesn't want to touch her. They hear low growls coming from the wolf before she lifts her head and the girls stare into those golden eyes. "Woah", Lucy lets out.

"Beautiful, right?"

Lucy nods and sees how the wolf lovingly licks Lauren's hand.

They hear people walking up the stairs and seconds later, the queen and a maid come inside. Lucy is still trying to wrap her mind around things. The wolf, being there and that woman who always feels when anything happened somehow, which kind of creeps her out. But since she's so nice, Lucy lets it be.

"Ok, I came up with an idea how to make you feel better", she begins after the maid placed food and towels on the table. "I will let a pool appear with magic water, like the one Camila took Lauren to months ago, remember?"

Lauren weakly smiles, "Yeah, I do", she remembers it very well. How she thought they were riding against a green wall until Camila revealed the hot pools. How the butterflies and birds helped her undress and carried the dress away and how her skin felt against Camila's bare skin for the first time. It was romantic and relaxing at the same time and she felt so content in the situation.

"Lucy, would you help?"

"Of course," she says without thinking. The Queen does not blink or do anything, but a big pool suddenly stands in the middle of the room, filled with hot water and flower petals. "What can I do?"

"You need to sit behind Lauren to support her head and supervise."

Lucy nods, hoping it's ok with Lauren. "Is that ok, or do you want Normani to be here?"

"You", Lauren states. She wants Normani to spend a nice day with Dinah and feels secretly more comfortable around Lucy when it comes to undressing.

"Ok, whenever you're ready. I'll let Lauren float into the pool. Camila, do you feel strong enough to walk over yourself?"

Lucy thinks it's remarkable that the woman is talking to the wolf like it's no big deal. Thinking that it's her daughter. It fascinates her seeing the wolf slowly get up and pat over to climb the steps and sink into the water. Meanwhile, Lucy stripped out of her pants but is still wearing her underwear and a shirt and glides into the water as well. She sighs since the water does make one feel better immediately.

"Lauren, are you ok being in the pool without your shirt? It would be better for the effect."

"Yes", she gives in. She feels comfortable around the girls but not necessarily around the mother of her girlfriend.

"I will make it come off before I leave, don't worry. I'll now let you float over."

Lauren cannot even prepare herself before she does not feel the blankets on her skin anymore and the next thing she feels is the warm water and Lucy's arms around her, who secures her head onto her shoulder. The Queen lets her shirt and bandages magically disappear before she exits.

"You ok, Lauser?"

"It feels nice and nothing is pounding anymore", she admits smiling.

"Even I feel a difference", Lucy says while she grabs some petals and lets them glide over Lauren's skin, especially the skin which is not underwater. "But I feel kind of weirded out thinking that the golden eyes there belong to Camila."

"Well, I fell in love with those eyes", Lauren winks, clearly feeling better before they all close their eyes to relax. Lucy feels Lauren getting heavier and opens her eyes to see that she indeed fell asleep. She chuckles lightly before she almost screams again as she's suddenly connecting with brown eyes again.

"You ok there?", Camila asks silently. Her long brown hair covers her breasts but she wouldn't mind flashing them since Lucy herself is not that equipped in that department. They would be equal.

"This shit is weird."

"You said that a lot today. I'm sorry if that makes you change your perception of me, us."

"Don't be kidding. Of course not. But it's just new you know."

"Yeah, your world was new for me too."

"How are you feeling?"

"Better", Camila smiles.

"That's why you were able to change back?" Camila nods. "I just need some food, a couple more days of medication and that should be it." Her face darkens, "It'll take longer for Lo."

"Don't go there", Lucy tries to avoid such complicated topic. "You both need to get better now, and the rest will follow."

"Do you want something to drink, or should I take over?"

"Nah, it's alright. Let her sleep. A coffee would be great though." Seconds later, the two hold two mugs of hot coffee in their hands. "I start to like it", Lucy jokes and Camila gratefully giggles along. 

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