*IMAGINE 66*(final pt 9 of Imagine 37)

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This Imagine is for SieraSmith6

Siera and Leland were back together again from their harsh split-up...that her brother Criss whipped him back into reality, and everything was going perfectly...Leland was being the greatest husband now that she was very pregnant at 8 months...and he was chomping at the bit from excitement...for as soon as Criss got their with Ruby...they were heading to the hospital to see their little boy through the sonogram.

Criss burst through the door with Ruby clinging to his neck like a little monkey...giggling a screeching...Criss told them to move their asses for the chariot wasn't going to wait forever...Leland helped Siera into Criss's car, then hopped in beside her...Criss and Ruby jumped in the front seat...and Kc was driving. They got to the hospital and had to wait 20 minutes for the Dr to get ready for the sonogram...when it was ready...the nurse escorted them both to the room...the nurse lifted her shirt up and rubbed the jelly onto her belly...then took the magic wand and traced it across her belly showing the image of the baby on the screen...they all looked up and saw him...the Dr said he was very healthy, and really wanting to come out...by the way he was moving...Criss and Kc asked them what they were going to name him...Siera and Leland thought on it for a while then decided to name him...Little Leland Jr.

Exactly one month later they had their little boy and took him home to meet the family...which he ended up where all the kids end up...cradled in Uncle Criss's arms as he was feeding him and snuggling with him on the couch while his mommy was taking a nap with daddy...for Lil' Landie, as Criss called him...kept them up all night.

Kc came in and handed Criss his burping rag...and burped him...Criss smelt something and quickly handed him to Kc...and said it was Aunt time...Kc snickered at Criss, and took him into the bathroom and changed him, then brought him back so Criss could rock him to sleep. When Siera came down from her nap...Kc was in the kitchen washing baby bottles when Siera walked in to see Criss he was sound asleep with her baby securely in his arms...it was so sweet she had to take a picture of it...then she sent it to Leland...who was still upstairs waiting for her to come back up. Leland sent hearts back to her phone...then she ran back up the stairs to take advantage of the alone time with her hubby...oh how she loved her big brother...he was the best babysitter ever...and they lived happily ever after.

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