*IMAGINE 65*(final pt 8 of Imagine 56)

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This Imagine is for SieraSmith6

Criss and Kc were on their way to take Siera and Kyle to the airport, then to the plane that would take them to their very romantic honeymoon spot, in the beautiful location in Paris, France. Kyle and Siera had a wonderful time for three luxurious weeks traveling all through Paris and taking pictures of the Eiffel Tower. Kyle was being a complete gentleman and very romantic...he took her to the finest restaurants and ate the best cuisine imaginable...finally, the honeymoon was over and they were again on their way to Las Vegas to pick up their kids at Criss and Kc's house.

The first thing Siera noticed when she came to Serenity was that when she grabbed Ashley from Kc, she was wearing an engagement ring...Siera gave her a big hug and congratulated her...Kyle was in an anxious mood and didn't want to visit, so he grabbed John and put him in his car seat, then grabbed Ashley from Siera as she was talking to Kc...then he asked her to get in, for they still had a long way to travel before getting home...Criss came running through the house with Johnny wrapped around his neck...and he welcomed them both back then asked what Kyle's rush was...he didn't answer and just stood by the car. Siera gave Criss a hug and kiss and when she touched him...he sensed what she was thinking about...he gave her a very happy look...and asked her how far along she was...Siera looked at Criss and when he saw the look on her face, he realized that she never told Kyle yet. He shut up instantly and gave her an apologetic look...she said it was fine...then she said she better go before her hubby throws a fit.

That night Siera told Kyle that she was pregnant again, and he didn't take it very good...he started fighting and arguing, then Kyle got up and left the house...Siera just went to bed and cried herself to sleep. Weeks went by and Kyle was very quiet and ignored Siera almost completely...he was too ashamed to look at her, for he had secretly been cheating on her with his old flame, and didn't want her to find out...but little did he know that not only was Dog invited to dinner tonight, but so was Kc and Criss. Siera didn't tell him about their company, so when Criss and Kc came in with Johnny...Kyle was very worried, for he knew nothing could stay a secret from him...so he tried his damnedest to stay away from Criss the entire time.

The kids were sitting at their special kiddie table for dinner...and Criss pulled up his chair right next to Kyle and grabbed him before dinner started...and told him to tell him why he was avoiding him...Kyle was speechless...Criss gave a sigh and decided to find out for himself and grabbed his shoulder...Criss jumped up and punched him as hard as he could...then called him a no-account piece of shit...Siera didn't know what was going on...until Criss told Dog and Siera both that he has been cheating on Siera with his old girlfriend...for the fact that he was pissed off that Siera was pregnant again.

Dog went right for him and grabbed him by his throat and by his nuts and hurled his ass through the front door...then told him not come into this house again...until he got his fucking priority's straightened out...for his daughter was worth more than all the bullshit he was making her go through...Kc held Siera and consoled her after hearing of her husband's unfaithfulness.

Kyle tried to beg Siera for forgiveness, and finally after 2 months of ignoring him...she finally decided to get a divorce...and if he harassed her any, she was going to have Criss and her daddy magically make him disappear...permanently.  Siera took the kids and moved in with her dad and Beth...5 months later Siera, Dog, Beth,Criss, and Kc welcomed their newest family member to the household...Siera passed her around while Ashley, John, and Johnny were playing with building blocks.Siera passed her around while telling them all that her name was Ariana. When she made it to Criss's arms he said Uncle strikes again...and now he had an extra munchkin to love on...everyone laughed at Criss as all the kids gathered around him and played dog pile on each side of him and Johnny climbed on his shoulders to take a look at Ariana...then giggled and said, BAYBEY...everyone laughed and Siera lived happily ever after with her real loving family.

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