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You recently moved into a new home in Long Island, the day you pulled up in the drive with your parent's and sister...all of your neighbors gave warnings of your house...saying it was the house of demons. Your parents just tell you and your sister not to listen to the neighbor kids, for they just wanted to frighten us.

You and your sister ignore your neighbors...but the first night in the house, scared you after hearing about the house....You wake up at 3:14 in the morning from a dead sleep...something was moving in your room...you bagin to breath heavily...then instinctively reach for your light...you turn it on, and there was nothing...but eery feelings. You grab your flashlight and run to your sisters room, and crawl in with her...she feels you trembling, and asks what happened...you just tell her you felt very uneasy and like something was in your room...a wicked presence. your sister plops her arm around you and you both go to sleep.

The next day your parents go to work and your sister goes out to check out the cute neighborhood boys...you stay in your room listening to Godsmack on your jukebox. Then you hear a heavier breathing in the room...you turn the radio down and look around, but see nothing...you go back to your radio...and you feel something tap your shoulder...you jump out of the chair and turn around...with every hair on your neck tingling...you think you see something go towards the hallway, but you stop at the huge mirror hanging on the backside of your bedroom door. You look very close into it, and the mirror begins to wave...and an image begins to appear from the waves...You were having mixed feelings of fear and excitement...for the image in the mirror was a very sexy guy...but just darkly dressed. The guy pressed his hands up against the other side of the mirror and asked you to let him out...You ask uneasily who he was and what he was doing in a mirror.

Wings appear from behind his back, and he says he was exhiled by a priest long ago, and that he wishes to come back. And that his name was Crisstopher. You ask him what was up with the black wings...he tells you he was what people called a Dark Angel. You jumped back and said Demon!...he backed up from the mirror and tells you he was not a demon, or a monster, but a being that wanted to live again. His words fell out of his mouth like honey...and when he cried his tears made you want to cry too...You couldn't resist his charming personality, or his very sexy appearance...You finally gave in and asked how could you get him out...

Crisstopher came close to the glass again, and gave you a very seductive smile, and said all you had to do was tell him that you give him permission to come through the portal, to join you, but to make it happen you would have to place your hand on the glass, and take my hand and bring me out. Your sister came home and heard you talking to someone, and she ran upstairs and Crisstopher stayed in the mirror long enough for her to see him...then he vanished...your sister pulls you out of the room and tells you not to listen to him...he was evil...for she read up on the evilness of the house, and about a priest that locked him away in this house forever!

So for the next 3 weeks you ignore his pleas and begging, but it was getting harder for you to resist his loving personality. You came home from school one day, heartbroken from how mean the kids were at school...and the boy you like really hurt you in front of everyone. Crisstopher came to the mirror and felt for you...he wanted to make you feel better...he asked you one more time to set him free...and he would never break your heart. You were so hurt his kind and loving words were direly needed...you walked up to the mirror and pressed up against it...he ran his hands up and down the mirror as if wanting to carress your body.

Then you spoke very softly...saying "Crisstopher...I give you permission to come through the portal to be with me."...He slowly reached for you and when you reached to touch the mirror your hand goes through the image, and when you pulled your hand back through Crisstopher was holding your hand and he was standing right in front of you. You immediately realized what you did, and got scared...but Crisstopher just reached over to you and kissed you very sweetly, and gave you his thanks. You hesitently ask him what was going to happen now...he gives you a smile and tells you he wanted you and your body in the bed with him, and to  wrap around you in every way humanly possible...and maybe inhumanly possible...he added after he placed you on the bed.

He stripped you down and when you blinked twice he was already naked and crawling in next to you...his body was perfect...his voice was so seductive, and his touch was like a great fire against your skin. After he seduced you into his trap you bent to his will, as he gave you the greatest burst of passion, desire, and deep seductive love. When he finished...he kissed you deeply and told you that you belonged to him now. Your sister came in and couldn't believe what you did! Crisstopher jumped up and was fully dressed again, he told her that he was not bad or evil...but only did bad and evil things, when bad and evil people conjured him...if good hearted people brought him back, that's how he'd be with them...not that any of it mattered for he was freed, and beens he had his virgin, he couldn't be sent back through the portal...he was immortal, and now free forever in the world of man...thanks to his new love...you.

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