Part 13

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Enjoy ♥ remember that I love you and would squeeze you as a thank you for reading this story :-) 

Am I the only one who's sad that the tour is over?! #nocamrenpicsanymore


We take a left towards a small sea and I guess I see a small animal, but am proven wrong as it gets up and it's a small, pretty girl with long, dark brown hair. She waves with both hands and comes running towards us.

"Camila!Camila! CamEEEEElaaaaaa!", she exclaims and I wonder if her horse knows her already because it doesn't seem to bother..

"Hello,young lady" , Camila chuckles as we reach the little girl as she jumps up and down until the horse lowers its head so that she can pet it.

"Does mom know that you're outside again?", Camila teases her. She shoots her a dark look and I recognize that they have the same eyes.They must be siblings. My heart hurts as bad memories flood in my mind.. I miss that.

"Does mom know that you were outside all night?", she teases back.

Camila picks her up and thrills her around, getting high laughter and giggles. "Nope", she answers an pops the 'p'. I smile at the scenerie.

She puts her down again and waits for me to do something, I guess. I'm not good in making contact and gasp as I feel her cold, tiny hand holding mine. She then blows some hair out of her face and I see some familiar features of Camila in her.

"You're beautiful", she states and I once more admire the ability of children to speak up and tell what they think.

"but you're sad", she adds and makes me frown. Camila notices and rests a hand on the little girls shoulder.

"How often do I have to tell you that you have to think about what you're going to say, Sofi" Aha, Sofi is her name then.

"It's ok, Sofi. It's not that I try hard to hide it", I admit

"No,you do. You're stronger than you think, but I can see it in your eyes", she blubbers. "There's sadness and pain and memor--"

"Enough,Sofi", I hear Camila growl before she steps closer and wipes my freshly fallen tears away. "I'm sorry about my sister..", she says softer this time.

"I—I'm confused...What did she mean by memories"

She cuts me off; "Nothing"

"No,she almost said memories..Camila, what does that mean?"

"Just remember that kids see more than you think they'll, Lauren. That's all you have to know for now"

She said for now..God, she's mysterious.

We stay in silence before I feel a tug on my shirt.

"Look!",Sofi smiles and hands me a wreath out of flowers. I hesitate and don't know what to do. "Take it. it's yours" I still don't move. Camila takes it and then puts it onto my hair. She brushes some strains out of my face and whispers into my ear; "That's her way of saying sorry"

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