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You have been dating Criss for 3 days, he made you the happiest girl on the planet. He was the last of the real gentlemen...escorting, charming, honest, heartfelt, sweet-natured, and very kind. Without the having the serious ego problem, about only caring about getting laid for his efforts.

You adored his old school ways, but often wondered where he learned it from...for he wasn't that old...he was only 37 years old, and you, in fact, had just turned 20. It wasn't until after dating him for 2 weeks that he asked you to go home with him...you said with a little comic relief that it was about time...his sexy smile was enough to make anyone blush, and get goosebumps.

Criss made the first night so romantic, you couldn't stop the tears from flooding...later on that night, you both were sound asleep, when Criss suddenly lets out a blood-curdling scream and as you sit up to wake him up he hurls himself up and literally throws himself into your arms, you hold him tightly trying to wake him up, when you finally wake him, he was as white as a sheet, and drenched in sweat...and shaken up very badly...you could see the fear in his eyes...you try to get him to tell you, but he just tells you he was fine now...then lays back down and snuggles up to you and goes back to sleep. You don't think much of it after he goes back to sleep that night.

Criss asks you the next morning if you would stay with him for a while, instead of going back to the hotel, you quickly tell him you'd love to...and every night for the next 3 weeks you stayed with Criss...he had that same nightmare every night like clockwork...finally the first night of the 4th week with him, you couldn't take it anymore, and asked him what his nightmare was about, for it was really beginning to not only frighten you but unnerve you to no end.

Criss pulled you up on his lap, and tells you that it wasn't a nightmare...it was something that was going to happen...a premonition...and it was scaring the hell out of him, for when it happens...there would be nothing he could do about it...and through his tears he said he wasn't ready to die yet...that's why he asked you to stay with him instead of going to the hotel. You hold him very closely and calm him, by running your fingers through his hair, and tell him you wouldn't let him die. You asked him to describe how it happens, and he said if he goes back to the Luxor to work...that's where it will happen.

You look at him for a moment and then tell him that you and he needed to go to the Luxor and face this, together. For you needed a night of sleep, and he needed to get this nightmare to disappear...he shook it off, and said let's do this...for Criss Angel was one that never hid from a problem...he hit them head on, and full force.

You both pulled up in the parking lot and Criss got out cautiously and grabbed you and ran to the entrance...nothing happened...he headed to his office, caught up on all his paperwork...nothing happened...he let his crew know he was there, and headed down to the theater, and checked everything over for the show...nothing happened. You watched as his tension eased up, and thought it was over.

During his performance for the crowd, you watched him carefully and everything around him, the finale came, and then he took his bow and said thank you and good night...and nothing happened. Criss then got a phone call, and it was his ex-wife telling him that Johnny was in the Mindfreak store with Julia, for she couldn't stay long enough to wait for his show to end...He gleamed with joy, and hung up the phone and hollered at you that Johnny was finally here!!

He takes you by the hand and kisses you, then runs with you all the way up to the lobby and to the store where Johnny was...then it happened...Criss's premonition wasn't about him...it was about his son...you look in the store as a very insane man holding Johnny with a gun pointed at his head...Julia was laying on the floor...Criss approached the man from the front, with his hands in the open...begging the man to let his son go unharmed. But the man was a heartless bigot. He lived to cause people suffering. Criss begged him that he could have anything he had, just not to hurt his baby boy...through his tears...you realized there was nothing that Criss could say to change his mind...even when Criss begged the man to kill him instead, he was cold as ice.

You snuck up behind the man and jumped on his back and moved the gun away from Johnny's head...you then kicked him in between his legs so he had no choice but to let loose of Johnny...you hollered at him to run to daddy!...as Criss took his son to safety he and Johnny heard the gun go off!! Criss ran back into the room and you and the man both were on the floor...the man was dead, and you were unconscious for you shot through you to get him so he could never hurt Criss or Johnny again.

Criss rushed you to the hospital and carried you in, with Johnny gripping his daddy's shirt tail. After the surgery, the dr.'s tell him that you will live, but you were going to be very sore for a while...luckily the bullet didn't hit any vital organs. All of Criss's worry lifted out of him, and he and Johnny waited for you to awake in the room...You slowly opened your eyes and asked him in a whisper if it was over, and if Johnny was ok...Criss reached up and kissed you deeply and said everything was over, and that everyone was safe...you gave him a smile of relief, and then asked him if you got the bastard...he gave a chuckle and said you definitely got the bastard...but he said half ass humorously that next time shoot him after you get out of the way...not before. You smiled at him and said to give you a break you never used a gun before.

Criss then took your hand and placed a ring on your finger and asked you if you had ever used one of these before...tears streamed down your face and said nope never used one of these before either...Criss then went to your ear, and said well now you have...then kissed you and told you he loved you...then Johnny jumped up in bed with you and put a ring he made out of paper and said he wuved you too...you gave both of your boys a hug and said you loved them too...later that evening Criss was finally getting you out of the hospital so that you could heal in Serenity...where he said you belonged.

where he said you belonged

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