Prompt #25

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Prompt: Theo is by himself and hears a few guys talking shit about Dimitri so he confronts them and does damage but also gets his butt whooped and Dimitri finds out and gets all concerned about Theo


                I shut my locker and left the school. I had stayed after to finish up a project, and Thalia had caught a ride home with Dimitri.

                I went outside, heading towards the parking lot. Dimitri was probably at our house with Thalia, waiting for me to get home.

                I pulled out my phone to text him and stopped walking, typing away. I looked up as I heard the guys a little ways ahead of my talking.

                “Dimitri Ivanov?” one of them said.

                The other guy nodded. “Yea, I’m not shitting you Adam. The guy was talking to that hot friend of his. Kim, the one we have History with. Well, he was saying something about buying sparkles for his hair.”

                The guy, Adam, laughed. “Wow, seriously Chris? That guy is such a fucking faggot.”

                Chris also laughed. “Right? Someone said he had sex with Danni O’Dell. As if a faggot like him could ever get with someone like that. He probably only takes it up the ass.”

                “Get him on his knees where he belongs,” Adam said and snickered.

                “Man, that guy is such a flaming faggot. I hope he gets hit by a car,” Chris said, shaking head. “The world would be a much better place without people like him.”

                I glared at them in disgust. I glanced from the parking lot back to them. I would probably regret this, but I couldn’t just let them talk about Dimitri like that.

                “That ‘flaming faggot’ is my boyfriend,” I said, stepping up to them and glaring. “So you better take all that shit about him back.”

                They looked at me in surprise and then burst into laughter. I clenched my fists, glaring at them in hate.

                “I do recognize you as Ivanov’s little play thing,” Chris said.

                “How does it feel to be dating the biggest flamer on earth?” Adam asked.

                “It kind of feels like this,” I said and punched him in the face as hard as I could.

                He staggered back, staring at me in surprise. He and Chris glanced at each other before glaring and advancing at me.

                I punched Adam again and kicked Chris in the leg. I ducked away from them and punched Chris in the stomach.

                Adam came at me and I hit him again, this time splitting his lip. He yelped and backed away as I struck Chris furiously. Chris whimpered and covered his eyes gently. Oh, that’d be black and blue by tomorrow.

                Pissed off, they came at me, managing to tackle me to the ground. Chris sat on my chest and let his fists fly as Adam kicked me.

                I tried to defend myself and get away, but it was no use. They finally stopped, getting off of me and shooting me dirty looks.

                “Fag lover,” Adam snarled.

                “Don’t fuck with us. You’re just Ivanov’s pathetic bitch,” Chris spat, and the two stormed away from me.

                I rolled over after a few minutes and slowly got to my feet, wincing in pain. I limped down to the parking lot and got in my car, driving myself home.

                I went inside and to the living room, mentally groaning as Dimitri looked over. His eyes widened and he jumped up. Thalia looked over and gasped.

                “Theo!” she cried in alarm. “What happened to you?!”

                “Some guys were talking shit about Dimitri. I split one guy’s lip and gave the other a black eye before they overpowered me,” I grumbled.

                Dimitri came over and inspected my injuries, his fingers gentle as he tilted my head. He kissed me and gave me a horribly guilty look.

                “Little Theodore…you should’ve walked away,” he said quietly.

                “I couldn’t. They were insulting you,” I said angrily.

                “I don’t want to see you get hurt,” he said, and his voice was sharp and serious. “Just let it go next time. I don’t care what people say. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

                I stared at him in shock. “Are you mad?” I asked.

                “No. I’m upset,” he said with a sigh, pulling me into his arms and kissing me again. “I don’t like to see you injured, especially not from defending me. I appreciate it, I really do. But I hate to see you hurt.” He looked into my eyes with a serious expression. I could see the concern and guilt mixed in, though. “Your safety comes before my reputation. Let people talk poorly of me. I’ll handle that. Words fade. Scars don’t.”

                He sighed again. “I love you, little Theodore.”

                “I love you too,” I said, leaning against him.

                “And now I get to play nurse,” he said with a wink.

                I groaned. “I should’ve let them talk shit about you,” I said miserably, but I knew I would do the same thing next time someone spoke bad about Dimitri. I cared about him too much to just let people say horrible things about him. 

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