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It was two days before Christmas and you had just got done wrapping your friends' gifts you got for them. Your family decided to have Christmas in Florida with your sister's family...so you decided on staying home and celebrating Christmas with your best friends instead.

The next day went like any other day...your friends were out shopping, and you were at the house watching Christmas shows...for that was all that was on the television this time of year...it was during supper time when one at a time your friends, called and said that something important came up with each of them, and they wouldn't be able to make it to your house for Christmas...you told them you understood, and that the most important thing in life was family...then friends...but you told them that their gifts would be waiting for them when they got back. 

It was late on Christmas eve, you were asleep and a loud noise wakes you up...you immediately think burglar, and grab your little brother's bat from the hall closet...you slowly walk downstairs and towards the noise, you hear...you see a figure by the tree...you turn on the light and see Criss Angel with nothing on except a huge red ribbon and a bow on his head...you looked at him in a mild state of shock, and asked how he got here...he gave a silly smile and said he was specially gift wrapped for you, but you needed to open him a little bit early, for he was getting a draft in his birthday suit...you giggle a little as you blush...after you unwrap him...he gives you a kiss and hands you a card...it was from all your friends...they couldn't make it for Christmas for they were all in Vegas winning big money...but for a consolation prize they decided to buy you a very special X-Mas present...then added p.s....hope you like him...cause he wasn't cheap...Merry Christmas!!

You smile at the thought of your friends sending your hero and number one crush, to you...then Criss takes your hand and races up the stairs with you and gives you a real special Christmas present...in fact, he gave it to you more than once...then he spent Christmas with you, on the condition that you go back to Vegas with him, and celebrate Christmas with him and his family...for he really wanted you to meet his son Johnny...you kissed him on the cheek and said he had a deal...for you loved him so much you told him you'd go anywhere with him.

for you loved him so much you told him you'd go anywhere with him

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