Part 18

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Hey lovely's! Here you go, enjoy and have a nice day! I love you ♥

Part 18.

I waited the whole day to hear from Lauren. I didn't. Sofi tried to convince me that she'd come because she promised me and isn't like any other girl, but I knew she was too far away and her thoughts weren't about coming here. I didn't put much effort into reading her thoughts or try to find where she was. I knew she wasn't near her book which meant, she wasn't near to coming into my world. Holding her promise to come. But why should she? I admit, I hoped she'd be the one and after finding her and observing her situation I not only wanted to make her mine, I wanted to show her a better world as she seemed so sad, so hopeless. Her bruises convinced me to keep on doing. And eventually I invited her into my world. A thing I never did before...because no one ever interested me as much as she did.. I'm not getting younger here and as much as I enjoy doing what I do, my parents still expect me to find my partner eventually. They sent enough women into my direction, but I disapproved and kept on looking..Of course I wanted to hold her, smell her beautiful long, brown hair as I saw her the first time. I wanted to kiss those full, red lips..but the thing I wanted the most was seeing her smile. Hearing her raspy, electrifying laugh you hear way too rare. That's when I made it my task to bring her joy. It took me long enough to find the perfect way to show her this world and finally meet her. And as I was just so close about revealing everything, she pushed herself away.

Sofi and just everyone annoyed me so much after waiting for her, that I left the ball without showing up once. But they seemed to have a blast and I didn't want to be the one to destroy the mood and left. I needed to think about what I did wrong that she didn't show up.

"Well, come around if you ever want to being loved..I'll wait", I mumble and walk towards my fireplace.

Lauren's POV:

I open the book that became my best friend during the last few weeks and I can't wait to disappear. It must be real and not a dream..But honestly, I don't care, because every place is better than being in this house. And I'd do nothing more if it wasn't for the hope of seeing her, feeling and experiencing a different, better world that I never knew existed.

An orange card falls out of the book as I open it in my lap. I didn't exactly open it. It feels like it had opened itself to a certain page. Exactly the page where the card must have been. I resist to look at the picture and open the card first.

The smell of flowers greets me. The same smell as I breathed in the day the wolf showed me the flower field. The card feels so soft in my hands and I almost choke as I read my name in golden letters.

Invitation to the ball.

Miss Lauren, I'd really like to see you tonight.

I'm waiting for you next to the lake where we met Sofi. If you can remember, there is a little cabin where you can most likely find me.

Looking forward to see you my dear.

x CK

I close my eyes, breathe in the scent one more time and begin to forget about the pain in my head and stomach. As I open my eyes and look at the picture in the book, I smile. For the first time today. It's a picture of us sitting next to the lake and I can clearly see the cabin where she's hopefully still waiting for me. Tears burn in my eyes and I refuse to cry again, it'll ruin my make up. I close them and then I hear birds and smile again. I know I'm there. I'm here.

The soft grass tickles my legs. I hear the rushing water behind me and stay like that, eyes closed for a few minutes, trying to relax. If life would be like this..then ..then it'd be worth it, I guess. But only with Normani. I couldn't do anything without her and I couldn't hide such a wonderful place from her when she has given me so much.

I push all the bad thoughts away as I open my eyes and take my surroundings in. I gasp as I see what I haven't seen before.

A castle.

The castle.

It's right on top of a mountain straight ahead of me and my heart sinks as I put the pieces together. She wants me to go to a ball.

A ball that's in that huge, intimidating castle.

My heart sinks even lower as I see that the ball has already started. The last carriages roll down again while the people, who look like little dolls from down here, walk inside. The light shines out of the windows and makes the trees around it seem alive. And then fear is taking over me. I don't want to face so many people. I don't fit in and I'm probably not even dressed for this event as I think about the glorious dresses I've just seen.

And she hasn't come out yet. She hasn't waited. Why should she?!

A silent tear runs down my cheek as someone pushes the cabin door open and runs towards me.

I recognize her hair immediately. It's Sofi.

"Laur!", she screams and hugs me. "Thank god you're here. I knew you'd come. I told Camila you'd come. You promised", she blubbers out and makes me smile. Her cheeks are rosy from being outside but something in her eyes tells me that she's not there..

"She's not here anymore, is she?", I whisper.

"Not in this cabin." She turns around and lets a loud whistle escape her lips, before I can see a horse trotting into our direction. Her horse.

"He'll bring you to her", she says and waits for me to get up.

"Sofi, I can't ride and there is no saddle and I don't know the way", I whine desperately.

"Come on, Laur. You just have to show him your intention of riding him and he'll understand."

Funny, little girl. I can't ride, how should I let him know. But to my surprise, the horse kneels down and Sofi nods towards his back.

"Climb up. He'll be gentle and don't be scared. He knows the way", she winks before I feel myself being lifted up and that horse starts walking in a steady rhythym towards the cabin.

The cabin where I spent more than one night in already. That almost feels like home.

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