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Criss Angel was hosting a party at his home...but it was no ordinary party...for he decided to make things fair for himself and others...he was going to send random invitations to loyal girls from all over and without any of the girls knowing who sent the invites....choose one of them to make his own...not by their looks, or money, or age...but how he reacted to them and they reacted to him without ever seeing him. He was tired of dating other celebrity women just to improve the image...he wanted someone with true emotions for everything he is, and everything he does. So he spent 2 weeks picking through female's names...and sent them invitations...not knowing who they were or what rationality they'd even be...and to be honest he was very excited about it.

Two weeks later he had twelve respondents to his invitations...he had John Farrell and Banachek go meet the girls and blindfold all of them and bring them to Serenity. John and Banachek lead the girls into the house and put them each in separate rooms...They weren't allowed to remove the blindfolds...and in order to make it to where Criss couldn't see them either, he stayed upstairs in his bedroom and in each of the girls' rooms was a cell phone.

Criss talked to each of them without telling his name but in return getting their names, which was you, Nell, Jamie, Traci, Sara, Kayla, Stephani, Amanda, Lindsay, Sandy, Angela, and Abby. For the next three weeks he talked to each one of them and really got to know them...then after he thought about his first commitment to three of them...he told Banachek to give him the videos from each conversation he had with each of them, so he could see by their facial expressions if any of them were lying to him about themselves...

The out of all of them, the three that were potential keeper's...ended up totally lying to him, so he had John take them back to the airport and said they have been cut. So Lindsay, Stephani, and Nell, were out of the potentials...stage two was taking each of them out to a special and private dinner...with them still blindfolded, beens he saw each of them through the videos.

He specially prepared a dinner for each girl but in order for her to eat without seeing Criss he sat behind her and talked as she ate...after each girl was done eating she placed the blindfold back on and they were escorted back to her room...then he did the same thing with the other girls. After dinner with each...he decided to have a blind dance date with each of them...when it became your turn to dance with him, blindfolded...he noticed right off that you never hesitated to let him lead you, and you weren't insecure or even the slightest bit nervous about the fact you never saw the man before that you were dancing with. He had a quick likeness for you...

But he went on down the line with the others...after he finished...he took each girl back to their rooms and thanked each one with a kiss on the cheek and then he went to his bedroom and told John that he had three more to cull out of the group...and they were Jamie, Angela, and Traci.

Now all that was left was you, Sara, Kayla, Amanda, Sandy, and Abby. Criss was beginning to have a hard time in choosing from the remaining girls...for he was getting attached to each of them for their amazing qualities. But Criss knew he had to, in the end, choose only one...but the only good thing was that none of them would be emotionally hurt for the fact that none of them met  or knew him.

The next date of Criss's choice was seeing which one's would trust him with their lives while being blindfolded at Circus Circus...Criss was mildly humored by the fact that Sara said she didn't care how sexy or rich this dude was...that there was no way in hell that he was going to get her on any rollercoaster...then she snatched the blindfold off and kissed Criss on the cheek and said she was so out of this dating game...for no guy was worth dying for...Criss looked at John and said to bring out one of the other's that were still in the van. Amanda was next and she did all right until he tried getting her to go on the skydiving ride...she said that was her stopping point, and she left with the blindfold still on...for she didn't want to know who she lost her chance with. He asked John to bring Abby out next...but he was beginning to run out of rides to test their trust in him with...so he decided to sit with the rest of them and ask them serious questions...like if they wanted to have a long-term relationship, and if they wanted kids...and if they liked animals. Abby said she was allergic to animal dander...Criss said to himself that she wasn't going to work...for he was never getting rid of his four-legged kids. Sandy said she couldn't have kids, and she couldn't handle being around kids very long...Criss quickly marked her off the list, and kissed their hands and told John he could escort them to the airport.

Know all that was left was you, Amanda, and Kayla...the pressure was really on now...for the remaining three liked animals and wanted kids...Criss was really running out of questions to eliminate down to the finalist. Banachek talked Criss into asking if any of them would die for him...Criss told him that was not a good question to ask, but it did make him curious to see who would lie, and who would honestly say hell no!! So just for the hell of it, Criss asked the question...Amanda said not at all...Kayla said she wasn't sure...but you thought about it for a while, then without hesitation, you tell him, yes you would...Amanda, Kayla, and Criss all looked toward you and they removed their blindfolds to see how much of a straight face you had...Amanda said that was too bold for her...and she walked away...Kayla said you were lying...you still had your blindfold on and looked right toward Criss's direction and said Yes I would Die for Criss Angel...then you slowly removed your blindfold and looked right at him.

Criss was now ignoring Kayla all together and asking you how you knew it was him...you tell him very quickly that it was by his voice, and all the rings on his fingers, that you felt the Criss Angel skull ring with your fingertips when he kissed your hand the first blind date...Criss reached over and kissed you on the lips and said you were his new girlfriend...then you and he went back to having all kinds of fun at the fun park, then had even more fun once you got back to Serenity.

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