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You were with your 3-year-old son Tommy,  and your girlfriend Rachel and her little girl, and you were headed to Disney Land. Your girlfriend had always wanted to go to Disney Land...and know for her 4-year-old daughter she had the chance. You was a very talented airbrush artist and made excellent money

You were a little excited, but there were 101 places that you would have rather went too, but it was quality time with your best friend, and her sweet little girl Natalie. After long hours of driving and riding, you finally pull up in the miraculous parking lot of Disney Land. It was a little bit hard for you to decipher who was more excited Tommy, Natalie or Rachel...but you all got out of the car and raced each other to the grand entrance. You and Rachel let the kids win acting like you were so weak you couldn't bare to take one more step, and Rachel watched as you got both the kids to stop and run back to you to see if you were alright...you were laying on your back with your eyes closed, and they both looked down at you asking if you were dead...you squinted your eyes then grabbed them both and said no really loudly and grabbed both of them making them squeal and giggle...then you and Rachel grabbed their hands and took them into the park...Tommy wanted to see Goofy more than anything...Natalie wanted to see Donald Duck for he was her favorite with his silly voice...and Rachel wanted to have a picture taken with Mickey Mouse, her life long dream since a little girl...me I just volunteered to take the pictures.

You all went on all the kiddie rides to keep you and Rachel's  rugrats entertained, during the teacup ride you asked Rachel to watch the kids for you had to go to the restroom...then handed her the camera. As you were coming out you notice a little boy all alone and crying out for his daddy....you walk up to him and ask him if he was hurt...he looks up at you and says want daddy. You kneel down and offer to pick him up and help find his daddy, he lifts up his arms and you pick him up, and you take him all over searching but didn't find him...so you contact the nearest security guard and tell him to keep a look out for a man searching for his son...and he called all security to be on guard for a man looking for his son...then you ask the little boy if he wanted to go play with your son, he gives you a very sweet smile and says yay...

You walk up to Rachel and tell her that for a while you have a second child until his daddy comes for him...Tommy gets up and hands him his stuffed puppy, Natalie sits in between them and gives him her lollipop. Rachel asks you what his name was, and you tell her you didn't know, he wouldn't say...Tommy tells him his name was Tommy, and he looks up from the toy and say me name Jawney. You and Rachel watch as the three kids get along greatly...two of the security guards comes up to you with a very handsome guy following very quickly wanting the kid that was found to be his...he looks at the kids playing and runs through the guards and yells out to Johnny...he looks up and screams Daddy Wuv You!! The man drops to his knee's and scoops him into his arms and kisses him all over with tears in his eyes...telling him never to run away from daddy like that again...then he gets up and thanks you very much for taking care of his baby.

And for the first time since you were on this trip, your eyes get as big as saucer's and say Oh My God!! Criss Angel!! After Johnny went back down to play with the kids, you jump into his arms for a big hug, and told him you waited your whole life to meet him!! Rachel knew who he was but from all the excitement she had a brainfart...Criss gives his famous chuckle and said he expected people to do that to Mickey Mouse, and Goofy...but he felt kind of out of place being the main attraction at Disney Land. But he gave you a huge hug right back, then offered to take you, Rachel and the kids to eat. You were completely starstruck and couldn't stop ogling him for one second...Rachel tells you that you needed to calm down before Criss Angel thinks you are a little too obsessive...you tried very hard, and Tommy kept looking at Johnny who kept calling him daddy...Tommy never had a daddy and he wanted one too, so him being very inquisitive gets out of his booster seat and without you knowing it crawls up into Criss's lap and proudly says mommy got a daddy...you look down from the extreme embarrassment and tell him that you wished he was your daddy, but he wasn't at all. Criss held Tommy in his arms and asked you where his daddy was, and you tell him he left you before he was born...and that the same thing happened to Rachel, so you and Rachel got together and sort of helped each other raise the kids. Criss tells you both that after Johnny was diagnosed with Leukemia he took full custody of him...and that he was a single father...which was a very huge and difficult at times responsibility.

You couldn't resist anymore, you had to tell him how gorgeous you thought he was. Rachel couldn't believe you said that out loud...Criss blushed a little more and then gave a stretch yawn and very playfully laid his arm on your shoulder...you blush and ask him if there was any chance that he'd date a single mom that was very good with kids, and would die for him...Rachel laughed so hard she actually fell off of her seat...and Natalie and Tommy began to laugh, then Johnny giggled...but everyone went silent when he said....absolutely....yes...then Rachel was shocked when another handsome guy came over and helped her up and told her she was one righteous babe, and asked if she was single...she turned bright red and said she had a little girl...he said that's great for so did he...then he asked her out for a date...and then he sat down and said hi to Criss...you looked a third time and realized it was JD!! So our fun Disney trip ended up making dreams come true for all of us...Tommy and Natalie wanted daddy's, and Rachel and you wanted guys in your life, and Criss and JD wanted mommy figures for their kids and girls in their lives that they could trust and connect too.

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