*IMAGINE 34* (PT 5 OF Imagine 30)

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Criss wakes you up and tells you that someone was trying to pick the lock on his door...you jump up and grab the nearest knife you could find...Criss looks at you and asked you if you were capable of killing someone...you were about to answer him when two hitmen burst into the room...you take the knife and slice the first man's throat before Criss could bat an eye...then with the same knife, you throw it and hit your target right in the heart.

Criss looks at you and tells you he was glad you were his girlfriend and on his side...you grab him and kiss him and tell him to stay behind the bar...and to keep his head down...for it wasn't over yet...he obeys very quickly...as you lock down the room, and make it as secure as possible...then you come back out with the mattress and lay it over him...he peeks his head out and tells you he loves you...you smile and tell him to tell him that later once it was over, and he was safe.

You killed the electricity to give you an advantage...Criss hears more people burst into the room, and he hears many shots...Criss peeks out to see if he could see if you needed help...but you came up behind him and told him not to come out no matter what...for there were still three of them. Criss begged you to be careful...you told him you'd try to...then you went back for the hunt...when Criss saw the lights go back on you were standing over the pile of bodies, and said the immediate danger was over...but now you had to go back to the one's that hired them and ask them to call off the hit on him...Criss grabbed you and asked why you'd do that for him...You simply said because you loved him...

You left Criss Angel standing in his suite surrounded by dead mercenaries, and headed to the contractor...you appealed to his humanity and begged him to let Criss slide from his black list...and that you would watch over him and make sure he doesn't cross him again...because you loved him, and would fight until your last breath was taken before you would let anyone kill him...the contractor thought about it for the longest time...then said he would let your precious Mindfreak slide this time...but if he ever got in the way again...he would die...for not even you could protect him all the time...you agreed with him, and walked out backwards without taking your eyes off of him...

You went back to the Luxor and when you entered the room, Criss was on you like white on rice, and kissed you everywhere, thanking you for coming back to him in one piece...you tell him in between his kissing, that he was now safe from harm...he tells you he loves you very much and asks you to marry him...you tell him that's a risky investment marrying a black widow...he gives you a devilish grin and says it's worth the risk.

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