*IMAGINE 45*(pt. 3 of Imagine 37)

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This Imagine is for SieraSmith6

Siera was awakened by Leland who finally got back to her brother's house from work...he gave her a smooch on the cheek and asked her where Ruby was...she grabbed his neck and kissed him, and told him that she found a new love with her uncle...and that she was sleeping in his arms. For she made a huge scene when she tried to take her to her own room...Leland gave her a loving smile, and said we had created a monster when they brought their daughter to meet her Uncle Criss for the first time...Siera and Leland both laughed...

Criss came stomping down the hall and told them to keep the noise down to a minimum, that he and his little girl were trying to nap...Siera and Leland apologized but had to laugh as soon as they seen Ruby hanging off of Criss's neck and just dangling down his chest...then Criss looked at them both and said what...haven't you heard of a monkey on your back...well he had one hanging on his neck. Then he walked down to the kitchen to get him and his little monkey some milk and cookies.

Siera asked Leland if he was nervous about the wedding tomorrow evening...he said not at all...he couldn't wait, to finally have his family united legally. But it wasn't just the wedding that was driving her nutty...it was the fact that right after the wedding Thanksgiving was coming up, and she was going to have her first Thanksgiving with all of her family...the last time she had a family Thanksgiving with her mom and brother's was when she was 16 years old...and for the fact that she was going to meet her JD's wife, and her niece Dimi for the first time, and Costa and his girlfriend Rachel, and Criss's girlfriend, who's name he never mentioned at all yet, and it made her totally crazy, for the fact that they all knew of her, but she didn't know about any of them...Leland just gave her a squeeze and told her it would be fine...

However when Leland told her that his family was joining them at Serenity as well...she went totally bonkers...Criss came back up the stairs and offered Siera some cookies and milk, and told her to chill her shit, everything would be fine...and that his girlfriend was nothing to be worried about...for she was very sweet and loved everybody...then Ruby just gave her mom and dad a grin and said yeah...Criss gave her a high five then told them both good night...Siera grabbed Ruby and told her it was time to un-cling from her Uncle Criss and let him get some sleep without her hanging on him...but as she cried and whined, Criss just gave his little sister a growl and took off to his bedroom to sleep. Leland just smiled at Siera and told her again that they really created two monster's when they brought Ruby to meet her Uncle Criss...then they both laughed and went to bed.

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