Part 68

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Hey guys!

 thank you so much for almost 80k reads! I would have never thought this story could make it this far and that some of you are still part of this journey and continue to read and support me. That means the world to me ♥ So, thank you so, so much for everything, for reading, voting, commenting and recommending this story! 

I love you! ♥


Camila watches the raven-haired girl sleep peacefully. The sun just started to rise, turning the room into an orange light. She smirks, seeing the cold dinner on the table. Lauren was too nervous to eat anything the night before and after the events too tired to think about food anymore. She just wanted to snuggle and breathe in Camila's scent as she drifted off. Camila enjoys the silence as long as she can, knowing that her nerves will not once be able to calm down when she's fighting. She needs to be prepared and ready at all times in order to defend herself. She doesn't know what the situation looks like down in the kingdom, her dad tried to fill her in and from what he had told her, it's not going to be easy. She worries not only about that but about Lauren as well. She knows her friends will take care of her but after everything that happened she'd feel better staying.

She tries to save the moment. The feeling of Lauren's naked skin against hers, her smell, the softness of her hair and most importantly the green of her eyes that is staring right back at her. It'll forever be the greenest green she'll ever know no matter what happens.

"Hey", Camila greets her almost shyly.


Camila snorts before turning more serious again; "Last night..was amazing. You were amazing."

Lauren blushes deeply, "Thank youu!" She hides her face.

Camila's fingertips caress the pale skin, drawing patterns along her arm. "But honestly, thank you for last night. I wouldn't change a thing", Lauren lets her know.

"I love you, Lolo. I'm so happy that you felt comfortable enough."

Lauren's warm lips kiss the tanned collarbone, "I love you too, Camzi."

Camila sighs as she sees the yellow light now. The sun is up. They are running out of time. "Do you want to go downstairs and eat breakfast?" She's unsure if Lauren heard her since she's not responding until she feels her shake her head.

"I'd feel better by saying goodbye here and just leaving. That's hard enough."

Pulling her closer to her body, Camila softly pecks her Lauren's lips, making sure to let the kiss last.

"I hope you know that I'm sorry for leaving you."

Lauren weakly smiles. She doesn't want to cry or throw a temper tantrum right now. "Do you know or can you guess if you'll be home by Christmas?"

Burying her face in Lauren's hair, clenching her eyes shut to avoid tears from escaping, she stays silent until she trusts her voice, "I'll hope so."

"I know I cannot do much, but call out for me when you need me. You're not the only one who worries," Lauren says while looking into the brown orbs. "And you know..if you have needs and have a minute of sexy time", she winks, trying to lighten up the mood.

Camila bursts out laughing, holding her stomach, "Naughty, Lo. Didn't know you had that in you", she chuckles.

Lauren smirks, "Who said I was an Angel?"

Both start laughing. Even though Lauren can be quite intimidating, they only realized yesterday that she's very much a bottom most of the times.

"Lo?", Camila asks carefully. She sees that Lauren is close to tears and doesn't want to push her too much. "Just, when you need me", she starts carefully. She almost hears the clock ticking, telling her she's running out of time. "Look up and when you see the sun, I'll see the moon."

Lauren smiles weakly, touched by her words. "And when I see the moon, you see the sun?"

"Exactly!" Soft lips kiss Lauren's temple. Neither of them wants to make the first and therefore last move. "I love you", Camila's the one sobbing now. She kisses Lauren quickly, before her room is empty, only the scent reminds her of the girl that has just been there in front of her. She wasn't sure if Lauren was ok with this ending, but both dreaded the moment of departure. Wiping away her tears, she spots a little present on her nightstand with a sticky note. Picking it up, she reads the note.

Dear Camz,

I love you with all my heart and while it hurts to let you go, I want to give you something that at least reminds you of me. It's not much and I cannot top Leo (thanks again for that little puppy).

Counting the days, Love


Ripping up the paper, she opens a little box and sees a silver bracelet with a single charm attached to it. A book. A book charm that looks like the fairytale book that connected them since day one.

Camila smiles. She runs down to the stable, checks on her team and the horses, skeptically eyes the equipment and shivers as she thinks that she probably needs to kill. Things that are implied but making her wonder if Lauren realized that fact completely and if she did, why she's still around. Fighting, killing – those aren't attractive attributes.

Sinu smiles, but Camila knows that it's more a show for her little sister than a genuine smile from the bottom of her heart. She sees her mother's eyes lightning up when she spots Camila's new bracelet, glad that the two parted in peace and not in a fight. It's too late to change anything anyway.

Camila whispers in her mother's ear, loud enough for her to hear, but not for Sofi. "Don't hesitate to call for Lauren when she really, really misses me. She can distract her perhaps."

"You really don't know when you'll come back?"

Camila shakes her head, "Could be years if it's not going well." She wants to tell herself so badly that she's back within a couple of weeks, probably having lost some weight, being tired and exhausted. She's so not in shape for this. The food in Lauren's world was too good and since most of the girls were beyond lazy to work out, neither did she. Excuses, excuses though.

"I'm dragging you back home before, that's a bloody long time. You are fighting alone, but you don't have to prove anything to anyone, so when it's time to go home, it's time, you hear me?!", she says sternly. She doesn't want to be parted from her daughter for so long. She knows that it's going to be hard, but being away from home, constantly fighting, changes the soul and she doesn't want her little girl to change too much. She's still so young and got just a chance on love.

She jokes along with her sister, her mother's not scolding this time when they get too loud or childish, letting Sofia swallow all the last attention that she can get. They can eat a quick breakfast, packing up all the left overs for Camila to put in one of her saddle bags. They never know when they can stop to eat or when it's safe to relax for a while. The king holds the hand of the queen. A picture that neither children nor the citizens see very often. They are holding each other while they watch their eldest get up onto her horse, turn back one more time and then slowly disappear in the distance. Out of the city, through the gates and out in the open to fight something uncertain and dangerous. They allowed Sofia to ride along till they reach the border of their kingdom in which she's still and always will be protected until she has to part as well, understanding far too much already, swallowing down the tears after hugging her sister one last time before she turns her horse around and gallops back to the castle.

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