Part 62

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All three girls sit in the living room, blankets around them with a bowl of cheerios or just a piece of fruit in their hands as Camila walks in. It's almost noon and every stray of light that teases them makes them groan out loud.

"Morning", Camila says, walking in as she puts her hair into a pony tail.

Mumbles and groans are her greeting as she sits down next to Dinah.

"Where's Lauren?", Normani asks as she lifts her head up from Dinah's lap.

"Out with Lucy."

"Oh, right it's Friday. She probably has classes to attend."

Dinah smirks down at Normani as she heard the tone in Camila's voice.

"Do you know when she's coming back?" Camila shakes her head. "You should link with her and ask."

"Nope", she breathes out and pops the 'p'.

"So, why not? I mean we should know if we can make plans without them first. I don't want to be stuck in this house.."

"Maybe you should link with her then..", Camila mumbles while the other girls just glare at her. "I don't want to sound needy or jealous guys..."

"'re jealous?", Dinah asks confused before she takes another spoon if Cheerios.

"You know that Lucy has a girlfriend right? You must have seen her yesterday.."
"Wait, you've been there?", Dinah asks again with her mouth full. Completely lost in the conversation.

"Ok, let's get this straight", Ally starts and meets smirking faces. She groans out. Sometimes the girls are not at all mature. "Mila, you stopped by, right? I mean that's what Sarah told us and you went off with Lauren shortly after, right?"

Camila nods. "So why didn't you see us and Lucy with her girl?"

She blushes; "Because I only had eyes for my girl."

"AWWWWW!", the three girls let out.

"Link with your girl, Mila. I need some fresh air", Dinah orders and snuggles up with Normani.

"psst, Lauren!", Lucy whisper yells, careful not to wake the brunette next to her bff.


"You up? Let's go. I have two classes to attend and you are coming with me."

"I'm out in ten."

Lauren carefully got up, wrote a little note for Camila before she changed, brushed her teeth and followed Lucy out.

Walking beside her she asks; "Do you always party when you have classes in the morning?"

Lucy chuckles. "I didn't plan on going but Vero is puking her guts out and I needed to meet some faces that still have color in their cheeks."

"That isn't exactly nice of you."

"But it's me. She gotta live with that. I wanted to spend some time with you. Is it that bad?"

"No, but you should let her know that you care."

"I'll bring Vero her favorite breakfast on the way back, happy?"

"What classes do you have this morning?"

"I'm actually attending my designer class. It's something fun that I added to my schedule where you can design and actually make your own clothes. You know how it is to be a student. All broke and lonely", she jokes.

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