Outside The Lines Prompts

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Prompt: Theo thinks Dimitri is cheating on him

A couple people said they wanted this one when I mentioned it :p So, here you go!


                I shut my locker and spun around, jumping back in surprise. Oliver waved at me, standing dangerously close to my face.

                “Personal space Oliver,” I said, pushing him back.

                “Where’s sparkles?” he asked.

                “I have no idea,” I said. “Probably with Kim.”

                Thalia shut her locker, brightening up. “Let’s go find them!”

                I shrugged and we took off in search of my missing boyfriend. I spotted Kim and walked over to her.

                “Hey, where’s Dimitri?” I asked.

                “I thought the princess was with you,” she said in confusion.

                “We thought he was with you,” I said, equally confused. Dimitri was almost always with Kim in the morning.

                “Huh. I wonder where he went,” Kim said.

                “Probably getting himself into trouble,” I groaned. “I’m going to go find him.”

                I took off, leaving my friends and sister behind. I searched around until I spotted a cloud of glitter. Knowing my boyfriend was in there somewhere, I started walking towards him.

                I stopped and ducked behind a group of kids, realizing that Dimitri was talking to a pretty girl. The girl was giggling, and Dimitri had his usual smirk on his face.

                “Last night was so much fun Dimitri,” the girl said.

                “Indeed it was Nicole,” Dimitri agreed with nod.

                “Can we do it again sometime?” she asked, looking hopeful.

                “Anytime you want to,” Dimitri said, his smirk growing wider.

                She blushed. “Great. I’ll call you,” she said and turned, walking away from him.

                I clenched my fists, a combination of fear and anger coursing through me. What exactly had he been doing with this Nicole chick? He was known to be wildly promiscuous, but he had promised me that he was loyal in a relationship. But from the conversation I had just overhead, it didn’t seem that way.

                “Little Theodore.”

                I looked up, glaring at Dimitri. “What?”

                “What a rude way to greet your boyfriend,” he said, smirking. “What has you in such a foul mood, darling?”

                “Nothing,” I grumbled, turning and walking away.

                Dimitri followed me. “Now, how can anyone be so upset when they’re with someone as fabulous as me?”

                “Oh, get over yourself!” I snapped, drawing the attention of several of the kids around us.

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