Prompt #22

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Prompt: Whenever your not busy. If you could do a prompt. About Dimitri and Theo arguing over who is better at playing pool, because Galen had wanted to learn how to do it.


                Galen was watching the two of us curiously. I broke and moved around, shooting stripes. Galen was up on his tip-toes, trying to watch the game.

                “I don’t get it,” he said. “Will you teach me how to play?”

                “Me?” I asked in surprise.

                Galen looked up and nodded. “Yea! You and Dimmy always play, and daddy likes to play too. He taught Dimitri how to play and said he’d teach me, but he’s always busy when I ask! And Alek doesn’t like to play.”

                “Galen, dear, I believe I’m the one you want to ask for instruction,” Dimitri said, stepping up with a smug grin. “After all, I’m better than my little Theodore here. No offence, darling.”

                “Offence taken,” I said, glaring at him. “I’ve beaten you before. Hence why we’re dating right now.”

                He waved his hand dismissively and pointed to his now healed eye. “In case you forgot, I was playing with a bit of a disadvantage, little Theodore. My eye was injured at the time and I couldn’t judge the correct angles to win.”

                “Excuses,” I said.

                “Honest excuses.” He went over and lifted Galen up, seating him on the edge of the pool table. “I shall teach you how to play, Galen.”

                “No, he asked me,” I said, getting annoyed. Dimitri could be so smug sometimes. I hated it. I was a good pool player.

                “Oh my, little Theodore. Are you jealous?” Dimitri asked, grinning.

                “I can see why you’re sister hates you so much,” I grumbled, aiming and shooting. The striped ball rolled into the corner pocket. “See? I’m just as capable as you, Dimitri.”

                “Anyone could make that shot,” Dimitri said. “I’ve been making shots like that ever since my father taught me how to play when I was small.”

                “I’ve been playing since I was a kid too,” I said. “I could teach Galen easily.”

                “As could I,” Dimitri said, chuckling. “Why, my father taught me how to play when I was very young. I needed a stool to reach the table when I learned.”

                “Well that’s because you were short as a kid,” I said, which was hard to believe since Dimitri was taller than a freaking skyscraper now. “Anyways, it doesn’t matter if you learned when you were still in the womb. I’m just as good as you, and I could teach him.”

                “I believe I have slightly more skill than you darling,” he said, kissing my cheek.

                “You’re so cocky. It’s annoying,” I growled, pushing him away from me. “What’s wrong with me teaching Galen?”

                “My fabulous little brother must learn from the best!” Dimitri said.

                “Dimitri, I’m just as good as you are. I’ve beaten you before,” I said, barely clinging to my patience. I hated when he thought he was so much better than me. “Besides, Galen asked me, not you.”

                “Simply because you were taking your turn at the time,” he said, grinning again. “Now, I should be the one to teach the wonderful child how to play.”

                “Quit being so smug about it. You’re not the best. Yea, you’re really good at playing. But you’re not the best, and you’re not better than me!” I said in annoyance. If anything, we were basically equal at playing.

                “I’m skilled in the geometry of the game,” Dimitri reminded. “You, my dear, lack mathematical skills.”

                “God, you’re such an a-” I snapped my mouth shut before I could say “ass” and glanced at Galen. “Such a jerk!”

                He chuckled. “Getting angry, little Theodore? You’re very skilled as well. I just tend to win most of our games.”

                “Stop it,” Galen said sternly and we both looked at him in surprise. He glared at us, straightening up to try to look bigger. “You can both teach me because you’re both really good! Don’t fight!”

                “Terribly sorry dear,” Dimitri said, ruffling his hair. “You’re right. We can both teach you!”

                I sighed. “Yea, I guess we can both teach you,” I said.

                Dimitri came over and kissed me. “I meant no harm to your reputation,” he said.

                “Shut up and let’s teach him,” I said, rolling eyes and kissing him quickly before moving over to Galen to start our little lesson with him. 

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