Prompt #29

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Prompt: A day at the theme park, just the two of them. They do all the couple-y stuff and buy cotton candy and be cute and Dimitri wins Theo one of those giant stuffed animals at one of those stalls where you have to hit a target with a ball, and at the end of teh day, they finally go on the Ferris wheel and Theo gets all scared and panicked when it gets high up and Dimitri has to comfort him and Theo's obviously embarrassed, but Dimitri doesn't mind and awww lost of fluff and sweetness, please! 


               Dimitri managed to find a spot in the busy parking lot, and turned his car off. The two of us got out together and he took my hand in his as we walked in and bought tickets.

                “I haven’t been to a theme park in a while,” I said, looking around the busy place.

                “My family goes at least once a year,” Dimitri said. “So I decided to share the wonderful experience with you, little Theodore.”

                “Thanks,” I said, honestly grateful. Dimitri loved simple, cliché dates, and I guess this fell under that category.

                “Now, what shall we do first?” Dimitri asked, looking around.

                “We could get some cotton candy,” I suggested. “I haven’t had that in a long time.”

                “No cotton candy in a long time?” Dimitri asked in horror. “We must fix this! To the sugary goodness at once!”

                He dragged me away to a cotton candy booth and ordered each of us a bag. We walked side by side, occasionally bumping into each other. I let the sugary treat dissolve on my tongue and swallowed it down, having missed the sweet flavor of cotton candy.

                “You look so happy,” Dimitri said, grinning and kissing my cheek. “It’s adorable.”

                “You love Tarzan and I love cotton candy,” I said, ripping off another handful and sticking it in my mouth.

                Dimitri looked over and his eyes grew bright. “I shall win you a stuffed animal!”

                “I don’t want a stuffed animal,” I said, but he ignored me and dragged me over to a game where you had to hit the target with a ball.

                Dimitri eyed the stuffed animals, and his eyes fell to one of the giant ones. It was a giant stuffed dog. I mentally sighed as he thrust the cotton candy into my hands and slapped down his money.

                He picked up the ball and aimed carefully. Dimitri was really good at stuff like this, so I wasn’t even surprised when he managed to hit the target on his first try.

                “Impressive,” the guy running the stall said in surprise. “Which prize would you like, mister?”

                “That one,” he said, pointing at the giant dog.

                The guy got the dog down and handed it to Dimitri. Dimitri turned and held it out to me with a smile.

                “For you, my dear,” he said cheerfully.

                “Thanks,” I said, taking it from him and handing him back his cotton candy. “Are you going to name it?”

                “No! You must name it, little Theodore,” he said.

                I glanced at it. “Uh…Clyde?”

                “Clyde it is!” he said, patting the dog as if it were real.

                We finished our cotton candy and I sadly threw out the empty bag. I took Dimitri’s hand again, even though our hands were sticky from the cotton candy. We washed them quick before returning to the park.

                We ended up going on several rides together and getting food. The sun set, and we had about a half hour left for the theme park.

                “Come on! One last ride!” Dimitri said, pulling me over to the Ferris wheel. I looked up at it nervously. I was not a big fan of heights.

                But Dimitri seemed determined to go on, so I swallowed down my fear and crawled on next to him, setting Clyde down in front of us.

                The Ferris wheel started up and I nearly had a heart attack as we stopped at the top. Dimitri was looking out at the stars beginning to twinkle in the sky.

                “Why is it stopped?” I asked, my voice slightly hysterical. “Dimitri, why is it stopped?”

                He looked over curiously. “Little Theodore, are you afraid of heights?”

                “Maybe,” I squeaked out.

                He chuckled and pulled me close to himself, kissing me. He wrapped his arms around me and I resting my head on his shoulder.

                “It’ll be okay dear,” he assured, kissing me again.

                “I’m sorry,” I said, blushing in embarrassment.

                “Don’t worry about it,” he said, smiling. “I’m pleased that you came on here for me.”

                I tried not to focus on the height as I clung to Dimitri. “I love you, Dimitri. Today has been great. Other than the terrifying height.”

                “Today has been an amazing day,” he agreed, kissing me. “One of the best of my life.”

                “Oh, not the best?” I teased.

                “I believe the best was the day you finally agreed to be my boyfriend,” he said, and it should’ve sounded cliché but it just sounded sincere. “Either that or the day I got Hugo.”

                “You ruined it,” I said, laughing and hitting him in the arm.

                “Ah, true, but did you even noticed that we moved again?” he said.

                I looked out and realized that we were much lower now. I relaxed, but Dimitri kept his arms around me. I made no move to get out of his embrace.

                “Today has been lovely, little Theodore. I love you,” he said, kissing me and smiling.

                I closed my eyes, keeping my head on his shoulder. He held me closer to himself, and I smiled, not even minding when we ended up at the top of the Ferris wheel again because today had been amazing and I felt safe in Dimitri’s arms.

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