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Criss Angel was a single father taking his little boy Johnny for a motorcycle ride, when a drunk driver ran Criss off the road and in order to keep his son safe he grabbed him in his arms and jumped off the bike and made sure that Johnny was safe on top of him as Criss hit the pavement...a few hours go by and you and your friend Rachel were taking your afternoon stroll, and you hear a little boy crying out for his daddy...you run down the hill and pick up the little boy and hand him to Rachel so she could check him out to make sure he was ok...then you go to the man and you notice his helmet was completely trashed from the impact of his fall...you slowly remove the helmet and realize who the victim was.

You immediately call the ambulance, they take him to the hospital to give him an emergency checkup...they tell you his overall condition is fine, but there was no way to tell how badly his head injury would be until he wakes up...but he tells you the little boy was fine and that you could take him home...you and Rachel speak out that you and her weren't actually related to them. The Doctor simply tells you that beens the boy is fond of both of you that it would be in the boys best interest if you and Rachel would take care of him until his father was able to be signed out of the hospital.

You and Rachel began to get very attached to Johnny now that he has been staying with you both for 3 weeks now...but you both made sure that Johnny went with you to check on his daddy...one day you got a phone call when Rachel was with Johnny shopping...you rush to the hospital to see what the problem was...a nurse takes you towards Criss's room, when you see Criss standing on the bed throwing everything at any noise he hears...you walk in and ask him what was wrong...he hollers at you telling you he wants his son!! and all the bimbo's here don't seem to understand plain English!! You walk over to him and touch his hand and you were shocked when you took a look at him and realized he couldn't see you.

You told him as a few tears ran down your face that Johnny was very safe and that you would call your friend to bring him as soon as she got to your phone. You left the room and asked the Doctor if his blindness was permanent...the doctor looked at you like you were crazy and stated he wasn't blind...you took the Dr in the room and waved your hand in front of Criss's face and showed him that he was. The Dr. went to Criss and asked him when he lost his sight, and why he didn't mention it to him. Criss stood up and said his eyes was messed up when he woke up and gradually got darker until a few hours ago everything went black.

The Dr got a hold of eye specialists to take a look at Criss's eyes and none of them knew what was wrong, for medically his eyes were in perfect health...and that there was no reason for him to be blind...but all Criss wanted was to be with his son. Rachel came in with Johnny hanging onto her belt loop. He squeaked out daddy and ran to the bed and leaned against his legs...Criss picked him up and kissed him and held him very tightly telling him how much he missed his little buddy.

Criss said he wanted to take his son home, but the Dr's didn't want him to leave until they could figure out why he was blind...Criss said there was nothing to find!! he was fucking blind and that was it...Criss tried to walk out of the room but fell back against the wall...you and Rachel take his hand as Johnny walked to his dad for him to hold him...Criss picked him up and asked you and Rachel to take him home...and maybe stay a while until he got used to his new situation...you both agree and take him home.

Criss got well adapted to his new handicap and learned very fast where everything was...his hearing became so acute that he could hear a hairpin fall on the carpet, and tell you exactly where it was...and Johnny tried to sneak up on his dad all the time, but never managed it successfully. Criss thanked you and Rachel for everything you both did for him and Johnny...you both said it was your pleasure...as you and Rachel went out the door to leave...Criss followed to hear you leave...but Johnny accidently left his little matchbox car on the floor and Criss stepped on it and fell to the floor with a loud crash...you heard the bang, and raced back to the house with Rachel on your heels...you both help Criss up and see if he was alright...but he just wanted to sit there for a while...Rachel sees the blood on his head and goes and gets a damp cloth to clean him up. Criss keeps looking blankly around then looks up at you and gives you a very sweet smile and tells you how beautiful you look...you kneel down and look into Criss's eyes and then full of joy you give him a huge hug, and holler for Rachel to come see...that Criss got his sight back, by hitting his head...Rachel came in and gave him a big hug then told him to hold still as she wrapped his head up...Johnny came scampering in to see all of you on the floor and automatically wants to play too and jumps in all of your arms giggling a squirming. Then you all have a wonderful lunch date together.

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