*IMAGINE 99*(pt 3 of Imagine 95)

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This Imagine is for SieraSmith6

It was now New Years at the Chapman family residence...and Criss Angel had invited them to spend New Years at Serenity with him and his wife Kc...they all gladly agreed for Criss spent Christmas with them...Little Johnny was so excited when Kc told him that Siera was bringing Bella down for a new years visit...he scampered to his room to clean up all his toys and to make the spare bed in his room for her...along with his Believe rabbit he got for her when he went to work with his daddy.

Dog accepted the offer very willingly for he was trying to get Siera to come out and tell him who Bella's father was...but she hadn't opened up to anyone in her family yet...and was wondering if Criss or Kc could get her to tell them who Bella's biological father was...Criss said Siera would come around when she was ready to tell, and that things like that shouldn't be rushed. Kc agreed with her husband on that and said they could all try to get her to open up to them...for not even Kc knew who Bella's father was, and she was her best friend.

As soon as they got to Serenity...Criss took Leland, Dog, and Bella and Johnny to town to buy some fireworks to set off for the New Years party Criss was having...so that way Kc would be able to talk to Siera and try to get her to tell them about Bella's dad. After hours of talking with her, Siera finally agreed to tell everyone after dinner. All through dinner everyone was very silent...except for Johnny and Bella...they were chattering away like nothing was going on...while sharing dinner with each other.

Kc and Criss cleared the table then came back to finish their glass of champagne before playing a little cards with their company...Siera squirmed a little in her chair, then began to speak...telling them that Bella's father was Bret Michaels, the leader of the rock band of the eighties group known as Poison. Kc and Dog's entire family sit there dumbfounded...but then Siera added that she never told Bret that she was pregnant...for they split up before she even knew she was with child...and that for him being so much of a lady's man so to speak...she didn't want to put a burden on him...that she would be better off taking care of Bella herself.

Siera's family and friends all told her that Bret did deserve to know about his daughter just for the off chance that he did want to accept the responsibility of being her dad, and even becoming her husband...Siera was a little nervous for the fact that she hadn't seen him in almost 3 years, but she agreed to meet with him, beens Criss decided to invite Bret over for the huge surprise.

Bret drove up in his Corvette, and hopped out along with CC Deville...for he loved Criss Angel's Crib, and wanted him to show him some awesome magic tricks...but that was just CC...he was a total nutjob...but Criss loved him anyways.

As soon as Bret saw Siera at his house...he got a little nervous for he remembered their awful split up was in fact his fault, for he found himself being amused with other girls while he was seeing Siera...and she left him for cheating around on her...but Bret quickly realized that Criss wasn't the one that wanted to see him, for the fact that Criss grabbed CC and went in the house to show him some magic...Siera slowly walked over to him and asked him how he's been...Bret hesitated on the question but ended up saying sad and depressed on the fact of how their relationship was ruined because of him...Siera asked him to walk with her...and when they got back Bret was drowning in his own tears and holding her very closely...then asked her many times if he could see his little girl...Kc came out with both Johnny and Bella...Criss came out and told CC to get the hell out of his house now that he showed him some tricks...then he scooped up Johnny in his arms and kissed him..then turned to Kc and laid a big one on her.

Siera called Bella to her and then she looked up at Bret and asked her mommy who he was...Bret knelt down and lifted her in his arms and told her through his slight sobs that he was her daddy...she let out a squeal of delight then hollered to Johnny saying she had a daddy too...then Bret came up to the house and introduced himself to Dog and her other family members...which in turn all welcomed him to the family...for everyone loved Rock n Roll...and for the fact that Bret wanted to make things right and be the dad and husband he knew he could be. 

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