*IMAGINE 73*(pt 4 of Imagine 56)

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This Imagine is for SieraSmith6

Siera was really getting excited for the fact that Criss was spending so much time with her and Kyle...but she was beginning to have strange feelings from her internal alarm bells going off telling her something wasn't right with Criss...plus as of late he was getting very possessive of her son...and taking him everywhere without her, and at first it was cute, but then she thought he was going a little too far...so when he came back with Kyle from the toy store... Siera pulled him into the back room and told him about it...and Criss blew up...he told her if she didn't want him to hang with her son anymore then he would go and never bother her again...as he was blowing up at her...she noticed he was wearing a wedding band on his finger.

After he cooled off for Kyle walked in wondering what was going on...Criss picked him up and kissed his forehead and told him he'd see him later sometime...Siera told Kyle to go to his room and play with his toys for a while...once he scampered to his room she followed Criss to the door and before he walked out...she started up again...and ordered him to tell her when he was going to tell her that he was married...after he slept with her, and brainwashed her son into thinking that he was better than her. Criss looked down at his finger and realized he forgot to put his other ring over it...but he looked up at her cooly and stated that he never had any intentions in sleeping with her...for he didn't love her that way, but what he didn't know was when he was very drunk he, in fact, did sleep with her once when he first met her. He just really loved Kyle, and liked being with him...and that he was a very happily married man...it was just that his wife hadn't come around yet about giving him a child of his own...yet. Siera was such an emotional wreck after hearing that, she opened the door and ordered him to leave and not to come around her or Kyle again. Criss walked out the door and asked her not to keep him away from her son...for he really loved Kyle and Kyle loved him back...but she just slammed the door in his face and locked the deadbolt...Criss stood ther for a moment then pounded both of his fists into the metal apartment door and left two huge indents in it then stormed off, back to Serenity.

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